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区焕礼,男,1947年4月生,广西柳州市人。1968年毕业于广州美术学院附中。曾在海南岛垦区从事美术工作。曾任广东美术家协会展览部主任。现为中国美术家协会会员、广东省美术家协会常务理事、秘书长,广东美术创作院副院长,广东美协水彩画艺委会副主任,广东省水彩画研讨 会副会长,广东画院特聘画家。次要 从事水彩画、油画创作,作品风格抒情、诗意淳朴,有浓厚的乡土气息和鲜明的个人特色。作品曾多次参加全国美展、全省美展,曾获广东省美展优秀作品奖、二等奖、银牌奖和全国水彩画展优秀作品奖等。作品多次赴美、日、新、泰等国及港、澳、台展出和多次举办个展,作品为多国收藏家收藏,曾出版水彩画作品集两册。

Introduction to the artist

Ou Huanli, male, unripe in April 1947, person of Guangxi Liuzhou city. Was graduated from attached middle school of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1968. Reclamation area of the island austral Ceng Zaihai is engaged in art working. Ever held the post of Guangdong artist association to show department head. Save artist association for Chinese artist academician, Guangdong now standing director, secretary-general, guangdong art creates courtyard assistant dean, guangdong is beautiful assist aquarelle art appoint conference vice director, guangdong saves aquarelle seminar vice-chairman, guangdong imperial art academy hires an artist especially. Basically be engaged in creation of aquarelle, canvas, work style lyric, poetic flavour is honest, have grumous agrestic breath and bright individual distinguishing feature. Work ever attended countrywide beauty to exhibit for many times, complete province beauty is exhibited, ever obtained Guangdong to save the United States to exhibit outstanding work reward, second-class award, silver medal award and countrywide aquarelle to exhibit outstanding work reward to wait. Work goes to country and the harbor such as beautiful, day, new, peaceful for many times, bay, the stage exhibits and hold for many times exhibit, work is collected for multilateral collector, ever published aquarelle work volume two.
Work has oil painting " glue Lin Fanxing " , aquarelle " music of glue Lin Chen " etc.

