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石自东。1962年生于中国黑龙江省,1987年毕业于哈尔滨师范大学艺术学院油画专业,学士学位,留校任教。1993年毕业于地方 美术学院第六届油画助教研讨 班。2009年获英国博尔顿大学影象 艺术专业研讨 生硕士学位。1994年破格晋升为副教授;1999年破格晋升为教授。曾任哈尔滨师范大学艺术学院教授,油画教研室主任。现任大连外国语学院国际艺术学院院长、教授。法国美术家协会会员;中国美术家协会会员、中国油画学会会员、中国景观外型 艺术委员会副主席、民革地方 画院理事;辽宁省美术家协会理事、辽宁省油画艺术委员会委员、辽宁省服装设计师协会副会长、辽宁省高校摄影协会副主席、第二届辽宁省哲学社会科学成果奖学科评审组专家;大连中山艺术研讨 院院长、大连中山区文学艺术联合会副主席、大连中山区美术家协会主席;大连市美协油画艺术研讨 会副会长;大连民革市委委员、大连市政协委员。
2001年经中国文明 部批准,中国油画学会选派,赴意大利、法国、德国、西班牙、奥地利、荷兰、比利时等国进行欧洲美术学者访问。20012004年两次赴俄罗斯圣彼得堡列宾美术学院、穆希娜工艺美术学院学术访问并展出作品。2004年赴韩国汉城参加《东方灯火国际艺术大展》。2003年应美国国家食品协会约请 ,任中方展现 艺术总监,赴纽约参加第11界世界食品博览会。2012年被评为大连市领军人物。多年来不断 从事艺术高校的教学与艺术创作工作,曾获得国家级奖四次;省部级1 、二等奖十5 次;出版学术专著三部《素描法度》、《色彩法度》、《石自东》画集;5 十余件作品发表在国家级专业学术期刊《美术》、《中国油画》、《文艺研讨 》等;二十余件作品被入选《世界美术工作室》、《穿越世纪》、《中国美术全集》、《中国油画典藏》等画集出版;作品被国内外艺术机构及个人收藏。
作品《野花与玫瑰》获2010法国卢浮宫沙龙艺术展最高奖——“沙龙特别奖”。作品《中国农家灶的变迁》入选2010年法国大皇宫沙龙艺术展。2011年作品《梦想与倒影》参加2011法国沙龙(卢浮宫)艺术展。作品《新公民系列二》2009年入选文明 部、中国文联、中国美协“第十1 届全国美展”。2010年9月《树与桥》被赠给俄罗斯联邦总统梅德韦杰夫收藏。2012年作品《笼里笼外》获法国卢浮宫沙龙艺术展“银奖”
2011年11月在北京中国油画院举办“我是谁 ——1978后中国文明 价值观的探究”石自东作品巡展
"WhoamI "Aclosescrutinyonthechineseculturevaluesafter1978
2011年10月在大连古代 博物馆举办“诘问 我是谁 ——1978后中国文明 价值观的探究”石自东作品巡展
"WhoamI "Aclosescrutinyonthechineseculturevaluesafter1978
2009年策划《百年收藏第1 回——大连老建筑》艺术展
2009年策划中法文明 年“中法当代艺术展”,并展出《新公民系列》作品十四件

Introduction to the artist

Was born at Chinese Heilongjiang to save 1962, was graduated from major of canvas of institute of art of Harbin Normal University 1987, baccalaureate, stay school teach. Was graduated from central academy of fine arts 1993 class of research of assistant of the 6th canvas. Obtained British rich Er to pause 2009 the university is video and artistic master's degree of professional graduate student. Abnormality is rising 1994 for the associate professor; Abnormality is rising 1999 for the professor. Ever held the post of institute of art of Harbin Normal University to teach, director of canvas staff room. Currently hold the post ofprexy of art of international of institute of Dalian foreign language, professor. French artist academician; In the center of vice-chairman of committee of plastic arts of landscape of academician of canvas of Chinese artist academician, China, China, civilian change director of imperial art academy; College of province of vice-chairman of association of stylist of dress of province of committee member of committee of art of canvas of province of director of association of Liaoning province artist, Liaoning, Liaoning, Liaoning photographs the 2nd association vice-chairman, Liaoning saves philosophical society course of scientific achievement award evaluates group expert; Chairman of association of artist of area of Zhongshan of vice-chairman of union of art of literature of area of Zhongshan of dean of academy of Dalian Zhongshan art, Dalian, Dalian; Dalian city is beautiful assist vice-chairman of canvas art seminar; Committee member of committee member of municipal Party committee of Dalian civilian change, Dalian city the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
Ministry of classics China culture was approved 2001, chinese canvas learns detail, go to the country such as Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Austria, Holand, Belgium to undertake European art scholar is visited. Went to Russia Sanket twice to list guest to learning of institute of arts and crafts of academy of fine arts, Mu Xina is visited and exhibit 20012004 work. Went to Korea Seoul to attend 2004 " art of Oriental lights international is exhibited greatly " . Answered 2003 association of American state provision invites, ren Zhongfang reveals artistic chief inspector, go to new York to play fair of food of world of the 11st bound. Was judged to be Dalian city to get military thing 2012. Will pursue the education of artistic college and artistic creation job all the time for years, ceng Huo gets national level award 4 times; The class that visit a department one, second-class award 15; Publication learning monograph 3 " sketch law " , " colour law " , " Shi Zidong " picture collect; More than 50 work are published in periodical of learning of national level major " art " , " Chinese canvas " , " literary research " etc; More than 20 work by selected " world art atelier " , " pass through century " , " Chinese art complete works " , " Chinese canvas allusion hides " collect waiting for a picture is published; Work is collected by domestic and international artistic orgnaization and individual.
Work " wild flower and rose " obtain Gong Shalong art of 2010 France Lu Fu to exhibit top prize -- " salon is special award " . Work " the changes of Chinese farmhouse kitchen " selected art of salon of French big palace was exhibited 2010. 2011 work " dream and inverted image " attend 2011 France salon (Lu Fu palace) art is exhibited. Work " new citizen series 2 " couplet of article of ministry of selected 2009 culture, China, China is beautiful assist " eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited " . September 2010 " tree and bridge " Jeff collects Mei Dewei of president of Russian Federation be sendinged. 2012 work " basket in basket outside " obtain Gong Shalong art of French Lu Fu to exhibit " silver-colored award "
Achievement is honorary
Held in courtyard of Beijing China canvas in November 2011 " who am I? -- 1978 hind the dug of Chinese culture viewpoint of value " work make one's rounds exhibits Shi Zidong
"WhoamI? "Aclosescrutinyonthechineseculturevaluesafter1978
Was in Dalian contemporary museum held in October 2011 " examine minutely who I am? -- 1978 hind the dug of Chinese culture viewpoint of value " work make one's rounds exhibits Shi Zidong
"WhoamI? "Aclosescrutinyonthechineseculturevaluesafter1978
Engineered 2011 " hundred years collect the 3rd times -- Zhuang He ancient building " attendant art acts
Engineered 2010 " hundred years collect the 2nd times -- brigade of brigade suitable · is suitable " attendant art acts
Engineered 2009 " hundred years collect first -- Dalian often is built " art is exhibited
The French in was being engineered 2009 is changed year " Sino-French and contemporary art is exhibited " , exhibit " new citizen series " work 14

