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吴正恭 1961年6月9日生于上海。童年时代就已显示了在绘画方面的天赋和才能。自十三岁起每年都有作品在上海市美术馆举办的先生 画展中展出。1978年夏,获“上海市中先生 美术竞赛”第一位 。同年9月,中学尚未毕业,即被破格录了进入上海戏剧学院舞台美术系美术,1982年7月毕业。1984年至1985年曾在上海工艺美术学院任教。1985年7月赴美留学。1987年9月进入美国历史最悠久的宾夕法尼亚美术学院专攻油画。在校期间,曾获“卡佩尔奖”、“莫里斯·布莱克本风景画奖”、“法兰西斯·伯格曼纪念奖”及“凯瑟琳·格兰特纪念奖”。1990年5月毕业后移居纽约。其作品曾前后 陈列于比华利山庄的奥利·芬德利画廊、洛杉矶的大卫·贾斯廷·莱斯特画廊、纽约的大中心艺术画廊及费城最老最大的纽曼画廊。1995年起成为肖像画行业中在世界上最有影响的纽约肖像画廊(PORTRAITS,INC.)的专业画家。1998年5月与美国最大的艺术出版公司之1 的斯卡古代 艺术集团签约,成为该公司名下的签约画家。现为美国肖像艺术家协会会员。作品95年5月4日在香港苏富比拍卖。现为上海交通大学媒体与设计学院副教授。

Introduction to the artist

Wu Zhenggong was born at Shanghai on June 9, 1961. Childhood times already demonstrated the endowment in painterly respect and ability. The student that since 13 years old every year work is held in Shanghai art gallery exhibits in art exhibition. 1978 summer, obtain " contest of art of Shanghai high school student " the first. Of the same age in September, the middle school has not graduate, was recorded by abnormality namely entering art of arena of Shanghai Thespian institute is art, graduated in July 1982. Came to ever taught in institute of Shanghai arts and crafts 1985 1984. Went to the United States to study abroad in July 1985. Entered the guest evening way with American the longest history in September 1987 institute of Ni Yamei art specializes in canvas. During school, ever obtained " Ka Peier award " , " Morris Bulaikeben landscape award " , " Xisi Baigeman commemorates flange. New York migrates after graduating in May 1990. The Ollie that its work ever displayed mountain villa of Yu Bihua benefit early or late the David Justin Laisite of gallery of benefit of · fragrance heart, los angeles of gallery, new York greatly. The gallery of the most influential on the world new York effigies in portraiture trade is being made since 1995 (PORTRAITS, INC. ) professional painter. Label of contemporary and artistic group makes an appointment with the Si Ka that the as greatest as the United States skill published one of companies in May 1998, the lot that makes this company under one's name makes an appointment with a painter. It is academician of American effigies artist now. Work compared a sale in Hong Kong Su Fu 95 years on May 4. It is media of Shanghai traffic university and design college associate professor now.

