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邹永新,男,1966年生于邯郸,本籍 山东省莘县。现为邯郸学院艺术学院艺术设计系主任,教授。1989年毕业于河北师范大学美术系,2012获河北师大艺术学硕士学位。中国美术家协会会员,邯郸美术家协会副主席、艺术设计艺委会主任,中国包装协会会员,中国民主同盟盟员,民盟邯郸美术院副院长。绘画及设计作品曾多次参加国家级、省级美展,荣获过全国金奖、1 等奖等奖项。并在美术界核心刊物和多本画册上发表过作品。2006年,油画作品《回家》获《第三届中国西部大地情中国画、油画作品展》金奖。2011年,获邯郸市第5 届文艺复兴 奖、贡献奖。

Introduction to the artist

Zou Yongxin, male, gave birth to Yu Han Dan 1966, ancestral home Shandong saves Shen county. Be art of institute of art of Han Dan institute to design now is a director, professor. Was graduated from faculty of art of Heibei Normal University 1989, 2012 obtain Heibei division great skill to learn master's degree. Chinese artist academician, vice-chairman of association of Han Dan artist, artistic design art appoint conference chairman, china packs academician, chinese democracy is affined leaguer, assistant dean of courtyard of art of Dan of civilian alliance Han. Brushwork and design work ever attended national level, provincial beauty to exhibit for many times, had had the honor to win the award such as countrywide gold prize, first prize. Mix in journal of art group core work has been published on this an album of paintings more. 2006, canvas work " come home " obtain " the 3rd China western work of the traditional Chinese painting in earth affection, canvas is exhibited " gold prize. 2011, city of the Dan that obtain Han the 5th literary revitalize award, contribution award.

