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金冶,中国美术学院教授,著名油画家、美术理论家与教育家。1913年9月25日生于沈阳,北京人,满族。1950年4月调地方 美术学院华东分院(现中国美术学院)工作,前后 任教研组长、理论研讨 室主任,主编《美术座谈》、《美术理论材料 》、《美术研讨 》、《新美术》、《美术译丛》等刊物。1983年被聘为浙江省油画研讨 会顾问,1988年被聘为浙江美术评论研讨 会顾问,1988年任《中国大百科全书·美术》编委。1997年享用 国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。2002年获浙江省有突出贡献的老文艺家称号。1992年应巴黎国际艺术城约请 赴艺术之都巴黎,以罕见的精力倾心投入油画创作。2005年归国后,油画作品多次参加国内外大型展览并多次举办个展,多幅作品被国内外美术馆、博物馆和团体收藏。2006年6月出版大型画册《中国油画家·金冶》。2006年11月21日在杭州逝世,享年94岁。

Introduction to the artist

Jin Ye, chinese academy of fine arts is taught, egghead of home of famous oil painting, art and educationist. Was born at Shenyang on September 25, 1913, peking Man, manchu. Moved branch department of Hua Dong of central academy of fine arts in April 1950 (show Chinese academy of fine arts) the job, teach early or late grind director of group leader, academic lab, chief editor " art have an informal discussion " , " art theory data " , " art studies " , " new art " , " art interpret clump " wait for a journal. Was hired to be Zhejiang to save canvas seminar adviser 1983, was hired to be Zhejiang art to comment on seminar adviser 1988, held the post of 1988 " art of · of Chinese big encyclopedia " make up appoint. The government that enjoyed the State Council to issue 1997 is special and subsidiary. Obtained Zhejiang to omit the name of old literary home that has outstanding contribution 2002. Answered 1992 city of Parisian international art invites those who go to art Paris, admire devoted canvas creative work with infrequent energy. 2005 after homecoming, canvas work enters domestic and international large exhibition for many times and hold for many times exhibit, many work is collected by domestic and international art gallery, museum and organization. Published large an album of paintings in June 2006 " Jin Ye of · of Chinese canvas home " . Died in Hangzhou on November 21, 2006, die at the age of is 94 years old.

