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罗中立 - 罗中立 画家 父亲 掌门人

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1964年,以专业第一位 成绩,考入四川美术学院附中。
1977年,恢复高考,成为第1 届川美油画系先生 。
1984年,作为中国最早1 批公派留学艺术家,留学比利时皇家美术学院。
1998年,担任四川美术学院院长,带动构成 “以创作带教学”艺术教育人才培养新模式。
2009年,受聘担任中国艺术研讨 院中国当代艺术院院长,走上探索打破体制机制妨碍 ,促进中国当代艺术发展新里程。


1981年,油画《父亲》获全国青年美展1 等奖,人民日报金奖。作品被中国美术馆收藏,并入选国家教材,被认为是“当代美术史上的里程碑”。
最新个展《言语 的轨迹》(2010),《罗中立:置换的描绘》(2011),《中国乡土写实灵魂》(2012),充分展现 了作者在艺术领域内孳孳 不倦的持续探索精神。


 (1)打破枷锁 ,掀起了新中国历史上当代艺术的第1 次浪潮。
 罗中立的《父亲》,打破特殊时代中划一 划1 的艺术模式,以人文主义关怀,将艺术从政治的神坛还原到日常生活和人本身,并掀起和引领了新中国历史上当代艺术的第1 次浪潮伤痕美术和乡土绘画的发展。
 植根本土,情系农桑。在三十余年的艺术生涯中,坚持用画笔描绘农村,赞誉 农民,被称为当代的“米勒”。
 (3)中西融汇,探寻1 种不同于东方 前卫、也不同于中国传统艺术的艺术言语 和表达方式。
 1 方面经历了东方 艺术史零碎 的洗礼,1 方面植根中国本土艺术及民间文明 丰饶土壤,在艺术言语 的突破和探索中,逐步 构成 本身 独特的艺术言语 和个性化的艺术风格。

English Introduction

Born in Chongqing in July 23, 1947, early in his father under the influence of painting.
In 1964, the first professional achievement, was admitted to the Sichuan Fine Art Institute high school.
In 1968, American high school graduate, 10 years of rural life to Daba mountain.
In 1977, the resumption of college entrance examination, become the first oil painting department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute student.
1980, the creation of "father", driven Chinese native art, scar art development.
1984, as China's first batch of public sent to study artists, studying Royal Belgian Academy of Fine Arts.
In 1992, created to build a new platform for painting Luo Zhongli scholarship, Chinese by contemporary art students.
1998, as president of Sichuan Fine Art Institute, led the formation of "creative teaching" art education personnel training new model.
2009, employed as president of the Chinese Academy of contemporary art, Chinese Academy of Arts, embarked on exploration to break the barriers of institutional mechanisms to promote the development of contemporary Chinese art new mileage.
1981 oil painting "father" won the National Youth Art Exhibition Gold Award, the people's daily. Works by the Chinese Art Museum collection, and selected national textbooks, is considered to be a milestone in the history of contemporary art".
In 1982, the "hometown series" participated in the creation of the National Art College, known as the "Miller China".
In 1986, the first "5 works selected for the National Association and held in the United States of New York China contemporary oil painting exhibition".
Since 1994, one after another in the United States, Britain, France and Germany, Australia, Belgium, Taiwan and other places held a present exhibition, works by China Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum, Harvard University, Oklahoma State Art Gallery, Singapore Art Museum, National Museum, Taiwan, Belgium Chinese Kaohsiung mountain Museum authority collection.
In recent years, with the publication of works on the album "Chinese soul", "local realism", "school" hope of reunion among friends asked, "Luo" expressionism oil painting art etc., published more than 120 pieces of works.
The latest exhibition "language track" (2010), "Luo Zhongli: the replacement" (2011), depicting "China local realistic spirit" (2012), demonstrating the author diligently in art exploration spirit.

Luo Zhongli's artistic achievement, can be summarized as follows:
(1) breaking the shackles, setting off the first wave of contemporary art in the history of new china.
Luo Zhongli "father", break the special era uniform art mode, humanistic care, art from the political altar reduction into the daily life and the people, and set off to lead a new development and China history of contemporary art in the first wave of scar art and local painting.
(2) the Nongsang, always put on behalf of the group to focus the attention of the largest in Chinese: farmers.
Rooted in the local situation, nongsang. In more than thirty years of art career, adhere to the brush depicting the countryside, praise farmers, known as the contemporary "Miller".
(3) to explore the integration of Chinese and western, which is different from the Western avant-garde, but also different from the traditional China art language and expression.
On the one hand through the western system of art history of baptism, a rooted soil native art and rich folk culture China, in the language of art breakthrough and exploration, gradually formed its own unique artistic language and personalized artistic style.

