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吴良发(1944.4—)湖北省武汉市人。湖北水墨画院院委委员兼秘书长,中国美术家协会会员,湖北美术家协会理事,国家1 级美术师,湖北省美术院专业画家。山水画作品《绿色田野 》曾入选《首届中国美术家协会会员中国画精品展》、《全国首届中国山水画作品展览》;国画《高峡银晖》入选第八届全国美展;国画《云岭滴翠》入选世界华人书画展;作品《浮云黄昏后》入选2004年首届中国美术家协会会员中国画精品展等由中国文明 部、中国美术家协会、中国画研讨 院、文明 部外展公司主办的全国性展览及出国展。有作品获《情系西部国际书画摄影大展》、《当代中国工笔画展》、《中国禅佛书画展》优秀作品奖等。作品《十月》、《独步云霄》获得第九届湖北省美术作品展银奖及湖北省中国画、油画、水彩画作品展学术奖。《中国画》、《中国书画》、《国画家》、《美术界》、《江苏画刊》等专业性刊物及北京、陕西、河南、山东、湖北、深圳等地出版的大型画集均有个人专题介绍或作品介绍。出版有个人作品集。
Introduction to the artist
Wu Liang is sent (1944.4, ) person of city of Hubei province Wuhan. Hubei wash courtyard courtyard appoint the committee member holds secretary-general concurrently, chinese artist academician, director of Hubei artist association, country division of one class art, hubei saves painter of art courtyard major. Landscape painting work " green open country " ever selected " high-quality goods of the traditional Chinese painting in academician of first China artist is exhibited " , " work of landscape painting of first China of countrywide is exhibited " ; Traditional Chinese painting " Gao Xia Yin Hui " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited; Traditional Chinese painting " cloud mountain drop is emerald green " art exhibition of book of selected world Chinese; Work " after cloud drift is crepuscular " selected high-quality goods of the traditional Chinese painting in academician of first China artist exhibited the national exhibition that the company exhibits to sponsor outside waiting to draw ministry of academy, culture by association of artist of Chinese culture ministry, China, China to reach 2004 go abroad exhibit. Work is obtained " affection is western photography of international painting and calligraphy is exhibited greatly " , " art exhibition of contemporary China traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail " , " art exhibition of book of Chinese buddhist Buddha " outstanding work reward. Work " October " , " alone Bu Yunxiao " work of the traditional Chinese painting in obtaining the 9th Hubei to save art work to exhibit silver-colored award and Hubei province, canvas, aquarelle exhibits academic award. " China is drawn " , " Chinese painting and calligraphy " , " home of traditional Chinese painting " , " art group " , " Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " etc professional what and other places of journal and Beijing, Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong, Hubei, Shenzhen publishs is large. Publish have individual work market.

