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张大中1953-,广州人,1988年于广东文艺职业学院毕业,广州美术学院油画系研讨 生班,获名誉硕士学位。现为广州文艺职业学院美术系教师。1990年油画《瑶娃》和《门》入选全国第二届体育美展。其中《瑶娃》获铜奖,(现被国家奥委会收藏)(北京)1990——1997年被香港奕源庄画轩聘请为特约画家。1997年获得广州美术学院硕士。2000年油画《钢铁是怎样炼钢成的》入选全国“爱我中华”油画大展,获优秀奖。2001年油画《我们年青的时候》入选第二届中国油画展。2004年油画《沉淀的痕迹》获广东省推荐参加第十届全中美术展作品。2005年油画《明朗的天空》入选第九届全国体育美,获优秀奖。历年来创作了不少作品,广受好评,被国内外收藏家和画廊收藏。

Introduction to the artist

The 1953- in magnify, guangzhou person, at Guangdong literary profession institute graduated 1988, canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts fastens graduate student class, obtain reputation master's degree. Fasten a teacher for art of institute of Guangzhou literary profession now. 1990 canvas " precious jade child " and " the door " beauty of the 2nd sports of selected whole nation is exhibited. Among them " precious jade child " the award that obtain copper, (be collected by national Olympic committee now) (Beijing) 1990 -- was invited to be painter of engage by special arrangement by a small room of Hong Kong Yi Yuanzhuang drawing 1997. Obtained Master of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1997. 2000 canvas " iron and steel is how steel-making becomes " selected whole nation " love my China " canvas is exhibited greatly, win outstanding award. 2001 canvas " when we are youthful " selected canvas of the 2nd China is exhibited. 2004 canvas " the trace of precipitation " obtain Guangdong province to recommend attend the 10th completely Sino-US art to exhibit work. 2005 canvas " Anacreontic sky " selected sports of the 9th whole nation is beautiful, win outstanding award. Calendar year will create many work, wide suffer reputably, be collected by domestic and international collector and gallery.

