油画作品《白光》入选全国第十届美术作品展,油画作品《致.将来 》获新疆第二届油画展金奖。作品前后 在《中国当代─新疆油画家》、《中国美术报》、《中国第九届美展油画作品集》、《美术》、《美术大观》、《全国第三届油画精选作品集》等发表。
油画作品《来自高原的祈福--5·19国家记忆》荣获第十1 届全国美展油画金奖,这不但是新中国成立以来新疆首次获得美术金奖,而且是东南 5 省区油画美术作品首次获此殊荣。
Zhao Peizhi, was born in Xinjiang in October 1971, was graduated from branch department of art of Xinjiang Normal University 1995, obtain literary bachelor's degree. It is associate professor of branch department of Xinjiang Normal University now, director of canvas staff room, xinjiang canvas learns director, xinjiang is beautiful assist committee member of canvas art committee. Went to French Paris 2004 attend in a advanced studies of national and advanced academy of fine arts, of the same age goes to the 6 countries such as Germany, Italy, Spain, Holand, Belgian, France to undertake art makes an on-the-spot investigation.
Canvas work " Bai Guang " work of the 10th art of selected whole nation is exhibited, canvas work " send. Future " obtain Xinjiang gold prize of the 2nd oily art exhibition. Work is in early or late " home of canvas of Xinjiang of Chinese contemporary ─ " , " Chinese art signs up for " , " the 9th beauty of Chinese extends canvas work market " , " art " , " art grand sight " , " collect of work of concentration of the 3rd canvas of countrywide " etc publish.
Canvas work " the pray blessing that comes from highland- - 19 countries of 5 · are remembered " have the honor to win eleventh countrywide beauty exhibits canvas gold prize, this not only it is new China since holding water, Xinjiang wins art gold prize first, and it is northwest work of art of canvas of 5 provinces area obtains this special honour first.