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汤小铭 - 汤小铭油画创作访谈

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 著名油画家,国家1 级美术师。1959年毕业于广州美术学院附中,1964年毕业于广州美术学院油画系,进入广东画院任专业画家。历任广东省文联委员、广东省美术家协会副主席、常务副主席、主席等。现为中国美术家协会理事、省美协名誉主席、广州美术学院院外教授、暨南大学兼职教授、广东画院艺术顾问、广州美协艺术顾问、“国家严重 历史题材美术创作工程艺术委员会”委员。 1959年入广州美术学院油画系学习。1964年后在广东画院工作。后任中国美协第三届理事、广东分会副主席。1984年加入中国共产党。作品有《永不停战 》、《女委员》、《虎门民兵》等。《让智慧发光》1979年获第5 届全国美术展览三等奖,《孙中山先生》1984年获第六届全国美术展览铜牌奖。

次要 作品

 《永不停战 》、《抗日战歌响彻太行》、《让智慧发光》、《孙中山先生》、《画家余本》、《胶园》、《潮声》、《节日之夜》、《满腔热忱》、《女委员》、《无产阶级的歌》(连环画,与陈衍宁合作)、《白马将军》、《鲁迅在广州》(连环画)等等。








1963年,油画《稻香时节》参加全国美术院校先生 作品巡回展,广州美术学院收藏




1972年,油画《永不停战 》《女委员》《虎门民兵》入选全国美展,《永不停战 》中国美术馆收藏


1973年,连环画《无产阶级的歌》(与陈衍宁合作)入选全国美展,中国美术馆收藏;油画《毛主席讲授中国社会各阶级的分析》(与陈衍宁合作) 广州农民运动讲习所收藏;油画《永不停战 》《女委员》赴阿尔巴尼亚、南斯拉夫展出;《女委员》印制成“中国妇女”纪念邮票发行




1975年,油画《毛主席会见柯棣华大夫》(与陈衍宁合作)入选柯棣华大夫美术作品展,白求恩国际和平病院 收藏


1976年,为中国军事博物馆创作油画《抗日战歌响彻太行》获广东优秀美术作品创作1 等奖,中国军事博物馆收藏;油画《永不停战 》印制成“纪念中国文明 革命的主将鲁迅”纪念邮票发行


1977年,油画《满腔热忱》、水粉连环画《鲁迅在广州》入选全国美展,中国美术馆收藏;油画《大河上下》入选全国美展;当选为广东省文联委员;当选为广东省美术家协会副主席;当选为广东省第5 届人民代表大会代表










1982年,油画《画家余本》《胶园》《水乡薄雾》入选广东省侨乡风貌展;油画《难忘的会见》(廖仲恺、何香凝会见孙中山先生),广州廖仲恺纪念馆收藏;油画《永不停战 》赴法国巴黎参加“春季沙龙”展出。


1983年,油画《画家余本》《胶园》入选全国侨乡风貌展;为人民美术出版社《卡尔·马克思传》作水粉画《马克思为巴黎公社出谋献策》;被中国美术家协会派往法国巴黎进行敌对 访问;当选为广东省第六届人民代表大会代表。


1984年,被文明 部、中国美协聘请为第六届全国美展评选评奖委员;油画《孙中山先生》入选全国美展,获铜牌奖,中国美术馆收藏。






1987年,被中国文联委派代表中国美术家,以评委身份带团赴阿尔及尔参加“阿尔及尔·世界文明 荟萃”活动,随团展出了广东美术家作品,荣获“中华人民共和国外型 艺术集体特别奖”(金牌奖),本人参展作品有油画《画家余本》《胶园》《潮声》;被广东省委任命为广东美术馆筹建办主任。


1988年,油画《绿风》入选广东省绿化广东画展;职称评为国家1 级美术师;受聘为广东省艺术专业人员高级职务评审委员;出席全国第5 次文代会及广东省第三次文代会,当选为广东第七届人民代表大会代表。


1987年,被文明 部、中国美协聘请为第七届全国美展油画评选委员和总评奖委员;受聘为广东省美展作品评选委员;随广东省外经委出访加拿大。




1991年,赴澳门举办广东画院作品展;受聘为广东省庆祝中国共产党建党七十周年美术作品展评选委员;受聘为广东省艺术专业人员和群众文明 专业人员高级职务资历 评审委员;被广东省政府授予省职工先进工作者称号。


1992年,油画《白马将军·叶挺》入选广东省首届历史画展,广州美术馆收藏;受聘为广州·90 年代艺术双年展艺术顾问;被广东省委、省政府授予广东省优秀中青年专家称号;享用 国务院颁发政府特殊津贴。


1993年,油画《永不停战 》选入江苏美术出版社《中国油画》大型画册;受聘为 93 博雅油画大赛总评委;受聘为广州美术学院院外教授;当选为广东省第八届人民代表大会代表。


1994年,油画《永不停战 》《孙中山先生》《满腔热忱》《让智慧发光》选入天津人美出版社《光辉的历程·中国革命历史精品集》大型画册;被文明 部、中国美协聘请为第八届全国美展总评选评奖委员及广东省美展作品评委主任;受聘为全国第二届中国油画展评委;受聘为暨南大学兼职教授。


1995年,出席广东省第四次文代会,受聘为广东省文联主席团名誉委员;出席广东省第5 次美代会,经同意辞去广东省美协主席职务,任广东省美术家协会学术委员会主席。




1997年,油画《永不停战 》《满腔热忱》《孙中山先生》入选中国油画肖像艺术百年展;《永不停战 》《满腔热忱》《让智慧发光》选入天津人美出版社《中国古代 美术全集》大型画册;赴澳门任澳门美术展评委。




1999年,油画《永不停战 》选入浙江人美出版社《新中国美术5 十年》大型画册;油画《永不停战 》、连环画《无产阶级的歌》(与陈衍宁合作)选入浙江人民美术出版社与山东美术出版社《20 世纪中国美术·中国美术馆藏品选》大型画册;被文明 部、中国美协聘请为第九届全国美展评选委员;受聘为广东省第六届鲁迅文艺奖总评委。


2000年,油画《永不停战 》参加20 世纪中国油画展。


 作品被多家美术馆、博物馆收藏,并前后 获得全国美展三等奖、中华人民共和国外型 艺术集体特别奖、广东省鲁迅文艺奖金美术三等奖、广东优秀美术作品创作1 等奖、全国首届《连环画报》金环奖、广东省优秀中青年专家称号等等。


 油画《毛主席在书房》完成于1979年12月26日,时值毛主席逝世1 周年后的主席诞辰。当时四人帮已被打倒,虽然改革开放尚未拉开尾声 ,但笼罩中华大地十年之久的阴霾之气已 1 扫而空,人们已感觉到了春天的气息。正是在这类 背景下,画家怀着对毛主席的热爱和缅怀之情,创作了这幅优秀的作品。画面没有采用在文革中常见的那种表现毛主席必然是气宇轩昂,挥手指挥千军万马,万人仰视 的高大抽象 的定势思维,而是捕捉了在耀眼的光环背后,主席日常生活的1 个场景。画面上,毛主席坐在书房的沙发上,正在聚精会神的看着1 本线装书。场景是人们在电影和照片上十分熟悉的,中南海毛主席书房的1 角。在主席暮年 ,这里是主席工作和接见外宾的次要 活动场所,与尼克松等人的历史性会见就是在这里进行的。成排的书架,堆满书籍的小桌和茶几,朴素的沙发,格子呢的沙发罩,茶几前的痰盂,这1 切都能钩起几代人的亲切的回忆。主席很放松坐在沙发上,严肃 安详,神采奕奕。全部 画面的点睛之笔集中于人物的面部,主席在全神贯注地读书,甚至都遗忘 了手中点燃的香烟。朴素的穿着 ,敞开的衣领,翘起的二郎腿,脚上的布底鞋,右手中的香烟,左手拿着的线装书,这几处描绘细节的神来之笔,使主席的气质神采呼之欲出 。明显 在画家的眼里,这是一名 “不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步”的愚人 ,更是一名 有血有肉的普通人,是一名 时时刻刻与广大人民群众血肉相连、气息相通,永久 活在亿万人民心中的领袖。 淡雅而稍偏冷的色调,营建 了1 种温馨的气氛,使全部 画面富于层次的变化,在沉着、慎重 当中 多了1 份优雅的明净、空灵。光线的处理更有讲究,稍暗的背景,使得身着白衣的主体人物自然而然地成为夺人眼球的中心。就笔法技巧而言,细部入微的刻画生动有致,活灵活现的人物面部表情,都显现了画家扎实的写实功夫和对油画功能 的精到掌握。 全部 画面呈现出1 种蕴籍深沉、文静含蓄的美。画家用他极深的绘画功底去寻求 朴实无华的真实之美。抽象 既有鲜明的特征又充满着生命力。画面不管 是线面的组合,光线明暗的对比,质感的效果都安排得当,掌握的恰倒好处,达到了相当的艺术高度。通过对主席抽象 的刻画,显示出画家对人物外型 特征和人物精神气质敏锐精确 的把握和表现力,更显现 出他擅画肖像画的禀赋。


 汤小铭是擅长 油画肖像画的艺术家。1971年,鲁迅纪念馆恢复陈列,就陈列内容的需求 ,汤小铭创作了带有鲜明主题的鲁迅肖像画——《永不停战 》。作品以写实的手法,精谨的外型 ,沉稳的色调,纯熟 的油画技巧,刻画了这位中国新文明 运动旗手的不屈不挠、文坛斗士抽象 。灰白色的背景前三角形的构图,浓重的缁衣使病中的鲁迅抽象 如同雕塑般坚实无力 。那锋利 中略带忧郁的眼神,双唇紧闭的威严面庞,紧握毛笔的无力 的双手,无不传递出鲁迅的气质与个性。鲁迅身边桌上的闹钟,药瓶和厚厚的书籍、文稿等细节的描绘,都映现着鲁迅先生“生命不息,战役 不止”的革命斗争精神。画家所作的油画《让智慧发光》获第5 届全国美展三等奖;《孙中山先生》获第六届全国美展铜牌奖。


汤小铭的笔端游离于伟大与平凡之间,使那些大时代充盈着质感的人物肖像,于朴实中闪现光华,美感是深厚而久远的,令人感到亲切的。几十年来,汤小铭不断 坚持理想 主义的创风格 格,热情而真诚地讴歌时代旋律,弘扬时代精神,是一名 与时代主体血肉相连的理想 主义画家。

English Introduction

 Famous oil painter, national first-class artist. He graduated from the attached middle school of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1959, and from the Department of Oil Painting of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1964. He joined the Guangdong Academy of Fine Arts as a professional painter. He has successively been a member of Guangdong Provincial Literary Federation, vice-chairman, executive vice-chairman and chairman of Guangdong Artists Association. Now he is the director of China Artists Association, honorary chairman of Provincial Art Association, Professor outside Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, part-time professor of Jinan University, art consultant of Guangdong Academy of Fine Arts, art consultant of Guangzhou Association of Fine Arts, and member of "National Committee of Art Creation Engineering of Major Historical Subjects". He joined the Department of Oil Painting of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1959. He worked in Guangdong Academy of Painting after 1964. He will be the third member of the Chinese Association of Arts and vice-chairman of Guangdong Branch. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1984. His works include "Never Armistice", "Women Commissioner", "Humen Militia" and so on. "Let Wisdom shine" won the third prize of the fifth National Art Exhibition in 1979, and "Mr. Sun Yat-sen" won the bronze medal of the sixth National Art Exhibition in 1984.

"Never Armistice", "Anti-Japanese War Songs Ring from Taihang", "Let Wisdom shine", "Mr. Sun Yat-sen", "Painter Yu Ben", "Jiaoyuan", "Chao Sheng", "Festival Night", "Full of Enthusiasm", "Women Commissioner", "Proletarian Songs" (comic strips, cooperation with Chen Yanning), "General Baima", " Lu Xun in Guangzhou (comic strip) and so on.

Born in Guilin, Guangxi in 1939

In 1956, the sketch "Tracking" won the third prize of Hubei Art Works.

Graduated from the attached middle school of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1959

In 1963, the oil painting "Daoxiang Season" participated in the National Art College Student Works Tour Exhibition, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Collection

In 1964, he graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and joined the Guangdong Academy of Painting as a professional painter.

In 1972, oil painting "Never Armistice", "Women Commissioner" and "Humen Militia" were selected into the National Art Exhibition, "Never Armistice" collection of the Chinese Art Museum.

In 1973, the comic strip "The Song of the Proletarian" (in cooperation with Chen Yanning) was selected for the National Art Exhibition and the collection of the Chinese Art Museum; the oil painting "Chairman Mao's Lecture on the Analysis of Chinese Social Classes" (in cooperation with Chen Yanning) collected by the Guangzhou Farmers'Movement Workshop; the oil painting "Never Ceasefire" and "Women Commissioner" went to Albania and Nansla. "Chinese Women" Commemorative Stamps Published by "Women Commissioner"

In 1974, oil painting "Festival Night" was selected into the National Art Exhibition.

In 1975, the oil painting "Chairman Mao Meets Dr. Ke Dinhua" (in cooperation with Chen Yanning) was selected for the exhibition of Dr. Ke Dinhua's art works, Bethune International Peace Hospital Collection.

In 1976, he won the first prize for Guangdong's excellent art creation for the Chinese Military Museum for his oil painting "Anti-Japanese War Songs Ring from Taihang", which was collected by the Chinese Military Museum. The oil painting "Never Armistice" was printed and issued as a commemorative stamp to commemorate Lu Xun, the leader of the Chinese cultural revolution.

In 1977, oil painting Full of Enthusiasm and gouache comic book Lu Xun in Guangzhou were selected into the National Art Exhibition and the Collection of the Chinese Art Museum; oil painting Dahe Shangxia was selected into the National Art Exhibition; was elected as a member of the Guangdong Federation of Arts and Literature; was elected as a vice-chairman of the Guangdong Artists Association; and was elected as a representative of the Fifth People's Congress of Guangdong Province.

In 1978, the oil painting "Daoxiang Season" was selected into the Guangdong Art Exhibition; the water powder comic book "Lu Xun in Guangzhou" won the Guangdong Provincial Art Excellence Award.

In 1979, the oil painting "Let Wisdom Glow" was selected into the national art exhibition and won the third prize in the collection of the Chinese Art Museum; the oil painting "Let Wisdom Glow" was selected into the national popular science exhibition and won the third prize in the collection of the Guangdong Art Museum; and the oil painting "Before and After Class" was selected into the Guangdong Art Exhibition.

In 1980, he was re-elected as a member of Guangdong Federation of Arts and Culture and vice-chairman of Guangdong Artists Association.

In 1981, oil painting "On Mount Taihang" and "Man and the Sea" were selected into the Guangdong Art Exhibition, and "On Mount Taihang" won the second prize. The collection of Guangdong Art Museum; the comic book "The Song of the Proletarian" (in cooperation with Chen Yanning) won the second prize of the national comic creation award.

In 1982, the oil paintings Yuben, Jiaoyuan and Mist in Waterfront were selected for the overseas Chinese village style exhibition in Guangdong Province; the oil paintings Unforgettable Meeting (Liao Zhongkai and He Xiangning met Mr. Sun Yat-sen), the Liao Zhongkai Memorial Museum in Guangzhou, and the oil paintings Never Truce went to Paris to participate in the Spring Salon exhibition.

In 1983, the oil painting Yuben and Jiaoyuan were selected into the National Exhibition of Overseas Chinese Hometown Style; the gouache painting "Marx's Advice for the Paris Commune" for the People's Fine Arts Publishing House "Karl Marx Biography"; they were sent to Paris for a friendly visit by the Chinese Artists Association; and they were elected deputies of the Sixth People's Congress of Guangdong Province.

In 1984, he was invited by the Ministry of Culture and the China Association of Fine Arts to be the member of the 6th National Art Exhibition. The oil painting Mr. Sun Yat-sen was selected into the National Art Exhibition and won the bronze medal. It is collected by the Chinese Art Museum.

In 1985, he went to Macao to hold oil painting exhibitions of Wang Qiezhu, Tang Xiaoming and Chen Yanning of Guangdong Academy of Painting, and gave demonstration lectures to Macao; oil painting Mr. Sun Yat-sen went to the Soviet Union to exhibit and participated in some oil painting collections exhibitions of the Chinese Art Museum; oil painting Xiwan and Lianlishu participated in the Macao Art Exhibition; and he was a member of the People's Art Publishing House, F. Engel. He was elected as the director of the Chinese Artists Association, the executive vice chairman of the Guangdong Artists Association, and planned to build the Guangdong Art Museum. He was hired by the Arts Committee of the Chinese Artists Association as a member of the Oil Painting Arts Committee.

In 1986, the oil painting "Mr. Sun Yat-sen" won the third prize of Luxun Literature and Art Prize in Guangdong Province; the comic strip "Revenge" (in cooperation with Chen Yanning) won the first National Golden Ring Prize of the Comic; and the gouache "General White Horse" won the Excellent Cover Prize of the series "Stories of the Revolutionary Forefathers".

In 1987, he was appointed by the Chinese Federation of China to represent Chinese artists and led a delegation to Algiers as a judge to participate in the "Algiers World Culture Gathering" event. Accompanied by the delegation, he exhibited the works of Guangdong artists and won the "Special Prize for the Plastic Arts Collection of the People's Republic of China" (Gold Medal). His works included the oil painting "Painter". Yu Ben, Jiaoyuan and Tidal Sound were appointed Director of Guangdong Museum of Art.

In 1988, the oil painting "Green Wind" was selected into Guangdong Greening Guangdong Painting Exhibition; its title was rated as a national first-class artist; it was employed as a senior post appraisal committee of Guangdong art professionals; it attended the Fifth National Literary Congress and the Third Literary Congress of Guangdong Province, and was elected as a representative of the Seventh People's Congress of Guangdong Province.

In 1987, he was appointed by the Ministry of Culture and the China Association of Fine Arts as the member of the oil painting selection and general evaluation of the 7th National Art Exhibition; the member of the Guangdong Art Exhibition works selection; and he visited Canada with the Guangdong Foreign Economic Commission.

In 1990, he was elected Chairman of Guangdong Artists Association.

In 1991, he went to Macao to hold the exhibition of works of Guangdong Academy of Painting; he was appointed as a member of the selection committee of the exhibition of works of art for celebrating the Seventieth Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in Guangdong Province; he was appointed as a Senior Qualification Appraisal Committee of artistic and mass cultural professionals in Guangdong Province; and he was awarded the title of advanced worker of provincial

In 1992, the oil painting General White Horse Ye Ting was selected as the first historical painting exhibition in Guangdong Province and collected by Guangzhou Art Museum; was employed as the art consultant of Guangzhou Art Biennale in 1990s; was awarded the title of outstanding young and middle-aged expert of Guangdong Province by the Guangdong Provincial Committee and the provincial government; and enjoyed the special allowance issued by the State Council.

In 1993, Oil Painting "Never Armistice" was selected into the large-scale picture album of Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House "Chinese Oil Painting"; was hired as the general judge of 93 Boya Oil Painting Contest; was hired as a professor outside Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts; and was elected as the representative of the Eighth People's Congress of Guangdong Province.

In 1994, the oil painting "Never Armistice", "Mr. Sun Yat-sen", "Enthusiasm" and "Let Wisdom Glow" were selected into the large-scale picture album of Tianjin Renmei Publishing House "Glorious History of China Revolution History Collection". They were invited by the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Association of Fine Arts to be the judges of the Eighth National Art Exhibition and the judges of the works of Guangdong Art Exhibition. Ren; Appointed as the judge of the 2nd China Oil Painting Exhibition; Appointed as a part-time professor of Jinan University.

In 1995, he attended the Fourth Cultural Congress of Guangdong Province and was appointed honorary member of the Presidium of the Guangdong Cultural Federation. He attended the Fifth American Congress of Guangdong Province and resigned as Chairman of the Guangdong Artists Association and chaired the Academic Committee of the Guangdong Artists Association with consent.

In 1996, the oil paintings "Let Wisdom shine", "On Mount Taihang" and "Art Museum Site" participated in the collection exhibition of Guangdong Art Museum.

In 1997, oil painting "Never Armistice", "Full of Enthusiasm" and "Mr. Sun Yat-sen" were selected into the Centennial Exhibition of Chinese oil painting portrait art; Never Armistice","Full of Enthusiasm"and"Let Wisdom Glow"were selected into the large-scale album of Tianjin Renmei Publishing House"Complete Collection of Modern Chinese Art"; and they went to Macao as the judges of the Macao Art Exhibition.

In 1998, Tang Xiaoming Tangli's Body Painting Exhibition was held in Guangdong Painting Academy and Zhuhai Museum respectively; Tang Xiaoming's Body Painting was published; and he was elected Director of China Artists Association.

In 1999, the oil painting "Never Armistice" was selected into Zhejiang Renmei Publishing House's "Fifty Years of New Chinese Art". The oil painting "Never Armistice" and the comic strip "The Song of the Proletarian" (in cooperation with Chen Yanning) were selected into Zhejiang People's Art Publishing House and Shandong Art Publishing House's "Collection of 20th Century Chinese Art and Chinese Art Museum". 》 Large-scale picture album; appointed by the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Association of Fine Arts as the selection committee of the 9th National Art Exhibition; appointed as the general judge of the 6th Lu Xun Literature and Art Award in Guangdong Province.

In 2000, the oil painting "Never Armistice" participated in the 20th century Chinese oil painting exhibition.

His works have been collected by many art galleries and museums, and have successively won the third prize of the National Art Exhibition, the Special Prize of the Plastic Arts Collection of the People's Republic of China, the third prize of the Luxun Literature and Art Prize of Guangdong Province, the first prize of Guangdong Excellent Art Works Creation, the first Golden Ring Prize of the National Lianhuan Picture, and the outstanding young and middle-aged experts of Guangdong Number and so on.

The oil painting "Chairman Mao in the Study" was completed on December 26, 1979, on the birthday of Chairman Mao one year after his death. At that time, the Gang of Four had been overthrown. Although the reform and opening-up had not yet begun, the haze that had been hanging over the land of China for ten years had been swept away, and people had felt the breath of spring. It is against this background that the painter created this excellent work with his love and memory for Chairman Mao. Instead of using the stereotyped thinking of the tall image of Chairman Mao, which is often seen in the Cultural Revolution, he must be magnificent, waving his hands and waving thousands of horses, and looking up to thousands of people, the picture captures a scene of Chairman's daily life behind the dazzling aura. In the picture, Chairman Mao is sitting on the sofa in his study, concentrating on a thread-bound book. The scene is very familiar to people in movies and photographs, a corner of Chairman Mao's study in Zhongnanhai. In his later years, this was the main venue for the work of the President and the reception of foreign guests. The historic meeting with Nixon and others took place here. Rows of bookshelves, small tables and tea tables filled with books, simple sofas, Plaid sofa covers, spittoons in front of tea tables, all of which can hook up the cordial memories of generations. The chairman sat relaxed on the sofa, solemn and calm, with a good look. The focus of the whole picture is on the face of the characters. The chairman is absorbed in reading, even forgetting the cigarette lit in his hand. Simple clothes, open collars, raised legs, cloth shoes on the feet, cigarettes in the right hand, thread-bound books in the left hand, these magic pens depicting details, make the chairman's temperament on paper. Obviously, in the eyes of the painter, this is a philosopher who is "better than walking in the idle courtyard regardless of the wind and waves". He is also an ordinary person with flesh and blood. He is a leader who lives in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people all the time. The elegant and slightly colder tones create a warm atmosphere, which makes the whole picture rich in changes of levels and elegant, clear and ethereal among calm and steady. The light processing is more exquisite, slightly dark background, making the main character in white clothes naturally become the eye-catching center. As far as brushwork skills are concerned, the vivid and vivid portrayal and vivid facial expressions of the characters show the painter's solid realistic skills and mastery of oil painting performance. The whole picture presents a deep, quiet and implicit beauty. The painter pursues the real beauty of plainness with his profound painting skills. The image has both distinct characteristics and full of vitality. No matter the combination of lines and planes, the contrast of light and shade, the effect of texture are all arranged properly and mastered properly, which has reached a considerable artistic height. Through the portrayal of the image of the chairman, it shows the artist's keen and accurate grasp and expression of the character's shape characteristics and spiritual temperament, and even more reveals his talent in portrait painting.

Tang Xiaoming is an artist who is good at oil portraits. In 1971, the exhibition of Lu Xun Memorial Hall was restored. In order to meet the need of exhibition content, Tang Xiaoming created a portrait of Lu Xun with a distinct theme - "Never Cease War". The work depicts the perseverance of the flag-bearer of the Chinese New Culture Movement and the image of a literary fighter with realistic techniques, precise modelling, steady tone and skilled oil painting skills. The gray-and-white background triangle and heavy rayon make the image of Lu Xun as solid and powerful as a sculpture. The sharp, slightly melancholy eyes, the majestic face with closed lips, and the powerful hands holding the brush convey Lu Xun's temperament and personality. The alarm clock on the table beside Lu Xun, the bottle of medicine and the detailed description of thick books and manuscripts all reflect the revolutionary struggle spirit of Mr. Lu Xun's "endless life and endless fighting". The painter's oil painting Let Wisdom Glow won the third prize in the 5th National Art Exhibition and Mr. Sun Yat-sen won the bronze medal in the 6th National Art Exhibition.

Tang Xiaoming's pen end drifts between great and ordinary, which makes the portraits of those characters full of texture in the great era shine in simplicity, and the aesthetic feeling is profound and long-lasting, which makes people feel cordial. For decades, Tang Xiaoming has been adhering to the realistic creative style, eulogizing the melody of the times enthusiastically and sincerely, and carrying forward the spirit of the times. He is a realistic painter who is closely related to the main body of the times.

