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董戈翔笔名白戈。别署虚斋,穆斯林撒拉族,青海循化人。1965年毕业于东南 师范大学美术系油画专业班。长时间 从事教学工作,特级教师。兰州1 中特级教师,现任甘肃穆斯林书画摄影协会副会长,甘肃省书画研讨 院副院长,中国美术家协会会员,甘肃省书法家协会会员。尊重传统艺术,讲求艺术纯粹,不薄今人,更厚昔贤。近30年来创作了大量油画、国画和书法作品,作品曾参加爱海内外的许多展览,出版发表作品多种,部分作品为国际及海外博物馆、画院、文史馆收藏,《甘肃画报》、《甘肃日报》做过专题、专版介绍。辞条辑入《世界当代书画名家大辞典》、《中国少数民族书画家辞典》《中国古代 美术家人名大辞典》、《中国当代美术家人名录》、《中国当代艺术界名人录》等辞书。
他系甘肃省独一 的美术特级教师,他尊重传统艺术,讲求艺术纯粹,笔墨简练,用色极为讲究,线条浓淡均以书功入画。董戈翔先生的小品笔墨简练,用色极为讲究,线条浓淡均以书功入画,而且入得那么巧妙,那么刚柔相济,那么书画天成。都晓得 董先生书画俱佳,可见书画俱佳者,会给本身 的艺术带来多大光彩!也有即会写有会画的人,但他们写是写画是画,互相没关系,为何 不能融会贯通呢?贯通需求 文明 涵养 ,艺术涵养 这两种涵养 均源于作人的涵养 。据我所知,董先生很少参加社会活动,也不参加各种展览,除教学外,画本身 的画除非友人相邀写字绘画外,他几乎很少与人交往。他是一名 沉默的画家,他又是一名 寂静的书法家,除几处穆斯林大餐馆,有他写字的匾额之外 ,他必然 因本民族盛情难确,他是不随便提笔的。他淡泊名利,洁身自奋,在我所认识的艺道朋友中,董先生是令我钦佩,我们接触不多,见他的书画不是告诉你许多书画以外 的事情吗!书中画中尽是无言语,书中画中尽是痴情心,如果说音乐最容易泄漏 1 个人的心思,那么书画最能隐藏着1 个人无底的修行。  淡泊知真味,常理是英奇。能够淡泊名利对作人来讲,可不是1 件大事 ,有多少人在名利下身败名裂,遗臭于世。有多少人为了名利舌甜尾摇,愿意 纵恶。淡泊名利即是涵养 又是修行,若想邪道 不偏,非得修行这四字不可。能够把这四个字做到,艺术,技巧还在话下吗?没这四个字不仅作人不高,难以升华,作为艺术家有了这四个字,即是境界升华之法宝。

Introduction to the artist

White dagger of Dong Gexiang pseudonym. Fasten arrange empty fast, moslem is scattered pull a group of things with common features, qinghai abide turns a person. Was graduated from art of northwest Normal University to fasten canvas major class 1965. Pursue teaching job for a long time, fancy teacher. Lanzhou one in fancy teacher, currently hold the post ofvice-chairman of association of photography of painting and calligraphy of Gansu Province Moslem, assistant dean of academy of painting and calligraphy of the Gansu Province, chinese artist academician, academician of calligrapher of the Gansu Province. Respect traditional art, skill of be particular about is real, not thin today person, more Hou Xixian. Will nearly 30 years create a large number of canvas, traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy work, work ever entered a lot of exhibitions of Jia Aihai inside and outside, publish publish work a variety of, partial work is collected for international and abroad museum, imperial art academy, Rearch Institute of Culture and History, " Gansu Province pictorial " , " Gansu Province daily " had become special subject, only edition introduction. Demit collect is entered " big dictionary of a person of academic or artistic distinction of world contemporary painting and calligraphy " , " dictionary of home of Chinese minority painting and calligraphy " " big dictionary of name of family of Chinese modern art " , " directory of family of Chinese contemporary art " , " China.
He fastens the art with exclusive the Gansu Province fancy teacher, he respects traditional art, skill of be particular about is real, writing is succinct, coloring is very exquisite, line shade all with book result suitable for a painting. The essay writing of Mr Dong Gexiang is succinct, coloring is very exquisite, line shade all with book result suitable for a painting, and enter so ably, aid of so firm soft posture, so day of painting and calligraphy is become. Know beautiful of all of Mr Dong painting and calligraphy, the person that see beautiful of all of painting and calligraphy, the art that meets oneself is brought how old glorious! Also have can keep the person that has meeting picture namely, but they are written is keeping a picture is a picture, have nothing to do with each other, why cannot Where is achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject? Be well versed in needs culture culture, artistic accomplishment these two kinds of accomplishment all result from the person's accomplishment. Be known according to me, mr Dong enters social activity rarely, also do not enter all sorts of exhibitions, outside dividing education, unless friend photograph is invited,paint oneself picture write outside brushwork, he interacts with the person rarely almost. He is a silent painter, he is a noiseless calligrapher, divide old restaurant of few points Moslem, beyond a horizontal inscribed board that he writes, he is certain because this ethical great kindness is difficult truly, he does not carry a pen casually. Fame and gain of his not seek fame and wealth, clean body from act vigorously, in the art path friend that knows in me, mr Dong is to make me admire, our contact is not much, is the painting and calligraphy that sees him to tell you the thing besides a lot of painting and calligraphy! Utterance all is not had in the picture in the book, spoony heart is full of in the picture in the book, if say music divulges the idea of a person the most easily, so painting and calligraphy most can under cover the individual's abysmal one cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine. Not seek fame and wealth knows true ingredient, constant manage is Ying Ji. Can fame and gain of not seek fame and wealth is told to making a person, can not be a bagatelle, how many person leaves lose all reputation in fame and gain, involuntary discharge of urine is smelly at the world. Have how many person for tongue of fame and gain sweet end shakes, against one's will vertical evil. Fame and gain of not seek fame and wealth is accomplishment namely it is cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine, if think correct path impartiality, have to cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine this 4 words cannot. Can accomplish these 4 words, artistic, is skill still below the word? Do not have these 4 words to make a person not only not tall, hard sublimate, had these 4 words as the artist, it is a magic weapon of state raising of things to a higher level namely.

