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梁惠统,1947年生,广西玉林市城北镇人。1973年考入广西美术学院美术系,毕业后分配到玉林县文明 馆工作。1979年调入广西人民出版社,1990年转入广西美术出版社。
他擅长画人物,西画、中国山水画、工笔、写意均有踄足。他是个平民画家,上层 人民,特别是农民和与农民有关的严重 历史事件是他笔下喜欢表现的对象,这跟他个人的立场、观点、生活经历、爱好和涵养 ,和 他所擅长的艺术表现手段和情势 有很大关系。

Introduction to the artist

Bridge benefit all, unripe 1947, north of town of city of Guangxi Yu Lin presses down a person. Took an examination of faculty of art of Guangxi academy of fine arts 1973, graduation hind assigns job of house of culture of jade forest county. Transferred into 1979 Guangxi people press, turned into Guangxi art publishing house 1990.
He is good at drawing a person, on the west landscape painting of picture, China, traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail, freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting all has Zuo sufficient. He is a civilian painter, tagrag, especially farmer and the great history incident that concern with the farmer are the object that his the wording and purpose of what one writes likes to behave, experience of this footing with his individual, viewpoint, life, hobby and accomplishment, and the artistic expression method that he is good at and form have very big concern.

