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毛文佐1944年生于浙江岱山.自学绘画.长时间 从事群众文明 工作.中国美术家协会会员.浙江省美术家协会理事.浙江油画协会理事.舟山市美术家协会副主席.舟山市书画院副院长.副研讨 馆员。作品曾入选七届、八届、九届全国美术作品展。首届中国油画展.首届.二届全国体育美展.庆祝建党七十周年全国美展.庆祝建军六十周年全国美展.文明 部全国群星美展等国家级展览近二十次。曾获国家级、省级金、银、铜.优秀奖多次。近年来多次参加国际美展.部份作品被国内外收藏机构和收藏家收藏。《毛文佐画集》由中国美院出版。

Introduction to the artist

Mao Wenzun was born at hill of Zhejiang another name for Taishan Mountain 1944. Self-study is painterly. Be engaged in masses culture for a long time working. Chinese artist academician. Zhejiang saves artist association director. Director of Zhejiang canvas association. Vice-chairman of association of artist of boat hill city. Assistant dean of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of boat hill city. The deputy member that study a house. Work ever selected 7, 8, work of art of 9 whole nations is exhibited. First China canvas is exhibited. First. Beauty of sports of 2 whole nations is exhibited. Beauty of 70 years of whole nations exhibits congratulatory found a party. Celebrate found an army 60 years countrywide beauty is exhibited. Beauty of galaxy of culture ministry whole nation is exhibited wait for national level to be exhibited nearly 20 times. Ever obtained national level, provincial gold, silver-colored, copper. Outstanding award for many times. Attend international beauty to exhibit for many times in recent years. Halfway work is collected domestic and internationally orgnaization and collector are collected. " Mao Wenzun draws volume " by Chinese beauty the courtyard is published.

