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孙洪敏 - 孙洪敏专访:女性的执着

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1961年9月生,吉林人,国家1 级美术师。现为广东画院创作室副主任,中国美术家协会会员,广东省美术家协会副主席,广东省美术家协会油画艺委会副主任。1988年毕业于广州美术学院油画系油画专业(本科),获学士学位,1999年广州美术学院油画系研修班结业。
广东画家孙洪敏以其作品《女孩》在全国十届美展获银奖而一鸣惊人 。在全国首届水粉画展上,孙洪敏的水粉画作品《少女》获得铜奖。近作《闲雨》,画面以矜持少女为题材,将她的抽象 与油画言语 相结合,画中1 个刻意坚守贞操防线的矜持少女,她固守身体的力量,毂是轻飘飘地无知觉地飞扬起来,身体是飞扬的,表情 却是沉重的,这是1 种单纯而茫然的气息,1 种属于年轻人的气息。年轻与单纯体如今 画面的物象上,色调是灰的,灰得像女孩的目光 ,没有具体的视点,眼睛此时不是在看,而是用来传递1 种精神形态 ,1 种飘渺的形态 。

Introduction to the artist

Unripe in September 1961, jilin person, country division of one class art. Write room vice director for Guangdong imperial art academy now, chinese artist academician, guangdong saves artist association vice-chairman, canvas of association of Guangdong province artist art appoint conference vice director. Was graduated from canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1988 is canvas major (undergraduate course) , obtain bachelor's degree, department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts ground 1999 the complete a course that repair a class.
Guangdong painter Sun Hongmin with its work " the girl " in the whole nation 10 beauty exhibit the award that obtain silver and become famous overnight achieve instant fame. It is on art exhibition of first soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes of countrywide, gouache work of Sun Hongmin " girl " win cupreous award. Make nearly " idle rain " , the picture is subject matter with missish girl, combine her figure and canvas language look, in the picture one stands fast painstakingly the missish girl of chastity line of defence, she is adherence the force of the body, hub is fly upwards buoyantly without conscious ground rise, the body flies upwards, the mood is heavy however, this is a kind of pure and spellbound breath, one kind belongs to the youth's breath. Young show to go up in the content elephant of the picture with pure form, tonal be ash, ash must resemble the girl's eye, without specific viewpoint, the eye is not to looking right now, use however deliver a kind of psychosis, a kind of wispy condition.

