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钱志林(1942.6—)江苏南京人。擅长油画。1965年毕业于南京艺术学院美术系。曾在青岛美术公司工作,海军北海舰队文明 部美术创作员。现为江苏省美术馆、江苏油画雕塑院专职画家、1 级美术师。作品有《女气象员》、《南昌起义》、《艰苦的岁月、伟大的友谊》、《向海洋》等。
钱志林先生是国内公认的专门以大海为题材的油画大名家。专家定位为中国“海画”创始人之1 。1 个人能在艺术上开宗立派,足见其艺术成就之高深独特。说起大海,每个人心中会涌动着各自独特的感触,会幻化出各色情感特征的“心海”。“心海”亦人格化的海洋:不管 是风平浪静、天海1 线的静谧之海,还是波浪滔天、卷起千堆雪的狂野之海,或者是曙光乍现、旭日 如血的灿烂之海;或者是潮退潮 落、四季更替的时间之海;海洋都以其亘古未变的博大襟怀 ,融入了人类的思想。大海抚育了人类,大海启迪了人类,大海锤炼了人类,人类与大海毫不相关 。大海给予人类以力量,人类给予大海以灵魂。人类对大海的刻骨铭心的感情,来自于那神秘的远古洪荒世纪:看那日夜不停,口衔草木石子投入大海的炎帝之女所幻化的神鸟精卫,是人类托神话来表达的贴近大海的心声。在与大海的生生不息的命运纠葛中,人类完成了精神洗礼。人类面对浩淼的大海的时候,除了恐惧,更有探索海洋极深极远极阔的雄浑 之心。在《老人与海》中,海明威(美国)更是直接展现 了人类精神与大海的不朽。因而 ,人类以各种情势 讴歌大海,甚至把大海比喻为母亲。大海寄托了人类无尽的情感。
海画巨擘钱志林,用他的画笔,塑造了无形 的古代 人贴近大海的心声—王国维说:感情之最高满足,必求之于文学美术。是的,钱志林把本身 的全部热情和灵魂都交给了大海,交给了他的“海画”。他把画海当作“探索和深化本身 精神世界的1 种手段,更当成完善本身 灵魂的过程”(钱志林语)。
变化莫测的大海,很容易激发人类各种情感的同构。对于诗人,脍炙人口的诗篇会被层层激发:“卷起千堆雪,江山如画”(毛泽东句);春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生(唐·张若虚)、白马千群浪涌,银山万叠天高(清·宋琬)、海上生明月,天涯共此时(唐·张九龄)。曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云(唐·元稹)。实际上在中国诗史上,全方位多角度描绘海洋及与海洋打交道的人的作品十分希少 ,中华民族似乎更多地属于典型的陆上民族,这不仅体现于民族的实际生活,也贯穿于民族的文学艺术。海洋对于中国古代诗人是1 个比较陌生的领域。我们有描绘陆上山水风光的陶渊明,有基于陆地乃至太空生发奇异幻象的诗仙李白,还有描绘陆地的主人农民苦难生涯的诗圣杜甫,但却没有1 个描绘海洋的海明威。这对1 个三面濒海的民族和她的诗歌来说,不能不说是1 个不小的缺憾。同样,对于绘画艺术,在中国历史上和当代,甚至在世界艺术史上,专门以大海作为题材进行描绘并能衍生成1 个体系,更是绝无仅有。如果要挖掘其真实缘由 ,我推测,由于 不管 是诗人还是画家,都很难真正把本身 的生活和思想融入到大海,所以,也就没法 真正把握大海的脉动。渔民和水手几乎不可能出现诗人和画家。所以,诗人和画家也不可能成为渔民和水手。只要 真正深入到大海的核心,与风搏击,与浪争锋的艺术家才能了解大海,感悟大海。从这个角度讲,钱志林是荣幸 的。他1972年调任海军北海舰队任政治部美术创作员,为了创作需求 ,经常随舰队出海,面临大海,头枕波涛,体验大海的宁静与狂放,感受水手的生活与思想。所以,钱志林选择大海,是选择了1 条不同凡响 的艺术之路,还是选择了1 条荆棘丛生的不平凡之路,更是1 条命运垂青之路。
在绘画技法上,水是最难表现的物体。说是物体,其实,作为艺术表现对象,水几乎没有多少可以描绘的特征。提起山,很容易联想到我们见到的有数 的大山名川,抽象 是清晰明确的。但提起海,平静的海几乎使艺术家丧失描绘他的勇气,惊涛骇浪也没法 满足艺术家穷其终身 描绘的动力。山水花鸟因其丰富的自然形状 特征,使艺术家有描绘不尽的题材内容。可大海呢,可供艺术描绘的特征实在无限 。不毛之地蕴藏着昂贵的石油财富,无人敢于涉足的海画领域可以填充中国乃至世界艺术史。这是挑战,更是机缘。
欣赏钱志林的“海画”,我们能从中感悟到时间之海、心灵之海、自然之海、生命之海、命运之海、智慧之海。大海已 完全被钱志林的思想和灵魂同构。
钱志林说:“画的象大海并不难,但能与人们的内心世界相共鸣却并非易事,非1 颗灵魂净化的心,与笔下的海浪波涛、风云礁石、大船小舟、色彩笔触的组合交融不可”。
自然与人是宇宙的两极。自然是绝对 恒定不变的物资 元素;人是指人心。人心是最不可揣摩 最不不变 的非物资 元素。这是1 组两绝对 立的元素。艺术其实就是建立在这两极之间的桥梁。而这座桥梁的构成材料也有两个彼此 对应的元素构成,1 方是技法,就是塑造艺术的方法和手段;1 方是统御艺术创作的思想。当艺术家掌握了这1 原理后,剩下的任务就是用发觉再现的自然(超于真实自然的或典型化的自然)去打动人心。基于这样的原理,我们可以把艺术创造活动和艺术审美活动列成1 个简单的公式:真实的自然超于自然的或典型化的自然艺术家(技法+思想)人心(广义的)。在这个公式中,对于艺术家而言,自然和人心又是绝对 恒定的要素 ,大自然对谁都公平的显示本身 的面貌;而广大的人心是公平的艺术评委。艺术家就是要在两极之间努力的延伸本身 的技术能量和艺术思想能量,以期渗透到自然和人心的最深处。
钱志林潜心于大海,钟情于大海,而表层的大海是没法 和陆地高山大河的丰富特征相媲美的。但大海也有独具的特性,非慧眼不能释读。大海的特性极类似与中国哲学思想中的“道”。《老子》曰:道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。无名天地之始,着名 万物之母。故常无,欲以观其妙;常有,欲以观其徼。此两者同出而异名,同谓之玄。玄之又玄,众妙之门。“道”是1 种不受局限的无终止的,1 切事物的源泉与原始浑朴的整体 。“道”不是1 静止不变的实体,是永久 也不停息的流转与变迁的1 个过程。道是全体 与过程的统1 ,是1 个终极实在。大海与“道”几乎是共生的,海无定形,水无常性,一望无际 ,但大海同时也恪守着潮退潮 落的规则。如是,观海如悟道。钱志林必然 深悟此理。并把本身 融入到海“道”中,并达到了庄子所说的“天地与我并生,而万物与我为1 ”的与道合1 的境界。钱志林独与大海精神来往 ,作品中显现出“不盈”、“不争”、“致虚极,守静笃”(老子语)的艺术境界。
看钱志林的海,我们心气为之平和澄静了,似乎我们的心可以贴近他的心,徜徉于长波巨浪之间了。由于 ,钱志林以其深刻的哲学思想移化了大海的戾气,呈现给我们的是可观可居可游的“心海”。并铺就了1 条令万众均可与大海精神来往 的“心路”。由此,钱志林也完成打通艺术审美的另1 极—人心。
钱志林的油画艺术及其艺术中的哲学意味,使我置信 ,两极哲学审美体系是存在的,是可以给艺术家艺术创作以指向和关照,并可以使艺术审美进入理想的理性审美境界。因而 ,自然的更多本质特性将被发掘,更多的本质性艺术家将会给我们呈现更多的具有哲学艺术思想的艺术作品。

Introduction to the artist

Qian Zhilin (1942.6, ) Jiangsu Nanjing person. Be good at canvas. Was graduated from faculty of art of Nanjing artistic institute 1965. Ever worked in Qingdao art company, the member that art of ministry of culture of fleet of naval the North sea is created. Visit division of art of painter of full-time of courtyard of sculpture of canvas of art gallery, Jiangsu, one class for Jiangsu now. Work has " female atmosphere member " , " Nanchang uprises " , " hard years, great friendship " , " Xiang Haiyang " etc.
Mr Qian Zhilin is the home's accepted canvas name home that is subject matter technically with the sea. Expert fixed position is China " the sea is drawn " one of author. A person can artistically opens Zong Li to send, what its art makes it serves to show is profound and distinctive. Speak of the sea, everybody can emerge in the heart moving respective and individual thoughts and feelings, meeting unreal changes a feature of affection of of all kinds " heart sea " . "Heart sea " also the ocean of anthropomorphize: No matter be calm, the quiet sea of day sea a gleam of, still be wave monstrous, furl of 1000 caboodle snow mad wild sea, or dawn shows suddenly, the bright sea that the setting sun is like blood; Current perhaps flow falls, the sea of the time of replace of the four seasons; Marine with its extend is ancient the rich great mind that did not change, blended in human thought. The sea cradled the mankind, the sea edified the mankind, the sea hammered into shape the mankind, the mankind and sea be closely bound up. The sea gives the mankind with force, the mankind gives the sea with the soul. The mankind is right the remember to the end of one's life feeling of the sea, come from the century of ancient Hong Huang at that mystery: See that keep day and night, the divine bird essence of life that the female place unreal of the phlogistic emperor that the mouth holds wood cobble to throw the sea spends is defended, it is the aspirations of the sea of press close to that the mankind holds myth in the palm to convey. Be in with the sea in giving birth to the destiny dispute that is born not to cease, the mankind completed mental severe test. When the mankind faces vast sea, besides fear, have exploration more ocean is extremely extremely deep extremely far broad magnificent heart. Be in " old person and sea " in, hemingway (the United States) more direct those who revealed human spirit and sea is immortal. Accordingly, the mankind with multiform eulogize sea, it is sea analogy even mother. The sea placed the mankind's endless affection.
The sea draws thumb Qian Zhilin, with his paintbrush, the aspirations that modelled sea of corporeal modern press close to, regnal dimension says: Of feeling highest and contented, beg surely at literary art. Yes, qian Zhilin gave the sea his all enthusiasm and soul, gave his " the sea is drawn " . He regards picture sea as " exploration and a kind of method that deepen him inner world, more regard as the process that perfects him soul " (Qian Zhilin language) .
The sea that change not measures, arouse the mankind very easily all sorts of affective are the same as compose. To the poet, the poem of win universal praise meets by layer upon layer arouse: "Furl 1000 caboodle snow, beautiful scenery " (Mao Zedong sentence) ; Shui Lianhai makes the same score Chun Jiangchao, maritime bright moon in all tide is unripe (the Tang Dynasty empty of · Zhang Re) , surge of white Ma Qianqun, silver-colored hill 10 thousand fold a day tall (clear · Song Wan) , maritime unripe bright moon, skyline in all right now (the Tang Dynasty · Zhang Jiuling) . Have experienced great things presses water, divide however Wu Shan is not the cloud (the Tang Dynasty · Yuan Zhen) . Be in China actually on poetic history, all-around the work that much angle represents ocean and the person with marine contact with is very few, the Chinese nation belongs to typical onshore nation morely it seems that, this reflects the real life at the nation not only, perforative also the literature at the nation is artistic. Marine to poet of Chinese ancient time it is a newer field. We have the Tao Yuan that represents onshore landscape view bright, have be based on land and even aerospace to give birth to the Li Bai of poetic celestial being that sends bizarre idolum, the Shi Shengdu that still has the profession of master farmer affliction that depicts land justs, but however neither one depicts deep-sea Hemingway. This is opposite 3 are close to for the nation of the sea and her poetry, having toing say is not small be short of regret. Same, artistic to brushwork, go up in Chinese history and contemporary, be in the world even on art history, undertake technically depict and can deriving a system as subject matter with the sea, more peerless. If want to dig its real reason, I am conjectural, because no matter be a poet,still be a painter, live oneself very hard to blend in the sea with the thought truly, so, what also cannot hold the sea truly is pulsatile. Fisherman and jack-tar appear almost impossibly poet and painter. So, poet and painter become fisherman and jack-tar impossibly also. Only real development arrives the core of the sea, strike with wind, contend for with billow sharp edge artist ability understands the sea, comprehend the sea. Tell from this angle, qian Zhilin is lucky. He the member that fleet of transfer navy the North sea held the post of political ministry art to create 1972, to create need, often go to sea along with the fleet, be faced with the sea, headrest great waves, those who experience the sea is halcyon with unruly or unrestrained, feel the life of jack-tar and mind. So, qian Zhilin chooses the sea, it is the artistic route that chose an extraordinary, still chose the rough Fan Zhilu with a fascicular bramble, it is the road that a destiny shows appreciation for sb more.
On painterly ability law, water is the object of the worst performance. Saying is an object, actually, behave an object as art, water does not have the feature that more or less can describe almost. Mention hill, very easy couplet thinks of the of countless big Shan Mingchuan that we see, figure is clear and clear. But mention the sea, quiet sea makes the artist loses the nerve that depicts him almost, a situation full of danger also cannot satisfy artist end to lay depicted motive force firstly. The natural configuration feature that landscape painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style abounds because of its, make the artist has describe content of never-failing subject matter. But the sea, the feature that can describe for art is really finite. Barren land contain is worn costly oil wealth, nobody dare the sea picture domain of sortie is OK fill China and even world art history. This is a challenge, it is good luck more.
Admire Qian Zhilin " the sea is drawn " , the sea that we can comprehend time from which, interior sea, natural sea, sea of life, sea of the destiny, sea of wisdom. The sea is the same as already completely by Qian Zhilin's thought and soul compose.
Qian Zhilin says: "The elephantine sea of the picture is not difficult, but can be not easy thing however with the resonance of inner world look of people, be not the heart that a soul purifies, the combination of brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy of bateau of reef of the ocean wave great waves with the wording and purpose of what one writes, wind and cloud, large ship, colour blends cannot " .
Nature and person are the universe is polar. Nature is relatively constant changeless corporeal element; The person is to point to popular feeling. Popular feeling is can consider stable least of all immaterial element least of all. This is the element with a group of contrary two-phase. Art is built namely actually in this polar the bridge between. And the makes material also have two mutual correspondence element of this bridge is formed, one party is ability law, model artistic method and method namely; One party is the idea that all drive art invents. After the artist mastered this one principle, the nature that the job that leave uses disclosure emersion namely (exceed Yu Zhen true nature or the nature that the model changes) go making moving heart. Be based on such principle, we can create art activity and row of artistic and aesthetic activity become a simple formula: True nature exceeds at nature or the natural artist that the model turns (ability law + thought) popular feeling (of broad sense) . In this formula, to the artist, nature and popular feeling are relatively constant element, nature the appearance to whose fair him indication; And the artistic commissioner that wide popular feeling is fairness. The artist should be in namely polar between of effort outspread oneself technical energy and artistic thought energy, with period permeate nature and popular feeling most in.
Sea of Qian Zhilin involve, loving at the sea, and the sea of surface layer is to cannot be mixed the rich feature photograph of great river of terrestrial high mountain rivals. But the sea also has the character that has alone, blame is a mind which perceives both past and future cannot commentate read. The character of the sea is extremely similar with Chinese philosophy thought medium " path " . " father " say: Path can, special path; Renown but renown, special name. Of anonymous heaven and earth only then, the mother of famous everythings on earth. Reason often is not had, desire in order to watch its clever; Often have, desire in order to watch its Jiao. This is both go out together and different name, what call together is black. Extremely mysterious and abstruse, numerous clever door. "Path " be do not accept limit one kind without what stop, of the fountainhead of all things and primitive muddy Chinese hackberrya overall. "Path " not be one dormant and changeless substance, be cease ceaselessly also forever be on the move a process with changes. Is the unity of whole and process, be culminating and honest. The sea and " path " be symbiosis almost, the sea is amorphous, water is fugacious quality, boundless, but the regulation that the sea also is scrupulouslying abide by current flow to fall at the same time. So, if view sea is realized. Qian Zhilin realizes this truth greatly certainly. Blend in oneself to the sea " path " in, achieved village place to say " heaven and earth and I am unripe, and everythings on earth and I am one " the state with path syncretic. Fund records Lin Du and be charmed of sea essence of life come, show in work " do not be filled with " , " do not contend for " , " send empty pole, shou Jingdu " (father language) artistic state.
Treat Qian Zhilin's lake, our heart gas does it gentle settleclear static, it seems that our heart is OK press close to his heart, roam between long wave billow. Because, qian Zhilin moves with its deep philosophy thought the crime that whitewashed the sea is angry, those who present us is considerable can reside what can swim " heart sea " . Spread one regulations millions of people all can be gone to with sea spirit come " heart road " . From this, art of the get through of fund records Lin Ye that finish is aesthetic another extremely, popular feeling.
Canvas art of Qian Zhilin reachs the philosophical imply in its art, make I believe, polar philosophy is aesthetic the system is existence, it is to be able to give an artist artistic creative work mix in order to point to keep an eye on, can make art aesthetic the rational and aesthetic state that enters ideal. Accordingly, natural more and substaintial character will be disentombed, more substaintial sex artists will present more work of art that have philosophical art idea to us.

