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齐梦慧,教授,国学学者,1935年7月生,河北乐亭人,满族。1963年地方 美术学院油画系(董希文工作室)毕业,从师董希文詹建俊梁运清、林刚、李苦禅黄均齐梦慧是一名 德高望众的美术教育家和当代有影响的艺术大家。历任世界华人联合会(总会)主席团主席、中国传统文明 促进会高级艺术顾问、中国艺术家交流协会毕生 名誉主席等。
几十年在高校执教并从事艺术创作,新时期三十年来跟随 时代步伐,创作了歌颂国家几代领导人的油画作品;出于缅怀巨人 的红色情怀之情画了大量毛主席像;同时作为肖像画家应邀为社会名流、企业家等各行各业人士画了数以百计的肖像画;为大会堂、纪念馆、宾馆、公园、车站、工厂和学校等,采用不同情势 设计了1 批大型壁画;他在创作实践中探索,创作了口吹技法的油画风景画;他现年七十多岁了迎着伟大民族复兴的春风吹来精神唤发,老骥伏枥奋笔挥毫创作“阳光生命系列”的新视觉艺术作品。
他的作品收入《世界美术集》、《中国美术全集》,在国内、外展出,被国家和私人收藏,重要书刊和网上广泛收录、刊发。这位用赤诚的心谱写艺术乐章的艺术家,以他的艺术精神、艺术意志和艺术良心博得 了社会广泛赞誉。他在社会各种评奖活动中获得多种奖项,被授予多种荣誉称号、立功等,事迹 收入数百种专家专集与名典。
2007年文明 部文明 艺术人才中心提名审定后编辑出版的,中国改革开放30年文明 艺术经典收藏 版——《中国艺术大家》艺术经典专辑中,作为几十位中国著名艺术大家,入编了《世纪潮》、《东方红》、《世纪握手》、《著名太极拳史论家吴文翰先生肖像》等作品;被中华名人书画院等单位评为“中华名流当代百杰艺术家”,油画类荣获金奖;被“中国精神文明”杂志编委会评选为百名“迎奥运促和谐楷模金奖”;被中国文艺家协会,中国名家书画院推荐,经首届中国文艺金鹰奖评委会审定,被评为“首届中国文艺金鹰奖”名家成就奖;由中国名家书画院审定,授予“中国书画名家金马奖”;亚太国际系列期刊直通DIRECTVIP专栏记者就有关领袖作品的构思、油画中国风、壁画的创作实践、口吹技法的油画探索、新视觉艺术创作、个人艺术人生之路等诸多成绩 回答了记者,杂志用大量篇幅刊发在期刊上;
2006年绘画作品经中国民族书画院评定,授予“中华国粹民族艺术家”荣誉称号,同时被授予“中华国粹图腾奖”;河北省“当代书画家”杂志以“赤诚的心谱写艺术乐章的人”为题作了点评;被中国国际文艺家联合会等单位联合审定,评为“中国文艺毕生 成就艺术家”书画艺术金奖;被中华名人协会,中国书画研讨 院,评为“风云人物”金奖;在纪念红军长征胜利70周年庆祝中国共产党建党85周年活动中,油画类作品被评定为绘画组特别金奖,授予本人“毕生 成就奖”;中亚联合国际经济发展研讨 中心,为彰显时代创新杰出人才,经研讨 中心核准,特补充 齐梦慧为中心高级研讨 员,同时授予2006年度世界百名行业创新杰出人才金奖;中国管理科学研讨 院改革与发展研讨 所,在“改革先锋”评选活动中,被授予“改革先锋”金奖;被中国书画研讨 院艺委会授予“中华金奖艺术名家”作品评为“传世金奖”;为临济宗第四十5 代传人(常理)有明长老92岁诞辰写真祝寿;西部美术报用四个整版的篇幅以“激情燃烧的旋律”为总标题发表了大量《阳光生命系列》抽象表现作品和赏析文章;
2005年油画《世纪潮》在“世界遗产杯”国际书画大赛展精品集中,经组委会审评获“世界遗产杯金奖”;被中国纪录年鉴汇编委员会严厉 鉴证评定,授予《华夏精英》金奖荣誉称号;被人民日报,中国旧事 出版报,中国文明 报,中国作家杂志社等单位,联合评定为“德艺双馨艺术家”荣誉称号;中华魂——纪念抗日和平 胜利60周年,翰墨典藏编委会,授予“中华杰出艺术家”金奖荣誉称号;
2004年在国际艺苑之星书画艺术大赛中油画《世纪潮》评为老年组金奖;《世纪潮》、《揽胜》作品为纪念邓小平诞辰100周年,应广东民营企业书画摄影大赛展约请 去广东佛山展出,《世纪潮》由组委会精印广泛赠送社会;纪念毛泽东同诞辰110周年大型系列书画艺术作品中油画《回归情》,被评为优秀作品1 等奖;对以上两幅作品石家庄日报用整版篇幅,以“用心讴歌时代巨人 ”的通栏标题赞评;
1998年油画《世纪潮》、《揽胜》受到中宣部丁关根部长和尺浩田同志的好评,《揽胜》被中共地方 主办的“求是”杂志选为98第1 期封面;这两幅作品中国民航报头版头条以“感受时代巨人 的魅力”为题,大篇幅发表;《世纪潮》、《揽胜》、《回归情》等几幅作品经国际美术联合会严厉 评宙,被评为“20世纪国际名家成就艺术大奖”银奖艺术家;“中华巨龙腾飞图”设计稿完成召开了旧事 发布会,燕赵晚报以“他创造了世界之最”为题,用整版篇幅向社会作了介绍;
1994年大型瓷版壁画《火凤迎朝阳》在邯郸钢厂组装;大型高温花釉陶版壁画《奔向光辉将来 的旋律》在石家庄链轮总厂组装完成;在省外办和市政协的大力支持下,在圣诞节成功举办齐梦慧“友谊之桥画展”接待了来自各国的朋友和留先生 参观画展并开展多种联谊活动;
1993年两幅《腾飞》镶嵌壁画在石家庄1 职中新教学楼外墙吊装;河北沙河火车站候车大厅丙稀壁画《春回大地》绘制完成;
1992年在河北师大由副教授晋升为教授;选为民盟省委委员、市委副主任委员、市人大常委、政协副秘书长等,为师大附中邵逸夫教学楼设计《面向古代 化、面向世界、面向将来 》的壁画;
1991年河北美协召开省壁画研讨 会成立会议,传达全国壁画会议精神,会上被选为壁画研讨 会会长;受河北省外事办公室拜托 ,为出访加拿大的河北省政府代表团绘制《诺尔曼白求恩肖像》,作品赠加拿大安大略州白求恩纪念馆;
1989年《孙悟空三借芭蕉扇》铜壁画在河北省庆建国四十周年河北美展中获得1 等奖,该壁画作品参加第七届全国美展;应邀为老1 辈革命家原国家最高人民检察长黄火青画像;
1987年大型壁画碑《先贤伟绩昭日月》在邢台达活泉公园郭守敬纪念馆落成;此壁画被评为河北省文艺复兴 奖,并荣立三等功;通过烧制壁画,从釉的结晶和流动中迸发灵感,创造了油画口吹的技法;创作了《平湖轻舟》、《清水江》、《生命乐章》、《清露》等1 批具有独特风格的油画风景画;
1985年受拜托 为天津渤海石油公司外宾舞厅设计制造 铜版腐饰壁画《孙悟空三借芭蕉扇》;为石油公司职工餐厅设计镶嵌壁画《漓江胜境》;《傲风》油画,参加北京风景画约请 展;
1984年去邯郸、唐山、淄博、宜兴、洛阳、曲阳等地,研讨 考查壁画材料;烧制釉上采壁画《八十七神仙卷》,该画在天津东沽职工俱乐部贵宾厅组装;
1982年受拜托 为新建石家庄邮电大楼营业大厅、设计绘制大幅油画风景《春风万里四海寄情》;
1978年油画《华主席与各族人民心连心》作品完成,该画由国家民委民族出版社,民族画报,天津市革委,青海知青办,河北省计生委,河北美术出版社等大量印刷出版,此时正逢全国各少数民族自治区、州、县成立二十周年,此画由国家民委广泛赠送各地,随着政治情势 的发展“两个凡是”把人们的思想继续束缚在“文明 大革命”的年代里了,通过全党全国人民真谛 标准的大讨论,随着十1 届三中全会的召开,这幅作品自然就成了历史;
1973年参加艺校组织的沙家邦剧组下乡巡回表演 ;
1968年由省文办任命担任“东北 春雷”表演 团负责人组织为社会表演 ;
1966年文明 大革命开始,停止了正常工作;
1965年中国美协抽调参加东北 美术工作队,深入贵州、云南铁道兵部队生活;
1964年调地方 “四清”工作团去贵州晴隆县搞“四清”;
1963年地方 美院毕业后统1 分配去贵州大学艺术系任教,担任师专班班主任教油画课;
1958年考入地方 美术学院油画系(入董希文工作室)学习(本科5 年),受教于董希文、许幸文、戴泽韦启美詹建俊林岗梁运清等诸位先生;
1935年生于河北乐亭农村1 个贫苦农民家人;

Introduction to the artist

Qi Menghui, professor, the country learns a scholar, unripe in July 1935, person of Heibei happy booth, manchu. Canvas of academy of fine arts is fastened in the center of 1963 (Dong Xiwen atelier) graduation, from Shi Dongxi article, Zhan Jianjun, Liang Yunqing, Lin Gang, Li Kuchan, Huang Jun. Qi Menghui is heart Gao Wang's numerous art educationist and influential now artistic everybody. Have successively held the posts of world Chinese federation (total meeting) traditional culture of presidium chairman, China promotes artist of can senior artistic adviser, China to communicate association lifelong honorary president.
Teach a few years in the college and be engaged in artistic creation, new period comes 30 years follow times pace, created eulogize country the canvas work of a few acting leader; The affection of the gules feelings that stems from recall great person drew a large number of Chairman Mao chairmans to resemble; Waited for personage of all trades and professions to draw many portraiture for public figure, entrepreneur on invitation as portraitist at the same time; Wait for congress hall, memorial hall, guesthouse, park, station, factory and school, used different form to design a batch of large mural; He is creating the exploration in practice, created a mouth to blow the canvas landscape of ability law; He is more than 70 years old the spring breeze that great nation revives blows prep against spirit is called out hair, does pen of act vigorously of manager of old dog days aing thoroghbred horse wield his writing brush creation " sunshine  Life series " work of art of new visual sense.
His work income " world art market " , " Chinese art complete works " , in home, outside showpiece, be mixed by the country private collect, on important books and periodicals and net collect extensively, print hair. This uses the artist of the movement of heart compose art of absolute sincerity, the artistic spirit with him, artistic volition and artistic conscience won a society wide recognition. He is in the society wins a variety of award in activities of all sorts of decide on awards through discussion, be awarded a variety of honorary title, make contributions to wait, outstanding achievement income hundreds kinds of expert only collect and name are in charge of.
The editor after nomination of center of person with ability of craft of culture ministry culture is authorized 2007 publishs, chinese reforming and opening art of 30 years of culture is classical collect carefully edition -- " China is artistic everybody " in artistic and classical special, regard a few China as famous and artistic everybody, into made up " the century is wet " , " east is red " , " century handclasp " , " famous shadowboxing history effigies of considering the home Mr Wu Wenhan " wait for work; Be judged to be by the unit such as courtyard of China celebrity painting and calligraphy " China distinguished personages is contemporary 100 outstanding artist " , canvas kind have the honor to win a gold prize; By " Chinese spiritual civilization " the magazine is made up appoint can choose it is 100 " receive gold prize of model of harmony of Olympic Games hurried " ; By association of Chinese literary home, courtyard of painting and calligraphy of Chinese a person of academic or artistic distinction is recommended, via first China joint hearing of commissioner of award of literary gold eagle is decided, be judged to be " award of eagle of first China literary gold " a person of academic or artistic distinction makes award; Draw by book of Chinese a person of academic or artistic distinction the courtyard is authorized, award " award of horse of gold of a person of academic or artistic distinction of Chinese painting and calligraphy " ; Reporter of direct DIRECTVIP column concerns periodical of Asia-Pacific international series a lot of problem such as the road of life of art of creative work of art of the canvas exploration that the creation practice of wind of China of the conception of cacique work, canvas, mural, mouth plays ability way, new visual sense, individual answered a reporter, the magazine is with hair of much space print on periodical;
Paint drew courtyard assess via Chinese nation book 2006, award " artist of nation of China the quintessence of a country " honorary title, be awarded at the same time " China the quintessence of a country  Totemic award " ; Heibei is saved " home of contemporary painting and calligraphy " magazine with " the person of the movement of heart compose art of absolute sincerity " comment on to was inscribed; By China International the unit combination such as literary home federation is authorized, judge for " China is literary and lifelong achievement artist " gold prize of art of painting and calligraphy; By China celebrity association, credential draws an academy in, judge for " man of the time " gold prize; In souvenir victory of Red Army long march celebrates Chinese Communist found a party 70 years 85 years in the activity, canvas kind work is to draw by assess group of special gold prizes, award oneself " lifelong achievement award " ; In inferior U.N. border economy grows a research center, to reveal times innovation phenom, via research center approve, especially supplementary Qi Menghui is a center senior researcher, award 2006 year world gold prize of phenom of 100 industries innovation at the same time; China runs scientific academy reform and development institute, be in " reform pioneer " in selection activity, be awarded " reform pioneer " gold prize; By academy of Chinese painting and calligraphy art appoint can award " famous expert of art of China gold prize " make comment on be " gold prize of be handed down from ancient times " ; To face aid an administrative unit in Xizang the 45th generation sends a person (often manage) have bright presbyterial congratulate on sb's birthday of photo of 92 years old of birthday; The space that art newspaper uses 4 full page western with " passionate flaming air " published for total caption a large number of " sunshine  Life series " abstract expression work and the article that admire analyse;
2005 canvas " the century is wet " in " world bequest cup " contest of international painting and calligraphy exhibits high-quality goods concentration, judge via organizing committee careful obtain " gold prize of world bequest cup " ; By committee of collection of Chinese record almanac assess of card of strict ancient bronze mirror, award " elite of an ancient name for China " gold prize honorary title; By the People's Daily, chinese news publishs a newspaper, chinese culture signs up for, the unit such as company of Chinese writer magazine, associated assess is " artist of De Yishuang strong and pervasive fragrance " honorary title; China fetch -- commemorative War of Resistance Against Japan wins 60 years, tibet of allusion of brush and ink is made up appoint meeting, award " China is crackajack artist " gold prize honorary title;
The astral painting and calligraphy in international art and literary circles is artistic 2004 the canvas in the contest " the century is wet " judge for senile group gold prize; " the century is wet " , " pull get the better of " work is birthday of commemorative Deng Xiaoping 100 years, should contest of photography of painting and calligraphy of enterprise of Guangdong civilian battalion is exhibited invite go to Guangdong Fosan exhibiting, " the century is wet " imprint by organizing committee essence give a society extensively; Commemorate Mao Zedong is the same as birthday 110 years the canvas in work of art of large series painting and calligraphy " recursive affection " , be judged to be outstanding work first prize; To above daily of two work Shijiazhuang uses full page space, with " great person of intention eulogize age " banner headline assist is judged;
Via world Chinese art joint hearing of commissioner of elite achievement award was judged 2003, paint is judged to be world Chinese art " elite achievement gold resembles award " ;
Design, total 2000 supervise the manufacture of is 99 meters long, tall the 9 white marble of rice are gigantic make relief sculpture " China megalosaurus flies graph " ; "Qi Menghui art exhibition " hold in Beijing China art gallery, showpiece of all kinds work 80;
1999 by Hong Kong press of phlogistic yellow international is judged for " hundred years man of the time of Chinese " become this to cross century character's classical gold prize gainer; Of the same age is passed to center a heart to award by celebrity of Hong Kong world " large award of world Chinese man of the time " ;
1998 canvas " the century is wet " , " pull get the better of " get of Ding Guangen of China Communist News Ministry's minister and comrade of feet grand cropland reputably, " pull get the better of " be sponsorred by the Central Committee of Communist Party of China " begging is " magazine choosing is cover of 98 first phase; Civil aviaton of China of these two work signs up for in the front article of the front page. with " the glamour that feels age great person " for the problem, large space is published; " the century is wet " , " pull get the better of " , " recursive affection " wait for federation of art of international of classics of a few work to criticize time strictly, be judged to be " large award of art of achievement of a person of academic or artistic distinction of 20 centuries international " silver-colored award artist; "China megalosaurus flies graph " design draft is finished held a press conference, yan Zhao is anounced late " he created the world most " for the problem, made the introduction to the society with full page length;
Finished 1997 " the century is wet " , " pull get the better of " , " recursive affection " 3 canvas work;
Was creation canvas 1996 " the century is wet " , " pull get the better of " conception, collect material;
1995 white marble anaglyph " rise abruptly " spend mural of glazed pottery edition with high temperature " go straight towards Xiang Huihuang " in the wall outside Heibei congress hall advocate hoisting establishing a range;
Mural of edition of large 1994 porcelain " igneous Feng Yingchao is in relief " in Han Dan steelworks is assembled; Mural of edition of beautiful glazed pottery of large high temperature " the air that approachs Xiang Guanghui tomorrow " in Shijiazhuang chain wheel total factory is assembled finish; Do outside the province and of city the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference support energetically below, qi Menghui is held successfully in christmas " the bridge art exhibition of friendship " recieved the friend that comes from each country and student studying abroad to visit art exhibition to develop a variety of couplet friendship activities;
1993 two " fly " enchase mural in Shijiazhuang the Protestantism in one duty learns hoisting of the wall outside the building; Railway station of Heibei sanded river waits hall third rare mural " spring answer the earth " scale is finished;
Promoted to a high office by the associate professor greatly in Heibei division 1992 for the professor; Anthology wait for deputy secretary-general of members of standing committee of National People's Congress of committee member of committee member of civilian alliance provincial Party committee, vice director of municipal Party committee, city, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,
Heibei is beautiful 1991 assist hold province mural seminar to establish the conference, communicate spirit of countrywide mural conference, be chosen to be mural seminar chairman on the meeting; Suffer Heibei to save external affairs office to entrust, save governmental delegation scale to visit Canadian Heibei " Nuoerman Beg favour effigies in vain " , work gives Canada to install rude city to beg favour memorial hall in vain;
Attended Chinese beauty 1990 assist the countrywide mural meeting that holds in Jiangsu Nantong organization;
1989 " Sun Wu is empty 3 borrow palm-leaf fan " cupreous mural is celebrated in Heibei province found a state 40 years Heibei is beautiful first prize is won in exhibiting, this mural work attends beauty of the 7th whole nation to exhibit; It is former state of older generation revolutionist on invitation picture of Huang Huoqing of top people chief procurator;
Carried in one's own handwriting by Xing Chongzhi of secretary of provincial Party committee 1988 write first when exhibit a name " Qi Menghui art exhibition " , in Heibei province museum exhibits;
Tablet of large 1987 mural " life of clear of wise man great exploits " in Xing Taida Shou Jingji of Guo of vivid spring park reads aloud house completion; This mural is judged to be Heibei the province is literary revitalize award, and the result such as Rong Lisan; Pass fire mural, inspiration bursts forth in the crystallization from glair and flow, created the ability way that canvas mouth plays; Created " smooth lake canoe " , " clear water river " , " life movement " , " Qing Lou " the canvas landscape that waits to have distinctive color one batch;
The member that was approved to be Chinese beautiful association by Chinese artist association 1986;
Sufferred 1985 entrust for design of ballroom of foreign guest of Petroleum Company of Tianjin Bohai Sea corrupt of the copperplate that make acts the role of mural " Sun Wu is empty 3 borrow palm-leaf fan " ; For dining-room of Petroleum Company worker the design enchases mural " condition of Li Jiang Sheng " ; " be proud wind " canvas, attend Beijing landscape to invite exhibit;
Went 1984 rich of Han Dan, Tang Shan, Zi, appropriate is promoted, and other places of Luoyang, Qu Yang, study check mural data; Mural is collected on fire glair " 87 immortals coil " , this picture is in Tianjin east hall of honoured guest of buy worker club is assembled;
Created 1983 " Sun Wu is empty 3 borrow palm-leaf fan " canvas group picture, heibei pictorial is published;
Sufferred 1982 entrust to build scale of business hall of building of Shijiazhuang post and telecommunications, design considerably canvas scenery " spring breeze 10 thousand lis  Lovemaking of the four seas " ;
Held the position of Heibei to save the United States 1979 assist total commissioner;
1978 canvas " China chairman and heart linked to heart of every nationality people " work is finished, this picture by the country civilian appoint ethical publishing house, ethical illustrated magazine or newspaper, tianjin city remove from office appoint, qinghai educated youth does, heibei saves family planning appoint, heibei art publishing house wait for a large number of pressworking to publish, meeting municipality of countrywide each minority, city, county holds water 20 years right now, this picture by the country civilian appoint give each district extensively, the development as political situation " two always " continue the thought of people to manacle in " the Great Cultural Revolution " in time, discuss of standard of truth of the people of the whole country greatly through entire party, as 11 3 in of plenary meeting hold, this work nature became the history;
Wrote bitterly attack 1977 " 4 people state " grieve over the canvas of Premier Zhou " anger denounce ghosts hold a memorial ceremony for faithful fetch " ; Creation the people of the whole country cheers smash " 4 people state " the work of great victory, " China chairman and heart linked to heart of every nationality people " ;
1976 family by Guizhou Province art school attune comes to Heibei art is Shi Dayi;
Was famous artist Song Yin on invitation 1974 but, the picture such as Wang Yu father, Meng Guangtao;
The troupe of go to the countryside of Sha Jiabang play staff that joined art school organization 1973;
Followed house of art of masses of province art school, province 1972 Guizhou of two units transfer to a lower level is promoted justice zone afternoon collect, do fulfil policy work;
Mouth of province propaganda and education transferred 1970 go exhibition of Mao Zedong Thought does an exhibition to arrange the job;
Did by province article 1968 appoint hold the position of " southwest spring thunder " organization of show round curator is social show;
Cancel of expensive 1967 large artistic department and province play school are amalgamative, establish training school of Guizhou Province art, continue to teach in this school;
The Great Cultural Revolution began 1966, quited regular job;
China is beautiful 1965 assist transfer join group of southwest art work, army of railway corps of thorough Guizhou, Yunnan lives;
Moved 1964 in the center of " 4 Qing Dynasty " working group goes county of Guizhou fine grand is done " 4 Qing Dynasty " ;
After beautiful courtyard graduates in the center of 1963, unite allocate go to Guizhou university artistic department teachs, hold the position of a teacher in charge of a class of class of teachers training school to teach canvas the course;
Taking an examination of canvas of central academy of fine arts 1958 is (enter Dong Xiwen studio) study (undergraduate course 5 years) , suffer teach Yu Dongxi the article, Xu Xingwen, Dai Ze, Wei Qimei, Zhan Jianjun, Lin Gang, you gentleman such as Liang Yunqing;
Entered Beijing 1954 37 in read high school;
Privatelied run into Beijing Shandong middle school reads junior high school 1951;
Was born at family of a poor farmer of Heibei happy booth country 1935;

