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河南省南阳市镇平县人。擅国画。1955年入地方 美术学院学习,1958年毕业后分配到天津百花文艺出版社工作,1980年调入天津画院从事专业创作。历任河南军区、广州军区、公安军文明 部美术组创作员,百花文艺出版社美术编辑,天津画院1 级画师,天津美术家协会副主席。现为中国美术家协会理事,中国美术家协会天津分会副主席,天津文学艺术界联合会委员,《中州书画报》顾问。
张德育先生国画创作重视 表现人物性情 ,以风俗味和抒情性取胜。兼擅插图。
1958年为长篇小说《苦菜花》插图,被选入《中国文学插图全集 》第1 集,由中国美术馆收藏。
1960年与1963年又前后 为小说《铁木前传》和《太阳从东方升起》插图取得成功。
次要 国画作品有《岭南风》、《铁堤》、《火种》、《潮》、《鼓声摇动天山春》、《织网图》、《春鼓声声》、《大凉山》、《早春乍暖》等。

Introduction to the artist

Henan saves Nanyang small towns to average prefectural person. Traditional Chinese painting of arrogate to oneself. Learned into central academy of fine arts 1955, tianjin allocates after graduating 1958 100 beautiful literary presses work, transferred into Tianjin imperial art academy is engaged in professional creation 1980. Have successively held the posts of the member that form of art of ministry of culture of Henan military region, Guangzhou military region, public security army is created, art of 100 beautiful literary presses edits, tianjin imperial art academy one class painter, vice-chairman of Tianjin artist association. It is director of Chinese artist association now, vice-chairman of branch of Tianjin of Chinese artist association, committee member of union of group of Tianjin literature art, " in city painting and calligraphy signs up for " advisory.
Creation of traditional Chinese painting of Mr Zhang Deyo pays attention to expressional character nature, with custom flavour and lyricism get victory. Hold illustration of arrogate to oneself concurrently.
Was novel 1958 " bitter cauliflower " illustration, be chosen " anthology of Chinese literature illustration " the first collect, collect by Chinese art gallery.
1960 with was a novel early or late again 1963 " pass before hophornbeam " and " the sun is eastwardly rise " illustration gains a success.
Work of main traditional Chinese painting has " mountain south wind " , " Tie Di " , " kindling " , " tide " , " drum is jolty Tian Shanchun " , " the graph that knit a net " , " spring drum sound " , " big cool hill " .
On April 29, 2010, mr Zhang Deyo dies in Tianjin due to illness, die at the age of is 80 years old.

