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2016年 个人展览《诺亚花园》 ——北京 红砖美术馆

2016年 冬季 达沃斯新领军者年会主会场,独立艺术展出项目——天津梅江会展中心 

2015—2016年个人展览《在花园——邓国源当代艺术巡展》东莞 岭南美术馆] 

2016年个人展览《在花园——邓国源当代艺术巡展》广州 53美术馆 

2016年个人展览《在花园——邓国源当代艺术巡展》常州 西太湖美术馆水墨艺术展、刘海粟美术馆安装 艺术展 

2011-2012年个人展览《在花园——邓国源作品巡回展》——美国巴克奈尔萨米克美术馆,美国 新伦敦城艺术中心美术馆,美国雪城威尔豪斯美术馆



2005年个人展览《DISTANZ》 德国杜塞尔多夫阿尔夫·普兰画廊





2017年 《假山 假 假山》 三三画廊 天津 

2016年 天津美术学院实验艺术展 天津美术学院美术馆 天津 

2016年 “物相、心相、世相—中国当代艺术新常态” 原·美术馆 重庆

2016年新加坡双年展“An Atlas of Mirrors”——新加坡国家美术馆 

2015年 第十1 届中艺博国际画廊博览会(CIGE) 国家会议中心 北京  

2015年 超越边界 天津泰达美术馆 天津  

2015年 《品质与格调——2015中国油画家约请 展》 平阁文明 艺术空间 上海

2014年 长卷——世界寓言 天津三远艺术中心 天津

2014年《色不异空》国际抽象绘画艺术家联展 梅江国际艺术馆 天津

2014年“艺术——当代江西” 江西画店 江东北 昌

2014年“艺术北京”北京农业展览馆 北京

2014年 水墨双生约请 展 树美术馆 北京

2014年 中法建交5 十周年中国艺术家巴黎约请 展

2013年 《零界》2013首届中国安装 艺术双年展北京当代艺术馆 北京

2013年《个体生长》天津美术馆 天津


2012年《抽象艺术约请 展》天津美术学院院美术馆,天津



2008年《时代年轮—周长江谭平、邓国源、李磊杨劲松—中国抽象艺术5 人展》中国上海莫干山路M艺术空间

2008年《OUR LIFE—当代艺术展》中国上海文定生活创意广场


2008年《时代年轮——中国抽象艺术5 人展》上海 



《在花园》,是邓国源创作的1 组水墨系列作品的总标题,基本呈现出他近几年来的创作形状 ,也可视作他全体 艺术创风格 貌的1 个缩影,值得人们细细咀嚼品味。“花园”者,种植花草树木,供人观赏之地也。“草木入诗笺,筑圃见文心”,花园之于邓国源,不仅仅是创作的题材,从中更蕴涵着他的精神寄托和审美情致。



1 张轻柔的宣纸,1 支毛笔,用笔点上少许的墨汁,墨汁随着毛笔在这张纸上运转 ,慢慢地渗透和散发开来,有什么能比此更迷人的呢?东方 观赏者眼前看到的材料虽然简单,但是,他们很快便明白,其非物资 的可塑性是多么大呀。不然的话,这些基础材料怎样 会在中国绘画传统中享有很高的价值地位呢?  

Jonathan Goodman 谈邓国源  

艺术的国际化这1 话题,对评论而言颇具挑战性。我们真的要摒弃1 个文明 所独具的特质,特别是我们本身 的那些文明 特质么?如今的艺术家面临的1 大挑战应当 是风格认同成绩 ,与其说是对个人风格的认同,不如说是1 个严肃艺术家在其职业生涯中对其所接纳的风格的认同。



《诺亚花园》是对古代 人类面临知识和信息的洪水吞没 本身 之时,自我解救 的试验。这次渡过洪水延续生存所乘坐的,不再是1 叶方舟(Noah's Ark),而是1 个花园。花园中没有人,而只要 供给人的参与和关注的安装 。花园中也没有洁净或不洁净的鸟兽,而只要 图像和视觉标本。



水墨成绩 ,是中国当代艺术的1 个热题和难题。这个成绩 既牵涉最敏感的时代性,同时亦关乎最古老的传统。在比来 十余年间,水墨的实验艺术正在取得推进,它被用最严肃的、抑或最游戏的方式进行着这样那样的归纳 ,但并非每1 个艺术的实验者都能制造出令人难忘的效果。在1 片标榜别致 的实验当中,邓国源的《在花园中》却体现出1 种异乎寻常的凝稳和意味深隽。

English Introduction

 Deng Guoyuan (1957--) was born in Tianjin. He is a member of China Artists Association, a professor of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, a vice president of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, a tutor of master's degree, an honorary professor of South Dekta University in the United States, and a visiting professor of Harley Academy of Fine Arts in Germany. In 1993, he began to explore the integration of Oriental cultural spirit and western contemporary art, emphasizing the diversity of modern painting performance, advocating respect for nature, fission tradition, and advocating the expression tension of artistic language. Abandon the mediocrity and elegance in the works of art. In artistic creation, paper, cloth, oil painting, ink and other materials are used as media and means, and "landscape" and "withered tree" are used as personal signs and expression language. Thus created a series of excellent works with expressive comprehensive materials on the theme of "Distance" and "In the Mountains". Through these works, the painter tries to arouse people to rethink and attach importance to the surrounding "environment and phenomenon", and also to show the character and spirit of contemporary artists in today's cultural background. "China Modern Art Complete Works Oil Painting Volume", "China Contemporary Art 1979-1999", "China Oil Painting Human Hundred Years" and other important bibliographies and large-scale albums, and often published in "China Oil Painting", "Art Industry", "Art" and other publications. The work Starry Night was selected in the International Youth Art Exhibition, Midsummer was selected in the National Sports Art Exhibition, and Last Night was selected in the Southern Front Art Exhibition.


 Exhibition 2016 Individual Exhibition Noah Garden: Beijing Red Brick Art Museum

Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center, the main venue of the 2016 Summer Davos New Leaders'Annual Conference, an independent art exhibition project

Personal Exhibition in Garden - Deng Guoyuan Contemporary Art Tour Exhibition, Lingnan Art Museum, Dongguan, 2015-2016

2016 Individual Exhibition "In the Garden - Deng Guoyuan Contemporary Art Tour Exhibition" Guangzhou 53 Art Museum

2016 Individual Exhibition "In the Garden - Deng Guoyuan Contemporary Art Tour Exhibition" Changzhou West Taihu Art Museum Ink Art Exhibition, Liu Haisu Art Museum Installation Art Exhibition

2011-2012 Individual Exhibition "In the Garden - Tour Exhibition of Deng Guoyuan's Works" - Bucknell Samick Museum of Art, New London Art Center Museum, Wilhouse Museum of Art, Syracuse, USA

2008 Individual Exhibition "In the Garden" Koblenz, Ludwig Museum, Germany

2007 Individual Exhibition "You Are in the Garden" Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum

2005 Individual Exhibition DISTANZ Alf Planck Gallery, Dusseldorf, Germany

2005 Individual Exhibition "DISTANZ" Gawainbach Museum, Germany

2004 Individual Exhibition FROM THE NATURE IN THE METROPOLSIN ROTATION, Dusseldorf Artists Centre, Germany

1998 Individual Theme Exhibition "Crossing" Borobos Museum, Berlin, Germany

Joint exhibition:

2017 "Rockery and Rockery" San San Gallery Tianjin

2016 Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Experimental Art Exhibition Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum Tianjin

2016 "Phase, Mind, World Phase-New Normal State of Contemporary Chinese Art". Chongqing Museum of Art

Singapore Biennale 2016 "An Atlas of Mirrors" - Singapore National Museum of Art

The 11th CIGE National Convention Center, Beijing, 2015

Tianjin Teda Art Museum Beyond the Border in 2015

Quality and Style: Invitational Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painters 2015 Pingge Cultural and Art Space Shanghai

Long Volume of 2014: World Fable Tianjin Sanyuan Art Center Tianjin

2014 International Joint Exhibition of Abstract Painting Artists "Color Is Different from Space" Meijiang International Art Museum Tianjin

2014 "Art - Contemporary Jiangxi" Jiangxi Painting Shop Jiangxi Southwest Chang

2014 "Art Beijing" Beijing Agricultural Exhibition Museum Beijing

Invitation of Ink and Wash Twins Exhibition Tree Art Museum, Beijing, 2014

Paris Invitational Exhibition of Chinese Artists for the 50th Anniversary of Sino-French Diplomacy in 2014

2013 Zero Boundary 2013 First China Biennale of Installation Art Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art Beijing

2013 Individual Growth Tianjin Art Museum

2012 "Ink and Wash Original" Nanjing Sanchuan Art Museum

Invitation Exhibition of Abstract Art, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum, Tianjin, 2012

2010 "New Territory of Ink and Wash: Contemporary Chinese Ink and Wash Exhibition" M Art Space of Moganshan Road, Shanghai, China

2009-2011 "Brushwork and Performance - Exhibition of Deng Guoyuan and Rosaline Richards" Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum, Samick Art Museum, Bucknell University, Pennsylvania, USA

2008 Annual Ring of the Times - Five Exhibition of Zhou Changjiang, Tan Ping, Deng Guoyuan, Li Lei, Yang Jinsong - Chinese Abstract Art. M Art Space, Moganshan Road, Shanghai, China

OUR LIFE - Contemporary Art Exhibition 2008 Wending Life Creative Square, Shanghai, China

2008 China Experimental Art Exhibition, Art Museum of China Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou

2008 Annual Ring of the Times: Five Exhibitions of Chinese Abstract Art Shanghai

