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詹建俊 - 随其性纵便以为姿——詹建俊和他的

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詹建俊,中国油画家。满族。1931年1月12日生于辽宁沈阳。自幼随父移居北京,并爱好 绘画,初学传统工笔人物画。1948年考入北平艺术专科学校西画科,学习油画;1953年毕业于地方 美术学院绘画系,留校作彩墨画系(今中国画系)研讨 生,师从蒋兆和叶浅予;1955~1957年在苏联专家马克西莫夫的油画训练班学习,所作油画《起家》参加第六届世界青年联欢节,并获铜质奖,毕业后任教于地方 美术学院油画系。1994年后历任全国美展评委、总评委、评委会主任等。现任地方 美术学院教授,中国美术家协会常务理事、美协油画艺术委员会主任等职。詹建俊从事油画教学、创作数十年,其油画外型 坚实,结构严谨,手法简练概括,用笔洒脱,色彩强烈,风格爽健豪壮,富有诗意和音乐性。代表作有《狼牙山5 勇士 》、《高原的歌》、《潮》等,出版《詹建俊画集》。作品曾获“全国美展”金质奖章,“北京市美展”1 等奖。

Introduction to the artist

Chinese canvas home. Manchu. Was born at Liaoning Shenyang on January 12, 1931. From a child migrates along with father Beijing, love to draw, character of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail draws tradition of begin to learn. Took an examination of north 1948 smooth artistic schools is drawn on the west division, learn canvas; Was graduated from central academy of fine arts to draw 1953 is, stay school the Mo Hua that make variety is (today Chinese picture is) graduate student, division is mixed from Jiang Zhao, Xie Jian grants; The canvas training class in Xi Mofu of Russia expert mark learned 1955 ~ 1957, what make canvas " build up " attend festival of youth of the 6th world, win cupreous qualitative award, graduation hind teachs to be fastened at canvas of the academy of fine arts central. Countrywide beauty is had successively held the posts of to exhibit commissioner, total commissioner, commissioner to meet a director to wait after 1994. Currently hold the post ofprofessor of central academy of fine arts, chinese artist association is standing director, beautiful assist the duty such as chairman of canvas art committee. Zhan Jianjun is engaged in canvas education, creation 10 years several, its canvas modelling is solid, the construction is strict, gimmick is succinct and wraparound, with the pen free and easy, majolica, style bright be good at grand and heroic, be full of poetic flavour and musical sex. Masterpiece has " cryptotaeneous cinquefoil hill 5 hero " , " downy song " , " wet " etc, publish " Zhan Jianjun draws volume " . Work ever was obtained " countrywide beauty is exhibited " golden qualitative medal, "Beijing beauty is exhibited " first prize.

