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师承著名画家关山月和赵合涛先生。中国美术家协会会员、中国文明 艺术促进会会员、文明 部属文明 艺术研讨 员。历任长沙市群众艺术馆美术摄影部主任、长沙市美协副主席、湖南省美协理事,长沙天心书画院副院长、长沙致公书画院副院长、湖南致公书画院履行 院长等职。
长时间 以来,桂润年对西洋画、传统艺术、民间艺术有必然 研讨 、并努力 于融合在艺术创作当中 。特别在古代 水墨艺术的探索、新彩墨情势 的寻求 创新上已 取得较为可喜的成果。
80年代曾在银川、深圳举办联展,六次参加全国美展并多次加盟文明 部对欧美的展出,逾百幅各类作品在《人民日报》及多种刊物刊载、发表和介绍。另无数 十幅作品为国内外画廊、艺术馆、企事业单位及社会各界人士收藏。
个人传略入编《中国美术家大词典》《中国美术》《中国专家大词典》等等多部书画大词典。擅山水,长于人物,花鸟亦有所涉猎,所作为国内多家博物馆收藏。其《浏阳古城图》十米长卷,所画人物上百,房屋达千间,山水城楼,古树小桥,无不栩栩如生,被浏阳市政府将其永世 收藏,也是其代表作。

Introduction to the artist

Gui Runnian (1942.2, )  Alias green hill, hubei Wuhan person.  Be good at canvas, China drawing.  Was graduated from attached middle school of Hubei art college 1963, was graduated from Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1968.  House of art of masses of Hunan Province the Changsha City complementary Guide department vice director.  Work has " travel stepping a song " , " sublimate " , " Masaike " etc.  
Seam bay person. One's early years is graduated from attached middle school of Hubei academy of fine arts and Guangzhou academy of fine arts.
Renown painter closes Shi Chengzhu hill month and Mr Zhao Getao. Art of culture of Chinese artist academician, China promotes researcher of art of culture of affiliated to a ministry of conference member, culture. Have successively held the posts of beauty of head of department of photography of art of house of art of masses of the Changsha City, the Changsha City assist thing of beautiful assistant manager of vice-chairman, Hunan Province, assistant dean of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of Changsha day heart, Changsha sends assistant dean of courtyard of fair painting and calligraphy, Hunan to send courtyard of fair painting and calligraphy to carry out the duty such as the dean.
Long-term since, gui Runnian has certain research to western picture, traditional art, folk art, devote oneself to confluence to be in artistic creation. Special the pursuit of form of Chinese ink of the exploration in art of contemporary water Chinese ink, new variety has obtained relatively delectable positive result on innovation.
80 time ever were in Yinchuan, Shenzhen to hold couplet to exhibit, attend countrywide beauty 6 times to exhibit and join in culture ministry is opposite for many times exhibit Euramericanly, even more 100 of all kinds work are in " People's Daily " reach a variety of journals to publish, publish and introduce. 10 work are additional know exactly about sth domestic and international gallery, artistic house, enterprise or business unit and personage of social all circles are collected.
Individual biography brief is entered make up " Chinese artist big dictionary " " Chinese art " " Chinese expert big dictionary " wait big dictionary of much ministry painting and calligraphy a moment. Landscape of arrogate to oneself, long at the character, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style also somewhat dabble, what regard museum of domestic much home as to collect. Its " clear Yang Gucheng pursues " 10 Mi Changjuan, what draw a person about a hundred, the building amounts to 1000, landscape a tower over a city gate, ancient Shu Xiaoqiao, all without exception is lifelike, by clear in relief municipal government its permanent collect, also be its masterpiece. ? ?

