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边杰,1965年出生于北京.2000年毕业于俄罗斯国立美术大学.现为中国美协会员.国家1 级美术师.教授.文明 部-全国艺术水平美术考级专家-北京望京考区培训基地校长.许多作品被国家级博物馆、企业、公司和个人收藏。并为众多公共楼堂馆所绘制和设计各品种 型壁画和油画。
2002年油画《共享1 个梦》获全国迎奥运美展金奖,06年被第29届国际奥组委挂于奥运大厦大厅.2013年被北京奥运博物馆收藏并在观众休息厅展出.
2003年油画《热能》赴法参加中法文明 年美展。
2004年《风神》获加拿大国际青年美术家绘画展览1 等奖。
2004年城市雕塑设计《中华圆梦》获香港古代 城雕设计1 等奖。
2009年壁画《先人 的脚印 》入选第二届全国壁画大展。同年入选全国第十1 届美展。国家动物博物馆采用为壁画。

Introduction to the artist

Was born in Beijing.2000 1965 year be graduated from university of Russia state-maintaineding art. Show the member that it is Chinese beautiful association. Country division of one class art. Professor. Culture ministry - art of countrywide artistic level takes an examination of class expert - Beijing hopes Beijing takes an examination of an area to groom base president. A lot of work are collected by national level museum, enterprise, company and individual. Mix for scale of place of house of hall of numerous and communal building design all sorts of type mural and canvas.
2002 canvas " Olympic Games village - depression in " obtain Chinese painting and calligraphy to greet an Olympic Games to show outstanding reward,
2002 canvas " share a dream " obtain the whole nation to greet Olympic Games beauty to exhibit a gold prize, be hanged 6 years at.2013 of hall of Olympic Games edifice by Olympic Games Organizing Committee of the 29th international year be collected by museum of Beijing Olympic Games and rest in the audience hall exhibits.
2003 canvas " make a stand against - life " win gold prize of art exhibition of American international east, american Oriental museum hides.
2003 canvas " do one thing under cover of another " museum of Shandong grandchildren strategics is collected and exhibit
2003 canvas " heat energy " the French in going to a law to attend changes year of beauty to exhibit.
2004 " Aeolus " obtain brushwork of artist of Canadian international youth to exhibit first prize.
2004 " ancient god is passed " first mural of selected whole nation is exhibited greatly.
2004 mural " auspicious " obtain mural of first whole nation to exhibit large award greatly. The 10th beauty of selected whole nation extends the same year.
Urban sculpture was designed 2004 " China oneiromancy " obtain carve of Hong Kong modern city to design first prize.
2009 mural " ancestral footmark " selected mural of the 2nd whole nation is exhibited greatly. Of the same age is selected countrywide eleventh the United States is exhibited. National animal museum is used for mural.
2009 canvas " person at the beginning of " national animal museum is collected and exhibit
2011 canvas " Jinggangzhi is smooth " museum of revolution of the Jinggang Mountains is collected and exhibit
2011 canvas " prehistoric mammoth " " first hold a memorial ceremony for of the Qin Dynasty is unconscious " Shandong museum is collected and exhibit
Propylene was drawn 2012 " peaceful emissary " wait for 4 mural to be used for museum of Beijing Olympic Games for mural
2014 canvas " Party member commando " Henan red flag canal memorial hall is collected.
2015 canvas " sit into what auspicious thinks of sweat ride " content house collects Neimengbo and exhibit.
2016 canvas " Liu Ming is passed " memorial hall of Chinese people war of resistance against aggression is collected and exhibit.

