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生于上海。1982年毕业于中国美术学院(原浙江美术学院)油画系。中国美术家协会会员。上海美术家协会会员。1986年作品入选第1 届上海连环画作品展。1988年参加第二届上海市青年美术作品展,并获得大奖。1989年参加第七届全国美展。1991年参加“上海─浙江”油画展。1993年参加中日古代 美术作品展、上海古代 美术作品展、“上海─横滨”敌对 城市交流展。荣获中国连环画十佳作品大奖。1995年参加亚细亚古代 美术上海国际展、秋季沙龙日法交流展。1996年参加当代艺术家约请 展、中国当代油画艺术展、第1 届上海艺术博览会、赴俄罗斯参加圣彼得堡油画展、历史画创作《小刀会起义》由上海历史博物馆收藏。1998年参加“上海─仁川”美术作品交流展、第二届上海艺术博览会。1999年参加庆祝上海解放5 十周年时代风采美术作品展,获得佳作奖。参加第九届全国美展,作品《速写建设者》获铜奖。参加第三届上海艺术博览会。2001年参加上海美术大展。2002年作品入选“上海油画家约请 展”,其中《作品NO.6》由刘海粟美术馆收藏。2003年作品《风景NO.2》参加上海油画展并入选“携手新世纪”—第三届中国油画展。

Introduction to the artist

Be born at Shanghai. Was graduated from Chinese academy of fine arts 1982 (former Zhejiang academy of fine arts) canvas is. Chinese artist academician. Shanghai artist academician. Work is selected 1986 work of comic of the first Shanghai is exhibited. Attended work of art of youth of the 2nd Shanghai to exhibit 1988, win large award. Attended beauty of the 7th whole nation to exhibit 1989. Attended 1991 " Shanghai ─ Zhejiang " oily art exhibition. Attended work of Sino-Japanese and modern art to exhibit 1993, work of Shanghai modern art is exhibited, " Shanghai ─ yokohama " friendly city communication is exhibited. Have the honor to win Chinese comic large award of 10 beautiful work. Attended 1995 inferior fine inferior international of modern art Shanghai is exhibited, communication of law of autumn salon day is exhibited. Attended contemporary artist to invite 1996 exhibit, art of Chinese contemporary canvas is exhibited, artistic exposition of the first Shanghai, go to Russia to attend Sanket oil art exhibition, history draws creation " the penknife can uprise " collect by Shanghai history museum. Attended 1998 " Shanghai ─ Ren Chuan " art work communication is exhibited, artistic exposition of the 2nd Shanghai. Attended congratulatory Shanghai to liberate work of 50 art of anniversary times elegant demeanour to exhibit 1999, win award of an excellent work. Attend beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit, work " literary sketch builder " the award that obtain copper. Play artistic fair of the 3rd Shanghai. Attended Shanghai art to be exhibited greatly 2001. Work is selected 2002 " Shanghai canvas home invites exhibit " , among them " work NO.6 " collect by bang millet art gallery. 2003 work " scenery NO.2 " attend Shanghai canvas to exhibit and selected " hand in hand new century " , canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited.

