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张华娥1939年生于昆明,1906年四川美院附中毕业,1964年四川美院油画系毕业。前后 在江西师范大学美术系、云南昆明理工大学建筑学院长时间 从事美术教学工作。教授、湛江海洋大学艺术学院特聘教授。中国美术家协会会员,云南省民族画院特约画家。其作品已由画为主,水彩,漆画,壁画和高丽纸重彩画。并培养出色的:万纪元、张鉴瑞、萧鸿鸣、杨金星万国华、范坚等1 大批艺术家。
作品多次参加全国美展,并获奖。部分作品在台湾展出,重彩画被中国文明 部收藏。油画、水彩、重彩、画在法国、美国、德国、荷兰、等有关画廊展出并收藏。壁画作品分布在云南昆明次要 建筑及其有关活动场所。“菲律宾商报”、中文版“艺廊”对其艺术成就曾作过整版报导。其个人简历被载入《中国当代文明 名人辞典》、《中国美术家》、《世界华人美术年鉴》等大型典籍。

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Huae gave birth to Yu Kunming 1939, attached middle school of Sichuan beautiful courtyard graduated 1906, canvas of Sichuan beautiful courtyard fastened graduation 1964. Manage in Kunming of faculty of art of Jiangxi Normal University, Yunnan early or late the courtyard is engaged in work college architecture for a long time art education works. Institute of art of university of ocean of professor, Zhan Jiang hires a professor especially. Chinese artist academician, yunnan saves painter of engage by special arrangement of ethical imperial art academy. Its work already was given priority to by the picture, watercolour, lacquer painting, mural and Gao Li paper weigh colour to draw. Foster outstanding: 10 thousand epoch, Zhang Jianrui, Xiao Hongming, Yang Jinxing, 10 thousand countries China, large quantities of one artists such as Fan Jian.
Work attends countrywide beauty to exhibit for many times, and bear the palm. Partial work exhibits in Taiwan, the picture that weigh colour is collected by Chinese culture ministry. Canvas, watercolour, heavy colour, picture is in France, United States, Germany, Holand, wait for concerned gallery to exhibit and collect. Mural work distributings to basically be built in Yunnan Kunming reach its to concern mobile place. "Philippine business signs up for " , Chinese edition " art gallery " artistic to its achievement ever had made full page news. Its resume is record in " dictionary of celebrity of Chinese contemporary culture " , " Chinese artist " , " almanac of world Chinese art " wait for large ancient codes and records.

