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于凉,字歌父。北京人。中国美术家协会会员,中国油画家学会会员,中国收藏家协会著名书画家,1 级美术师。早年毕业于北京教育学院美术系,师从中国油画先驱、色彩大师卫天霖先生传人赵1 堂教授。后又在北京师范学院和天津美术学院研修中国画。1985-1987年入地方 美术学院李骏戴泽等教授的油画高级研修班深造。1979年始,历任军委《人民炮兵》总参《古代 兵种》杂志高级美术编辑、编审。总参谋部高职美术创作干部。享用 正军职工资待遇。
长时间 军旅战役 生活的需求 ,创作了大量水粉宣扬 画、油画、中国画、版画、书法、插图等作品,被《解放军报》、《人民日报》、《北京日报》、人民美术出版社、地方 电视台等媒体发表和采用。连续获得总参首届,2·3··4·5美术创作奖。多次参加全国、全军美展获奖和被国家级博物馆收藏。
1996年8月1日,为军委创作的宣扬 画《董存瑞》随同其他5 位英模画像和毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民党的三代领导核心题词一同 印发全军,在连以上单位统1 悬挂张贴,荣立三等功。
2001年7月,创作油画《董存瑞》参加了《光辉八十年全国人物画精品展》并被收藏。2003年为地方 军委大楼绘制巨幅油画《董存瑞》。1985年始,在传统的基础上研习中国画技法,成果明显 ,逐步 构成 “于凉雪歌父松”的高调风格。2004年中国画《万壑松风》。被香港中华文明 艺术中心《华人世界》、联合评选为“2004年中华风云人物奖”。2005年巨幅《观沧海》在“中国画家作品2005今秋国际展”展出,被国际展组委会授予“百名中国书画家”荣誉称号。2006年被国际中华艺术学会授予“德艺双馨艺术家”称号。2007年8月至2009年再作巨幅油画《董存瑞》参加了建国60周年全军美展和建军八十周年全国美展。2011年6月油画《董存瑞》参加《我们 共产党人----庆祝中国共产党成立90周年全国美展特展》。

Introduction to the artist

 Yu Liang, word song father. Peking Man. Chinese artist academician, academician of Chinese oily painter, chinese collector association is famous home of painting and calligraphy, division of one class art. One's early years is graduated from Beijing to teach academic art to fasten, division passes person Zhao Yitang to teach from Great Master of Chinese canvas pioneer, colour Mr Wei Tianlin. Mix in institute of Beijing normal school again after Tianjin academy of fine arts grinds the traditional Chinese painting in repairing. 1985-1987 year enter Li Jun of central academy of fine arts, the canvas of the professor such as Dai Ze is advanced grind long class takes advanced courses. 1979 only then, have successively held the posts of a the Central Military Commission " people artillerist " total ginseng " contemporary arm of services " the notes is senior art editor, read and edit. Art of high post of the headquarters of the General Staff produces a cadre. Enjoy pay of pay of official post in the army.
Long-term the need that army brigade battle lives, created the picture of poster of many soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, canvas, China, woodcut, calligraphy, work such as illustration, by " the liberation army signs up for " , " People's Daily " , " Beijing daily " , the media such as people art publishing house, CCTV is published and use. Obtain total ginseng continuously first, 3 · of 2 · 5 art create 4 · of · award. Attend beauty of the whole nation, horse and foot to exhibit for many times bear the palm and be collected by national level museum.
On August 1, 1996, the poster that creates for the the Central Military Commission " Dong Cunrui " be accompanying is other the 3 generation of picture of 5 flower models and Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin party lead core epigraph one case horse and foot of print and distribute, in integrate even above unit pensile paste, flourish establishs third class meritorious service.
July 2001, creation canvas " Dong Cunrui " attended " 80 years high-quality goods of countrywide character picture exhibits brightness " be collected. Was scale of building of central the Central Military Commission 2003 gigantic a canvas " Dong Cunrui " . 1985 only then, china is studied to paint ability way on traditional foundation, achievement is outstanding, form gradually " at cool Xue Ge father loosens " high-key style. The traditional Chinese painting in 2004 " Song Feng of 10 thousand big pool " . By center of art of culture of Hong Kong China " Chinese world " , choose jointly for " 2004 award of China man of the time " . Gigantic 2005 " view the sea " in " Chinese artist work 2005 today autumn international is exhibited " showpiece, be exhibited by international the organizing committee awards " home of 100 China painting and calligraphy " honorary title. Was learned to award by international China art 2006 " artist of De Yishuang strong and pervasive fragrance " title. Came to was made again 2009 in August 2007 gigantic a canvas " Dong Cunrui " attended to found a state 60 years to beauty of horse and foot is exhibited and found an army 80 years countrywide beauty is exhibited. In June 2011 canvas " Dong Cunrui " attend " our Communist----Congratulatory Chinese Communist establishs countrywide beauty 90 years to exhibit exhibit especially " .

