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罗炳芳(1931.3—)别名 秉方,福建长汀人。画家。擅长油画、中国画。1949年省立长汀中学高中毕业。
1956年于地方 美术学院毕业后留校任教。1980年调地方 工艺美术学院任教。现任教授,中国美术家协会会员,中国老教授协会会员,中华名人协会会员,中国书画研讨 院顾问,闽西书画院名誉院长等职。擅长油画、水彩画、中国山水画。油画“鲁迅和瞿秋白”为中国国家博物馆陈列收藏,编入中国革命博物馆藏画集。国画“古堡惊涛”在老教授作品展展出,《人民日报》发表,编入纪念抗日和平 胜利5 十周年“中华民族之魂”巨型画册。许多作品入选国内外大型画展,并发表在多种报刊和书画精品集。著有《素描入门》、《实用美术专业素描》、《罗炳芳画集》等。
1988年在北京举办“罗炳芳画展”,吴作人大师为画展题写展名,张仃大师为画展题贺词“民族风貌”。1990年在厦门、龙岩等城市举办水彩画展。1995年在台北举办“罗炳芳画展”。2010年在清华美术学院举办“古风今韵”作品展。多次出国访问进行文明 艺术交流活动。罗炳芳的绘画作品风格独特,融中西技法于1 体,独辟蹊径,创造了本身 的艺术世界。在平凡的景象中体现不凡的境界,清新宁静,超俗逸趣,受到社会好评及中外朋友的爱好 和收藏。传记载入“世界名人录”和多种名人大典罗教授艺术创作中的许多作品的题材来自闽西,从他的作品集中也不难看出他对家乡秀美山水的热爱,创作有油画《鲁迅和瞿秋白》,国画《土楼迎宾》、《屋桥春雨》、《汀江古榕》,水彩画《冠豸山晨曦》等1 大批具有闽西特色的艺术作品。罗教授虽到古稀之年,但他豪情满怀,创作不减当年。他十分眷念着闽西这块热土,他说,我的艺术生命和故土情永久 联系在一同 了。
其中罗教授的油画作品《鲁迅和瞿秋白》为中国国家博物馆收藏,国画《古堡惊涛》等多幅作品被选入国家大型画展。《国共第二次合作取得抗日和平 胜利》的巨幅人物画,在澳门展出后被编入《携手同辉》纪念抗日和平 胜利六十周年巨型书画作品集。

Introduction to the artist

Luo Bingfang (1931.3, ) the name grasps square, fujian grows lowing person. Painter. Be good at canvas, China drawing. High school of provincial 1949 senior lowing middle school graduates.
Stayed after central academy of fine arts graduates 1956 school teach. Institute of arts and crafts taught in the center of tone 1980. Currently hold the post ofa professor, chinese artist academician, china often teachs academician, china celebrity academician, academy of Chinese painting and calligraphy is advisory, dean of reputation of courtyard of painting and calligraphy waits for Fujian on the west duty. Be good at landscape painting of canvas, aquarelle, China. Canvas " Lu Xun and Qu Qiu Bai " display for Chinese country museum collect, holding of nature science of revolution of be classified China draws volume. Traditional Chinese painting " ancient fort Jing billows " in old professor work is exhibited showpiece, " People's Daily " publish, be classified commemorates the War of Resistance Against Japan wins 50 years " the fetch of the Chinese nation " giant an album of paintings. A lot of work are selected domestic and international large art exhibition, publish in a variety of the press and collect of high-quality goods of painting and calligraphy. have " sketch introduction " , " sketch of functional art major " , " Luo Bingfang draws volume " etc.
Held in Beijing 1988 " Luo Bingfang art exhibition " , wu Zunren's Great Master exhibits a name for art exhibition inscribe, zhang Ding's Great Master inscribes congratulations for art exhibition " ethical view " . Watercolour art exhibition was held in the city such as Xiamen, Long Yan 1990. Held in Taipei 1995 " Luo Bingfang art exhibition " . In Tsinghua the academy of fine arts was held 2010 " antediluvian today charm " work is exhibited. Go abroad for many times the visit undertakes culture art communicates an activity. Paint color of Luo Bingfang is distinctive, law of ability of Chinese and Western of be in harmony at an organic whole, develop a new style or a new method of one's own, created oneself artistic world. Uncommon state is reflected in ordinary picture, pure and fresh and halcyon, ease exceeding common is interesting, be reached friend of China and foreign countries reputably by the society love and collect. The biography loads " world blue book " the theme that with a variety of celebrity grand ceremony Luo Jiao gives a lot of work in artistic creation comes from Fujian on the west, from his work concentration sees he is elegant to home town not hard also of landscape have deep love for, creation has oil painting " Lu Xun and Qu Qiu Bai " , traditional Chinese painting " earthy Lou Yingbin " , " house bridge rain during springtime " , " lowing Jiang Gurong " , aquarelle " first sun rays in the morning of hill of coronal insect without feet " etc one large quantities of having Fujian on the west the work of art of characteristic. Although arrive,Luo Jiao is awarded of seventy years of age year, but his lofty sentiments is full of, creation is not decreased in those days. He very think fondly of is worn Fujian on the west this hot earth, he says, my artistic life and native land affection are contacted together forever.
Among them the canvas work that Luo Jiao gives " Lu Xun and Qu Qiu Bai " collect for Chinese country museum, traditional Chinese painting " ancient fort Jing billows " wait for many work to be chosen the nation is large art exhibition. " the country cooperates the 2nd times in all obtain the War of Resistance Against Japan to win " gigantic a character picture, be enrolled after Macao exhibits " be the same as hand in hand brightness " commemorative War of Resistance Against Japan wins 60 years giant collect of work of painting and calligraphy.

