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孙翎境,民革成员,中国美术家协会会员,中国书画院院委会常委,多次参加全国及全军美术作品展。2009年10月,其油画作品《希望》入选庆祝新中国成立60周年暨中国人民解放军美术作品展。2011年4月,合作版画《城?系列之七》入选观澜国际版画双年展。2011年12月,合作版画《不屈的精神》入选庆祝中国共产党成立90周年美术作品展览。2013年7月,油画作品《融与雪》受邀参加2013北京油画学会“融合与前瞻——油画精品展”。2013年12月,油画作品《乡情》被中共地方 对外联络部调和 局选入我党对外工作交流礼品,赠送外国党政领导人。2013年10月、12月,以“生命·律动”为主题的孙翎境油画作品巡回展分别在山东烟台和河北承德举办,反响良好。2015年4月,获得香港大公报,大公网评选的“十大健康女姓”大奖。
2013年10月19日上午10点,“生命·律动”孙翎境油画作品展在山东烟台美术博物馆开幕。此次展览由北京油画学会、烟台市文明 广电旧事 出版局主办,共展出画家孙翎境女士近几年来创作的油画作品80余幅,为传统文明 氛围浓郁的胶东半岛带来中西合璧的艺术气息。[1]?
12月8日上午10点,“生命·律动孙翎境油画作品巡回展”承德展在河北省承德市民族民俗博物馆开幕。开幕式由承德市民族民俗博物馆馆长王秀杰掌管 ,北京市油画学会副秘书长梁朝水、承德市美协主席马唯驰、画家孙翎境女士分别发言。此次展览由北京油画学会、河北省承德市美术家协会主办,翰华弘尚(北京)文明 艺术传播无限 公司、吉瑞云霞文明 发展无限 公司协办,展出了孙翎境女士的60余幅油画作品。

Introduction to the artist

Sun Ling condition, civilian change member, chinese artist academician, courtyard of courtyard of Chinese painting and calligraphy appoint conference members of standing committee, attend the whole nation and work of art of horse and foot to exhibit for many times. In October 2009, its canvas work " hope " selected celebrate new China to establish work of art of anniversary and 60 the Chinese People's Liberation Armies to exhibit. In April 2011, cooperative woodcut " city? Of series " woodcut of the selected international that watch billows double year exhibit. In December 2011, cooperative woodcut " castiron spirit " selected congratulatory Chinese Communist establishs art work exhibition 90 years. In July 2013, canvas work " be in harmony and snow " suffer invite attend 2013 Beijing canvas to learn " confluence and before look up -- canvas high-quality goods is exhibited " . In December 2013, canvas work " country situation " by the Central Committee of Communist Party of China external Liaison Division coordinates bureau choosing to work external into my party communication gift, give leader of foreign party card. In October 2013, in December, with " life · rhythm " itinerate of condition canvas work exhibits the Sun Ling that gives priority to a problem to be in Shandong Yantai and Heibei respectively bear heart hold, resonant and good. In April 2015, obtain Hong Kong big bulletin, large public network chooses " female surname of 10 big health " large award.
On October 19, 2013 morning at 10 o'clock, "Life · rhythm " condition canvas work exhibits Sun Ling to kick off in museum of Shandong Yantai art. Exhibit this by culture of city of Beijing canvas society, Yantai wide report news gives edition bureau to sponsor, exhibit in all the canvas work that lady of condition of painter grandson plume creates in last few years more than 80, for the glue with traditional culture full-bodied atmosphere east the artistic breath that the peninsula brings match well of Chinese and Western. [1] ?
On December 8 morning at 10 o'clock, "Itinerate of work of canvas of condition of plume of life · rhythm grandson is exhibited " Cheng Dezhan is saved in Heibei bear museum of folk-custom of heart city folk kicks off. Wang Xiujie of curator of museum of folk-custom of folk of You Chengde city chairs the opening ceremony, liang Chaoshui of deputy secretary-general of Beijing canvas society, bear heart city is beautiful assist lady of condition of Sun Ling of chairman Ma Weichi, painter makes a speech respectively. This the exhibition is saved by Beijing canvas society, Heibei bear association of heart city artist is sponsorred, writing China great still (Beijing) culture of limited company of culture art transmission, Ji Ruiyun glow expands limited company assist do, exhibited the work of more than 60 canvas of lady of Sun Ling condition.

