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2022-03-11 17:36:57 3508




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张军节,广州市人,职业画家,中国美术家协会会员,中国工艺美术学会会员,从事油画艺术研讨 三十余年。
次要 艺术经历:
《天光墟之生意不错的行当》入选第十1 届全国美展
《中华全国总工会旧址》入选百年风云广东近代当代,严重 历史题材美展并获优秀奖中共广东省委宣扬 部收藏

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Jun section, guangzhou city person, professional painter, chinese artist academician, academician of Chinese arts and crafts, be engaged in canvas art studying more than 30 years.
Main skill experiences:
" the argy-bargy of daylight ruins " beauty of 30 years of whole nations exhibits reforming and opening of selected souvenir China
" the antique pedlar of daylight ruins " selected 2008 art exhibition of hill of gold of Chinese a hunderd schools
" the line of business with the good business of daylight ruins " selected eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited
" daylight ruins " art of province of 30 years of Guangdong exhibits reforming and opening of selected souvenir China and win outstanding award
" old house " art of province of 55 years of Guangdong exhibits selected souvenir National Day
" wild taro " selected Guangdong saves art of the 3rd contemporary canvas to exhibit
" site of federation of trade unions of China whole nation " selected Guangdong of hundred years wind and cloud is latter-day and contemporary,

