邓家杰,2015年,油画《历史的痕迹.老深圳》实干兴邦——第四届全国(大芬)中青年油画展入选,2016年,油画《流逝的岁月》第5 届全国(大芬)中青年油画展入选,2017年,油画《余辉 》第三届《朝圣敦煌》全国美术作品展入选。
2015, canvas " historical trace. Old Shenzhen " get right on the job allows state -- the 4th whole nation (big fragrance) in young oily art exhibition is selected
2016, canvas " elapsing years " the 5th whole nation (big fragrance) in young oily art exhibition is selected
2017, canvas " Yu Hui " the 3rd " pilgrim Dunhuang " countrywide art work is exhibited selected