刘庆和的绘画能够将当代人的精神形态 和心思 形态 表达得非常复杂,他没有给你1 个明确的答案,他也不试图教育你什么。我觉得刘庆和在这1 点上,做到了许多人做不到的甚至也想不到的事情。就这点来说,我觉得刘庆和在当代中国水墨画的发展中有着无可替代的重要价值。
中国水墨画是中国传统绘画的1 种,以毛笔和墨汁勾画线条,通过涂抹墨迹表现山水、花鸟、人物等。水墨画有1000多年历史,它与中国传统文明 密不可分,是中国人文精神中最具代表性的文明 遗产之1 。在传统水墨画中,画家们重视 绘画技巧和表达精神志向,包括松、竹、梅等植物都有商定 俗成的寓意,而当下的生活却很难入画。1 些水墨画家尝试变革,将中国水墨画向东方 油画靠近,但常常失去了本身 之美。刘庆和作为水墨画家,也在不断地探索。他说:
“水墨画在介入当代的时候,由于 相对 传统水墨画的1 种创作方式和解读方式,包括欣赏方式,我会更多的考虑到水墨画怎样 进入当代,在介入当代的时候,怎样 能够保持艺术家的个人的1 种创作形态 。”
刘庆和1961年出生于天津,20岁从天津工艺美术学校毕业,这1 年,他创作的第1 幅中国画作品参加了“全国青年美展”,以后 ,他进入北京的地方 美术学院民间美术系连环画专业学习。1987年刘庆和本科毕业时以连环画方式创作的石版组画《墙》,至今仍被美术评论界提到,认为当时他就表现出对“当下生活环境和当下的人文背景”的热衷与关心。但是,接上去 ,他竟然转而学习被认为阔别 理想 的中国传统水墨画,缘由 是他自信地认为“关注当下生活,以这1 原则 来看传统,就不会被传统凌驾,进而突出'人和生命'。”
刘庆和对于中国画阔别 生活真实的传统套路和格式不以为然,不断 试图拓宽中国画的题材领域。他从30岁时开始都市题材水墨画的创作。在他的作品中,人物被塑造得非常具有当代感觉,比如松弛的肉体、僵直的胳膊、飘忽的眼神,这些图像不仅直面生活,而且充满想像力,将都市人复杂多变的情感表现得入木三分。
刘庆和的水墨画作品在国内外参展不断。这些作品或者由于 以传统绘画的情势 出如今 当代艺术展中而显得“卓然不群”,或者由于 在中国画中注入时代感后的独特气质,而在中国画的专业展览中显得“迥异不同”。
观众从刘庆和的都市水墨画中,总能咂摸出1 丝独特的深长的意味。有人评论说画中透着1 种“刘氏”幽默,不是喋喋不休的表现,而是1 种平淡从容、不露声色的“冷幽默”。
对此,刘庆和认为,从传统水墨画中,很难找到都市题材可依循的表现技法,只要 依托 本身 的生活积淀,对生活真情实意的体验,在创作中进入1 种激情的形态 ,才能发挥自我。
2012 漂——刘庆和雕塑安装 作品展(北京 三里屯瑜舍酒店)
2011 回头是岸——刘庆和水墨近作展(南通中心美术馆)
2010 浮现——刘庆和苏州计划(苏州本色美术馆)
悸动——刘庆和新作展 (北京 红门画廊)
2009 混沌的边缘——刘庆和新作展(深圳何香凝美术馆)
2007 隔岸——刘庆和作品展(北京·中国美术馆)
刘庆和作品展(北京 今日美术馆)
2006 刘庆和作品展(韩国·东山房画廊)
2001 刘庆和作品展(清华大学美术学院、波士顿·QINGPING画廊)
1995 刘庆和作品展(深圳美术馆)
1994 刘庆和作品展(地方 美术学院画廊)
1992 刘庆和作品展(西班牙·马德里皇家美术学院)
1995—2004 刘庆和作品展(北京·红门画廊)
2012 都市田园——中国美术馆中国画提名展(北京 中国美术馆)
2010 深圳国际水墨双年展 (深圳画院)
手头笔头——艺术家手稿展(北京 地方 美术学院美术馆)
2009 四门阵——今派传承水墨主题展(北京 今日美术馆)
墨非墨——中国当代水墨展 (美国费城 当代艺术中心)
成都双年展(四川 成都)
2008 北京国际双年展(北京 中国美术馆)
水墨新境——中国当代水墨展(德国 柏林博物馆)
2007 文脉——中国版本(北京 今日美术馆)
“ 中国——面对理想 ”中国当代艺术展(奥地利维也纳 MUMOK古代 美术馆)
“延承、归纳 、渗透——墨”中日当代水墨展(日本 东京艺术大学)
2006 水墨文献展(南京·南视觉美术馆)
虚真假 实——中国当代艺术展(韩国首尔·HEYLI当代艺术中心)
2005 中国当代艺术展(墨西哥·塔马约当代艺术博物馆)
2004 东方既白——20世纪中国绘画展(巴黎·金门宫)
第4届深圳国际水墨画约请 展(深圳·关山月美术馆)
当代新理想 中的水墨人物画(上海美术馆)
2003 国际艺术博览会中国主题展(韩国·首尔)
2002 两岸水墨画约请 展(台北·国父纪念馆)
都市营建 ——上海双年展(上海美术馆)
2001 百年中国画大展(北京·中国美术馆)
生活在此时——中国当代艺术展(柏林·汉堡火车站古代 美术馆)
纸上之韵——中、日、韩画家约请 展(韩国·首尔)
水墨本色——当代中国画约请 展(北京 中国美术馆)
2000 世纪之门——中国当代艺术约请 展(成都)
波士顿博物馆,西班牙瓦伦西亚大学,澳大利亚大使馆,上海美术馆. 广东美术馆, 深圳美术馆,广州美术馆,中国画研讨 院等。
Liu Qinghe, male, born in Tianjin in 1961, graduated from the Department of Folk Art of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1987, and from the Department of Chinese Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1989, with a master's degree. Now he is a professor and tutor of the Chinese Painting Institute of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a researcher of the Chinese National Academy of Painting and a member of the Chinese Artists Association. The Chinese painting "The Way Through" participated in the "2nd National Youth Art Exhibition" held by the Chinese Art Museum and won the second prize of the "2nd Tianjin Youth Art Exhibition".
Solo exhibition
2012 Floating - Liu Qinghe's Sculpture Installation Exhibition (Beijing Sanlitun Yoshe Hotel)
Turning Back to the Shore in 2011: Liu Qing and Ink Recent Exhibition (Nantong Central Museum of Art)
Parallel Line-Liu Qinghe Print Works Exhibition (Beijing Red Gate Gallery)
2010 Emergence - Liu Qing and Suzhou Plan (Suzhou Natural Color Art Museum)
Palpitation - Liu Qingxin's Works Exhibition (Beijing Red Gate Gallery)
The Margin of Chaos in 2009: Liu Qingxin Exhibition (He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen)
Offshore 2007: Liu Qinghe Works Exhibition (Beijing China Museum of Art)
Liu Qinghe Works Exhibition (Beijing Today Art Museum)
Liu Qinghe Works Exhibition 2006 (Korea Dongshanfang Gallery)
2001 Liu Qinghe Works Exhibition (School of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University, Boston QINGPING Gallery)
1995 Liu Qinghe Works Exhibition (Shenzhen Museum of Art)
1994 Liu Qinghe Works Exhibition (Gallery of Central Academy of Fine Arts)
1992 Liu Qinghe Works Exhibition (Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Madrid, Spain)
1995-2004 Liu Qinghe Works Exhibition (Beijing Red Gate Gallery)
Joint exhibition
Metropolitan Pastoral in 2012: Nominated Exhibition of Chinese Painting in the Chinese Art Museum of China (Beijing China Art Museum)
2010 Shenzhen International Biennale of Ink and Wash (Shenzhen Academy of Painting)
Handwriting - Artist Manuscript Exhibition (Art Museum of Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts)
Busan International Biennale, Korea (Busan)
2009 Four Gates Array: Ink and Wash Theme Exhibition of Modern School (Beijing Today Art Museum)
Ink and Ink: Contemporary Chinese Ink and Wash Exhibition (Philadelphia Contemporary Art Center, USA)
Chengdu Biennale (Chengdu, Sichuan)
2008 Beijing International Biennale (Beijing China Art Museum)
New Territory of Ink and Wash: Contemporary Chinese Ink and Wash Exhibition (Berlin Museum, Germany)
Context 2007 - Chinese Version (Beijing Today Art Museum)
"China - Face Reality" China Contemporary Art Exhibition (MUMOK Museum of Modern Art, Vienna, Austria)
"Ink Ink" Contemporary Chinese and Japanese Ink Exhibition (Tokyo University of Art, Japan)
2006 Chinese Ink Documentation Exhibition (Nanjing South Visual Art Museum)
False, False and Real-China Contemporary Art Exhibition (Seoul HEYLI Contemporary Art Center, Korea)
Oriental Rhyme: Contemporary Chinese Ink Works Exhibition (Los Angeles, USA)
Contemporary Video-the First Chinese Contemporary Art Yearbook Exhibition (Beijing, China Century Altar)
60 Horizons Exhibition (Beijing Today Art Museum)
China Contemporary Art Exhibition 2005 (Mexico Tamayo Museum of Contemporary Art)
2004 Eastern Whiteness - 20th Century Chinese Painting Exhibition (Paris Golden Gate Palace)
New Freehand Brushwork: Contemporary Chinese Ink and Wash Works Exhibition (Beijing, China Museum of Art)
19th Asian International Art Exhibition (Japan Fukuoka Asian Art Museum)
The 4th Shenzhen International Invitation Exhibition of Ink Painting (Shenzhen Guanshan Moon Art Museum)
Fusion and Classics: Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Masters'Works (Beijing, China Art Museum)
Ink figure painting in contemporary new reality (Shanghai Museum of Art)
2003 International Art Fair China Theme Exhibition (Seoul, Korea)
Open Times Exhibition (Beijing China Art Museum)
Point, Radiation and Deepness: Visual Expressions from Paper and Ink (Malaysia National Museum of Art)
Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Ink Painting on both sides of the Straits in 2002 (Taipei National Father Memorial Hall)
Urban Construction: Shanghai Biennale (Shanghai Art Museum)
The 3rd Shenzhen International Biennale of Ink and Wash (Shenzhen)
2001 Centennial Chinese Painting Exhibition (Beijing, China Museum of Art)
Living at this time: China Contemporary Art Exhibition (Berlin Hamburg Railway Station Museum of Modern Art)
Rhyme on Paper: Invitational Exhibition of Chinese, Japanese and Korean Painters (Seoul, Korea)
Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Painting (Beijing Museum of Chinese Art)
The Gate of the 2000 Century: Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art (Chengdu)
The 2nd Shenzhen International Biennale of Ink and Wash (Shenzhen)
Collection of Works
Boston Museum, University of Valencia, Spain, Australian Embassy, Shanghai Art Museum, Guangdong Art Museum, Shenzhen Art Museum, Guangzhou Art Museum, Academy of Chinese Painting, etc.