卢德辉(1937.7—)满族,黑龙江宁安人。擅长装潢 绘画。1961年毕业于地方 工艺美术学院。天津工艺美术设计院教师。作品有壁画《六盘山》(合作)、《文成公主进藏图》,设计有第六届全国运动会纪念邮票四枚等。
Lu Dehui (1937.7, ) Manchu, heilongjiang brings a person rather. Be good at decorating brushwork. Was graduated from institute of central arts and crafts 1961. Teacher of designing institute of Tianjin arts and crafts. Work has mural " 6 dishes of hill " (collaboration) , " civil pursue into Tibet into the princess " , the design has commemorative stamp of games of the 6th whole nation 4 wait.