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李玉辉是苗族人,1965年生于贵州省雷山县西江镇羊排村也东寨,普普通通的西江农民兄弟。18岁那年,1 次偶然的机会,李玉辉遇到一名 到西江写生的画家。画家出于好意,想介绍这个勤劳的小伙儿到省城贵阳去工作,但是年轻的李玉辉没有答应,由于 当时他还舍不得离开那片养育他的土地。但这段缘分,在三年后的1986年终究 还是续上了:李玉辉和几位同乡结伴到省城贵阳打工时,展转 联系上了这位当年的热心画家。在这位画家的介绍下,李玉辉成为省美协的一位 临时工。
在省美协工作期间,李玉辉耳濡目染,开始对绘画产生兴味 。1990年,李玉辉创作出第1 件油画作品:《家乡的眷恋》,这幅表现了秋日里西江农民预备 去劳作场景的作品,入选了“90贵州油画大展”,这极大地提升了李玉辉对绘画的认识,他由此踏上绘画艺术这条注定不1 样的道路。经过二十多年的努力,这位从西江走出来的苗族兄弟,终究 凭着业精于勤的精神,在贵州艺坛具有 了本身 的1 席之地。从1990年起,李玉辉前后 参加了各类画展近40次,发表作品或受访于省内外各类刊物近70次,作品多次入选全国美展并获奖。自1998年破格为贵州美协创作室专职创作员,李玉辉1 路收获,现已成为中国美协会员、国家二级美术师、贵州省美协常务理事、贵州美协油画艺术委员会副主任。
李玉辉勤于创作,多年以来,其以过人的精力和热情,创作出1 大批以家乡为题的系列风俗画,表达了对家乡的无穷 眷恋之情,实现了托尔斯泰对艺术本质的理解:作者所体验过的感情感染了观众,这就是艺术。
在李玉辉的笔下,西江苗寨的山水,是那样的绝美;西江苗寨的阳光,是那样的柔美;西江苗人的生活,是那样的纯美。但李玉辉的作品,又不仅限于对个人情感的宣泄。在他的作品中,同样有着想像性、虚拟 性和符号性等古代 艺术的特点。特别 后期作品中略带夸张的人物外型 ,质朴中带着几分诙谐幽默,辅以明快的色彩,不仅让人体会到西江苗人的朴实与纯洁,也突出了传说中苗族先民创造大地时“手大能撑天,脚大能踏地”的无畏气概,充溢着浓浓的民族骄傲 感。也正是通过这类 阳光般的抒写,李玉辉完成了本身 酝酿已久的《苗人浓情》系列作品的创作,不仅为本身 的艺术生涯写下了精彩的篇章,更为家乡西江打造了1 张无可替代的艺术名片。具有 这样的艺术家,岂不是西江之幸!

Introduction to the artist

Li Yuhui is Miao Zu person, was born at county of hill of Guizhou Province thunder 1965 Jiang Zhenyang discharges a village on the west also east stockaded village, everyday on the west river farmer brother. , accidental opportunity, li Yuhui encounters to arrive on the west the painter of river paint from life. The painter is stemmed from well-intentioned, want to introduce this laborious lad to work to provincial capital Guiyang, but young Li Yuhui did not agree, because he still is hated to part with at that time,leave that land that fosters him. But this paragraph of lot, after 3 years 1986 still is add eventually went up: When Li Yuhui and accompany of a few fellow villagers work to provincial capital Guiyang, flounder contacted this in those days enthusiastic painter. Below the introduction of this painter, li Yuhui becomes province beauty assist a casual.
Saving the beauty assist during the job, li Yuhui be influenced by what one constantly sees and hears, begin to generate interest to brushwork. 1990, li Yuhui creates a work of the first canvas: " the be sentimentally attached to of home town " , this behaved farmer of autumn day Li Xijiang to prepare to work the work of setting, selected " 90 Guizhou canvas is exhibited greatly " , this promoted Li Yuhui the understanding to brushwork greatly, he sets foot on painterly art from this this is destined different way. Through effort of more than 20 years, this from on the west river the Miao Zu brother that visits, eventually the spirit with Yu Qin of essence of course of study, in Guizhou art altar had his position. Since 1990, li Yuhui entered of all kinds art exhibition nearly 40 times early or late, publish work or suffer visit at saving inside and outside of all kinds journal is close 70, work for many times beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited and bear the palm. From 1998 abnormality is Guizhou beauty assist the member that creation room full-time is created, li Yuhui is harvested all the way, the member that already made Chinese beautiful society now, country division of 2 class art, Guizhou Province is beautiful assist standing director, Guizhou is beautiful assist vice director of canvas art council.
Li Yuhui is diligent at creation, old since, its are mixed with outstanding energy enthusiastic, creation gives large quantities of one series custom that are a problem with home town to draw, expressed the feeling of the infinite be sentimentally attached to to home town, realized Tuoersitai's substaintial to art understanding: The feeling that author place has experienced affected an audience, this is artistic.
In Li Yuhui's the wording and purpose of what one writes, the landscape of Xi Jiangmiao stockaded village, be in that way absolutely beautiful; The sunshine of Xi Jiangmiao stockaded village, it is in that way soft beauty; The life of Xi Jiangmiao's person, it is in that way pure beauty. But Li Yuhui's work, do not be confined to pair of individual affective drain again. In his work, likewise consider resembles the characteristic of the modern art such as gender, dummy sex and symbolic sex. Especially syncopation of later period work brings exaggerated character model, plain in bringing a few minutes of humorous humour, complementary with lively colour, let a person experience the guileless of Xi Jiangmiao's person and chasteness not only, the Miao Zu in also highlighting fokelore first civilian when creating the earth " the hand can open a season greatly, the foot can step the ground greatly " dauntless lofty quality, circumfuse is worn great ethical sense of pride. Also pass the describe like this kind of sunshine just about, li Yuhui was finished oneself brew long already " Miao Rennong affection " the creation of series work, the artistic career that is oneself not only wrote down wonderful sections and chapters, more home town on the west river made a piece of irreplaceable artistic calling card. Have such artist, not be Xijiang's favour!

