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李承仙(1924.10—)女,江西临川人。擅长敦煌艺术研讨 、油画、中国画。1946年毕业于国立艺术专科学校西画系,任四川省立艺术专科学校助教。1947年国立敦煌艺术研讨 所助理研讨 员,1982年任国家文物局研讨 员,中国敦煌、吐鲁番学会顾问。油画《献给勇于攀登科学高峰的人们》(与常书鸿合作)获全国科普美展荣誉奖,中国画《姑娘追》参加国庆10周年美展。与常书鸿合作:日本《枣寺玄中寺组画》(7幅)、日本法隆寺《来自丝绸之路的飞天》(组画16幅)、《敦煌舞乐飞天》四条屏等。临摹敦煌北魏—元各时代壁画300余平方米,多次参加国内外展出。出版有《敦煌北魏、西魏、5 代壁画艺术》、《敦煌飞天》(合作)等。

Introduction to the artist

Li Chengxian (1924.1, ) female, jiangxi faces plain person. Be good at Dunhuang art research, canvas, China drawing. Was graduated from national and artistic schools 1946 the picture is on the west, ren Sichuan is provincial and artistic schools assistant. Researcher of assistant of artistic institute of national 1947 Dunhuang, held the post of researcher of bureau of national cultural relic 1982, chinese Dunhuang, spit rash time the society is advisory. Canvas " give be brave in the people of ascend science height " (cooperate with Chang Shuhong) obtain beauty of countrywide popular science to exhibit honorary award, china is drawn " the girl is chased after " attend National Day 10 years the United States is exhibited. Cooperate with Chang Shuhong: Japan " Xuan Zhongsi group draws jujube temple " (7) , Japanese law Long Si " the flying Apsaras that comes from the Silk Road " (group picture 16) , " Dunhuang Wu Lefei day " 4 screen. Copy Dunhuang Northen Wei Dynasty, yuan each times mural 300 more than square metre, attend to exhibit domestic and internationally for many times. Publish have " mural of Dunhuang Northen Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty, the Five Dynasties is artistic " , " Dunhuang flying Apsaras " (collaboration) etc.

