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冯钢百(1884-1984),别名 冯百炼,号均石,广东新会人,自幼喜欢绘画,曾从师袁祖述学习人像写真。1906年赴墨西哥,入皇城国立美术学院。1911年赴美国,前后 入旧金山卜忌利美术学院、芝加哥美术学院、旧金山“九街先生 美术研讨 院”。曾随著名画家罗伯特·亨利学画十1 年,其间与李铁夫一同 全力支助孙中山革命。1921年回国,与胡根天创办广州美术专科学校,同年组织进步美术团体《赤报》。1949年后他曾为广东美协分会理事、省文联委员、省政协委员、广东文史馆长等职。冯钢百为我国第1 代著名油画家,功力深厚,画风朴实无华,擅长肖像画。
冯钢百是广东初期 油画的先驱者和美术教育家,在广东乃至中国古代 美术史上有侧重 要的地位。冯钢百的作品,以肖像、静物、风景为主,特别 擅长肖像。作品既有北欧写实画派脱胎于伦伯朗的艺术风格,更糅合荷兰风俗画家沉静柔和的色彩调子,作画笔触纯朴,着意于捕捉色彩在光线变化下作用于外型 所产生的丰富多彩的效果,色彩真实而妥帖,色调坚实而沉着,外型 稳健而精确 ,千锤百炼,出神入化,给人以自然隽永的审美品位和东方神韵。
解放后,曾任广东美协分会理事,全国文联代表,省文联代表,省政协委员,广东文史馆馆长等职。冯钢百为中国第1 代著名油画家,也是最早到国外学习正统西洋油画的中国油画家;第一名 临摹油画《意大利河》并被收藏于美国纽约博物馆的中国画家;在世界油画史上,他是年龄最老的油画家,堪称世界之最。并且是将东方 正统油画肖像画传播进中国的先驱者之1 ;第1 代新美术启蒙运动的元老之1 ;第一名 研讨 和创作长达八十多年的著名油画家。他朴素与真诚 的风格 ,善于发现和显示生活中人的精神世界的真实的 美,给人留下深刻的印象,冯钢百70余年油画艺术生涯还为20世纪中国古代 美术留下了不少经典作品,是上个世纪绝无仅有的一名 百岁油画艺术家。
冯钢百的油画作品色彩真实而妥帖,色调坚实而沉着,外型 稳健而精确 ,特别 是他的肖像绘画,稳健朴茂,丰厚华滋,富有内蕴的精神。即使是主题性创作中的人物,也是真实可感、有血有肉、有个性灵魂的理想 人物。有鉴于此,广东美术馆策划和举办了冯钢百专题油画展,并出版了这本画集,希望更多的专家和读者了解大师的风范。

Introduction to the artist

Feng Gang 100 (1884-1984) , 100 refine of renown Feng, date all stone, guangdong meets a person newly, from a child likes to draw, ever narrated study figure photo from Shi Yuanzu. Went to Mexico 1906, the city that enter emperor is national academy of fine arts. Went to the United States 1911, predict avoid profit into san Francisco early or late academy of fine arts, Chicago academy of fine arts, san Francisco " academy of art of 9 streets student " . Ever learned a picture 11 years along with famous artist Robert Henderson, meantime and Li Tiefu are raised with all one's strength together assist Sun Zhongshan revolution. Went back to the motherland 1921, establish with Hu Gentian Guangzhou art training school, group of art of pace of interweave of group of of the same age " bare signs up for " . He ever was Guangdong beauty after 1949 assist the duty such as curator of literary history of committee member of committee member of couplet of article of chapter director, province, province the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Guangdong. Feng Gang 100 it is generation of our country home of famous oil painting, work force is deep, picture wind is simple and unadorned, be good at portraiture.
The 100 precursor that are Guangdong inchoate canvas mix Feng Gang art educationist, in Guangdong and even China are contemporary there is important place on art history. Feng Gang the work of 100, give priority to with effigies, still life, scenery, be good at effigies especially. Work has boreal Europe to draw clique be born out of realistically already artistic style of Yulunbailang, more painter of mix Holand custom's calm and soft colour tone, the brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy that make a picture is honest, act carefully plays the effect of the rich and colorful that action produces at modelling place at catching colour to change in the light, colour is true and Tuo Tie, tonal and solid and ad cool-headed, modelling is dovish and accurate, thoroughly tempered, by superb, give the aesthetic grade that the person meaningfuls with nature and east romantic charm.
After liberating, ever held the post of Guangdong beauty assist chapter director, countrywide article couplet is represented, save article couplet delegate, visit committee member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the duty such as curator of Guangdong Rearch Institute of Culture and History. Feng Gang 100 it is generation of Chinese home of famous oil painting, also be the earliest the Chinese canvas home that learns lineal West canvas abroad; Canvas of the first copy " Italian river " be collected the Chinese painter at museum of American new York; Be in the world on canvas history, he is the oily painter with the oldest age, can weighs the world most. And be one of precursor that the west transmission of lineal canvas portraiture enters China; One of patriarch of the Enlightenment of generation new art; The famous oily artist that the first research and creation are as long as more than 80 years. He is simple with true style, be good at the real beauty of the inner world of discovery and indication life go-between, leave deep impression to the person, artistic career of canvas of 100 70 one's remaining years returned Feng Gang to leave many classic work for modern art of 20 centuries China, it is artist of a last centuries are peerless 100 years old of canvas.
Feng Gang the canvas work colour of 100 is true and Tuo Tie, tonal and solid and ad cool-headed, modelling is dovish and accurate, especially his effigies is painterly, dovish Piao Mao, rich and generous China grow, rich inside accumulate spirit. Even if the character in thematic sex creation, also be true but feeling, vivid, individualize actual figure of the soul. Because of this, guangdong art gallery is engineered and held Feng Gang oily art exhibition of 100 special subject, published this to draw volume originally, the wind that hopes more experts and reader understand a Great Master model.

