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侯德 - 侯德昌先生专访(作者:杨现富)

2022-03-11 17:36:47 3488




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侯德男,汉族,1956年出生,内蒙古呼和浩特市人。1978年毕业于内蒙古师范大学美术系。1984年至1986年曾在中国美术学院进修深造。1991年在鲁迅美术学院举办的伊维尔“古典油画材料与技法”研讨 班结业。现为内蒙古师范大学美术学院教授、绘画系主任、美术学硕士学位点主任、硕士研讨 生导师,中国美术家协会会员,中国油画学会会员,内蒙古美术家协会油画艺术委员会委员,内蒙古美术家协会理事。
创作的美术作品入选国家级展览方面,素描《姐弟》入选第六届全国美术作品展览。油画《归途》《搬家》入选中国首届油画精品画展。油画作品《牧羊女》入选北京国际艺苑油画展。油画《斗牛》《初春》入选第11届亚运会艺术节中国少数民族文明 艺术展。油画《摔毡》入选第三届全国5 自治区美术作品展览、油画《寻觅 马群的牧人》入选纪念毛泽东同志《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》,发表60周年全国美术作品展。连环画作品《荒漠中的骑士》入选第七届全国美术作品展览。并赴前苏联展出。油画《萨满系列之1 》入选第八届全国美术作品展览。油画《草原雄鹰》入选第四届中国体育美术展览。油画《中国的保尔—吴运铎》入选建党80周年全国美展。油画《祈》入选第三届中国油画展,油画《大先生 格日乐》入选第二届“时代精神”全国油画作品展。油画《草原上的娜仁花》入选西部大地情画展。水粉《鄂尔多斯妇女》入编中国美术全集水粉卷。油画《戏嘻》入选全国教师美展。2007年为内蒙古自治区成立60周年设计邮票1 套,2008年为宁夏回族自治区成立50周年设计邮票1 套。
水粉《获胜者》获第二届全国水彩画、粉画展览1 等奖(国家级)。
油画《暮》获“时代精神—全国人物·肖像油画作品展”1 等奖(国家级)。
油画《永久 的祝愿 》获“数风流人物”2008·中国百家金陵油画展金奖(国家级)。
水粉《鄂尔多斯妇女》或内蒙古第三届水彩、粉画展览1 等奖。
油画《中国的保尔—吴运铎》获纪念建党80年内蒙古画展1 等奖,并获内蒙古自治区首届美术创作“神马”奖。
油画《永久 的祝愿 》2009年获内蒙古艺术创作“萨日纳”奖。

Introduction to the artist

Hou Denan, the Han nationality, was born 1956, person of city of Inner Mongolia Huhhot. Was graduated from faculty of art of Inner Mongolia Normal University 1978. Came to ever took advanced courses in attend in a advanced studies of Chinese academy of fine arts 1986 1984. The Yiweier that held in Lu Xun academy of fine arts 1991 " classic canvas material and ability law " research class complete a course. It is professor of academy of fine arts of Inner Mongolia Normal University, brushwork to fasten director, art to learn master's degree to order teacher of graduate student of director, Master now, chinese artist academician, chinese canvas academician, committee member of committee of art of canvas of association of Inner Mongolia artist, director of association of Inner Mongolia artist.
Selected state level shows the art work of creation respect, sketch " sister younger brother " selected exhibition of work of art of the 6th whole nation. Canvas " one's way home " " move " art exhibition of high-quality goods of first canvas of selected China. Canvas work " shepherdess " canvas of art and literary circles of selected Beijing international is exhibited. Canvas " bullfight " " early spring " selected art of culture of minority of China of section of art of the 11st Asia Game is exhibited. Canvas " throw felt " selected exhibitions of 5 municipal art work, canvas " those who search Ma Qun is pastoral " selected souvenir Comrade Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " , publish work of art of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit. Comic work " the knight in desert " selected exhibition of work of art of the 7th whole nation. The Russia before be being gone to exhibits. Canvas " one of Sa full set " selected exhibition of work of art of the 8th whole nation. Canvas " prairie lanneret " selected exhibition of art of sports of the 4th China. Canvas " of China protect Er, Wu Yunduo " beauty of 80 years of whole nations exhibits selected found a party. Canvas " pray " selected canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited, canvas " undergraduate pattern day is happy " selected the 2nd " times spirit " countrywide canvas work is exhibited. Canvas " on the prairie graceful benevolence flower " selected western earth affection art exhibition. Soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " E Er is much this woman " into make up soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes of Chinese art complete works to coil. Canvas " play Xi " beauty of teacher of selected whole nation is exhibited. Established 60 years to design a stamp for the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region 2007, established 50 years to design a stamp for the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 2008.
Circumstance of work bear the palm:
Canvas " game " obtain work of countrywide teacher art to exhibit special grade award (national level) .
Soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " winner " obtain art exhibition of aquarelle of the 2nd whole nation, pink to see first prize (national level) .
Canvas " dusk " obtain " times spirit, work of canvas of effigies of countrywide character · is exhibited " first prize (national level) .
Canvas " lasting blessing " obtain " several talented people " canvas of Jin Ling of a hunderd schools of 2008 · China exhibits a gold prize (national level) .
Canvas " Xue Zhonghua " obtain art of Nei Monggol Autonomous Region to create award of accept of day of the 2nd Sa.
Soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " E Er is much this woman " or art exhibition of the 3rd watercolour of Inner Mongolia, pink sees first prize.
Canvas " of China protect Er, Wu Yunduo " obtain commemorative found a party 80 years first prize of Inner Mongolia art exhibition, obtain a Nei Monggol Autonomous Region first art is created " divine horse " award.
Canvas " throw felt " or association of Inner Mongolia artist establishs whole area beauty 50 years to exhibit second-class award.
Canvas " pray " obtain a Nei Monggol Autonomous Region the 2nd art is created " divine horse " award.
Canvas " autumn flower " the bear the palm in celebrating a Nei Monggol Autonomous Region to establish art work 50 years to exhibit.
Soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " still life " obtain " time look at a prairie, Inner Mongolia " sketchy work shows second-class reward.
Soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " still life " in commemorative China reforming and opening work of art of 30 years of Inner Mongolia exhibits bear the palm.
Canvas " lasting blessing " obtained Inner Mongolia art to create 2009 " Sarina " award.

