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卢柏森 - 卢柏森绝笔《中山舰蒙难》将现身拍

2022-03-11 17:37:29 3570




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卢柏森(1936.8—1997.12)广东东莞人。擅长油画。1957年毕业于中南美专油画系,曾在湖北省群众艺术馆美术组、中国美协武汉分会、武汉工艺美术研讨 所、武汉文联美术部、武汉画院工作。作品《练武归来》入选1965年全国美展,《水上人家》入选第七届全国美展,《龙州大赛》入选第二届全国体育美展,《黄金海岸》入选首届中国风景油画展,《夏日》入选北京国际艺苑展,《巍巍大别山》应邀参加纪念毛泽东同志诞辰100周年书画展。

Introduction to the artist

Lu Baisen (1936.8, person of 1997.12) Guangdong Dongguan. Be good at canvas. The South America in was graduated from 1957 only canvas is, form of art of house of art of masses of province of Ceng Zaihu north, China is beautiful assist institute of arts and crafts of Wuhan branch, Wuhan, Wuhan imperial art academy of ministry of Wen Lianmei art, Wuhan works. Work " practice martial arts returns " selected countrywide beauty was exhibited 1965, " the other people on water " selected beauty of the 7th whole nation is exhibited, " dragon state contest " selected beauty of sports of the 2nd whole nation is exhibited, " gold coast " selected canvas of first China scenery is exhibited, " summer " art and literary circles of selected Beijing international is exhibited, " lofty fastens hill greatly " play birthday of commemorative Comrade Mao Zedong 100 years on invitation book art exhibition. 

