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1963年11月4日王澍出生于新疆维吾尔自治区的乌鲁木齐市,本籍 山西省吕梁市交口县野家坡村。成擅长 新疆、北京、西安。小学、初中均毕业于中铁1 局西安子弟学校。

1981年毕业于中铁1 局西安中学。1981年后游学江南。



1988年从南京工学院(现东南大学)建筑研讨 所获建筑学硕士学位(导师:齐康院士),硕士毕业后来到浙江美术学院(现中国美术学院)从事旧楼改造,及环境与建筑关系的研讨 。1988至1995年在浙江美术学院(现中国美术学院)工作。


1997年王澍与妻子陆文宇一同 成立了“专业 建筑工作室”。在1 篇叫做《专业 的建筑》的文章里,王澍阐释“专业 ”:“强调1 种建筑观是专业 的,实际上就是在强调自在 比原则 有更高的价值,并且乐于见到由于对信誉 扫地的权威的质疑所带来的1 点小小的混乱。”

专业 工作室只要 六个人:王澍夫妇和王澍的四个弟子,他们通常要和1 些大型设计院合作,来完成全部的施工图设计。

行内的规矩是,工作室做好设计方案,设计院配1 套施工图,就动土开工了。陆文宇不放心,和设计院达成了“新规矩”:第1 遍做好的施工图得拿回工作室补充、完善,再请设计院二次矫正,然后给回工作室终究 检查、定案。别人只做1 道的工序,“专业 工作室”得做四道。2000年毕业于同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,获博士学位(导师:卢济威),建筑设计与理论专业城市设计方向



2011年,王澍成为第一名 担任哈佛大学研讨 生院“丹下健三客座教授”的中国本土建筑师

2011年底,王澍受聘哈佛大学研讨 生院丹下健三荣誉教授,做了题为“自然情势 的叙事与几何”的演讲。


2013年,美国当地时间2013年4月18日,《时代》杂志发布2013年度全球100位最有影响力人物名单,中国美术学院建筑艺术学院院长王澍入选。中国美院象山校区、宁波博物馆、杭州南宋御街、上海世博会滕头馆、苏州大学文正学院图书馆、5 散房等都是他的建筑作品。

王澍在建筑中所用的“瓦爿墙”都是用回收来的旧砖瓦做成的,他在作品中频繁使用再生材料,不断 抗议建筑材料的浪费。《时代》杂志特别提到了7年前王澍用66000块来自旧房拆毁的青瓦创作的作品《瓦园》,当时曾经引发 了建筑界对当下中国城市成绩 的关注,并掀起了国际建筑舞台上的中国热潮。还提到了在第十二届威尼斯建筑双年展上,王澍以“衰变的穹顶”获得特别荣誉奖,成为了首位以个人名义登上该世界第1 大建筑展领奖台的中国建筑师。(美国《时代》杂志年度全球100位最有影响力人物名单,每年都会评选1 次,从政界、商界到体育界、文明 界,涵盖了各行各业具有影响力的人物。到2013年底,《时代》周刊已 连续10年进行了全世界100位最有影响力人物评选,2013年的评选中这100位人物被分为5 个组,分别是:巨人组、领导人组、艺术家组、先锋组和偶像组。王澍属于艺术家组入选人物。


 我们要想探寻王澍的建筑观点,必须从其具体作品中寻得。最能体现王澍建筑观点的非他的中国美院象山校区莫属,中国美院院长许江慧眼识珠,将全部 新校区交给王澍来做,而王澍也没有辜负其信任,并没有将位处中国最具诗情画意的城市杭州的中国美院新校区做成当代大学统1 的古代 建筑规划模式,而是将其打形成 1 个具有桃花源般美丽的、具有传统田园特质的新型校区。在象山校区中,王澍抛弃了古代 建筑经典规划手法,去除了没有现场意义的轴线关系,对称关系等手法,而是将四周 环境作为建筑规划的最大根据 ,从而构成 了自在 的、外松内紧的、具有 清晰场所关系的规划模式。王澍在校园内保留了1 片农田,使用了因城市化而拆除的传统建筑的旧砖瓦,建筑外型 上也试图用1 种饱含传统记忆而又简洁优美的外型 来达成其建筑与场地的关系。




2005年,宁波5 散房项目荣获HOLCIM豪瑞可持续建筑大奖赛亚太地区荣誉奖。

2005年,中国美术学院象山校园1 期工程获中国建筑艺术年鉴学术奖。




2010年,与妻子陆文宇一同 荣获德国谢林建筑实践大奖。


2011年底,王澍受聘哈佛大学研讨 生院丹下健三荣誉教授。(“丹下健三”荣誉讲席教授是哈佛大学授予世界范围内有突出成就的建筑师,每年评选出一名 ,王澍教授是获得这1 荣誉的第一名 中国籍建筑学者。)

2012年,荣获世界建筑学最高奖项普利兹克奖 ,成为第一名 获此殊荣的中国籍人士,也是继1983年贝聿铭以后 ,第二位获此殊荣的华人建筑师,世界第4年轻的普利茨克获奖者。( 2012年5月25日,普利兹克建筑奖(The Pritzker Architecture Prize)颁奖典礼在北京人民大会堂举行。)


English Introduction

 Wang Shu, Han nationality. Born in November 1963, he is currently the dean of the School of Architectural Art of China Academy of Fine Arts, the tutor of doctoral students, the leader of the discipline of architecture, and the leader of the discipline of young and middle-aged students in Colleges and universities of Zhejiang Province. In 1985, Wang Shu graduated from the Department of Architecture, Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University) with a bachelor's degree; in 1988, he graduated from the Institute of Architecture, Southeast University with a master's degree; and from 1988 to 1995, he worked in Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now China Academy of Fine Arts). In 2000, Wang Shu received a doctorate in architecture from Tongji University. On February 27, 2012, Wang Shu won the Pritzker Architecture Award in 2012, becoming the first Chinese citizen to win this award. In April 2016, Wang Shu was selected as a special professor in the "Yangtze River Scholar Award Program" in 2015.


 Wang Shu was born on November 4, 1963 in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. His ancestral home is Yejiapo Village, Jiaokou County, Luliang City, Shanxi Province. Growing up in Xinjiang, Beijing and Xi'an. Primary and junior high schools graduated from Xi'an Children's School of the First Bureau of China Railway.

Graduated from Xi'an Middle School in 1981. After 1981, he traveled to the south of the Yangtze River.

In 1981, he was admitted to the Department of Architecture of Southeast University (Nanjing Institute of Technology).

In 1985, he graduated from the Department of Architecture of Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University) with a bachelor's degree.

In 1988, he received a master's degree in architecture from the Institute of Architecture, Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University). After his master's degree, he went to Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now China Academy of Fine Arts) to study the transformation of old buildings and the relationship between environment and architecture. From 1988 to 1995, he worked in Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now China Academy of Fine Arts).

The Haining Youth Palace built in 1990 is Wang Shu's first work.

In 1997, Wang Shu and his wife Lu Wenyu set up an amateur architecture studio. In an article called Amateur Architecture, Wang Shu explains "amateur": "Emphasizing that an architectural concept is amateur is actually emphasizing that freedom has a higher value than norms, and is happy to see a little confusion caused by questioning the authority that has destroyed credit."

There are only six people in the amateur studio: Mr. and Mrs. Wang Shu and four disciples of Wang Shu. They usually cooperate with some large design institutes to complete all the construction drawings.

The rule in the industry is that when the studio completes the design plan and the design institute matches a set of construction drawings, the construction starts. Lu Wenyu is not confident, and the Design Institute reached a "new rule": the first time to complete the construction plan must be taken back to the studio to supplement and improve, and then ask the design institute to rectify twice, and then to return to the studio for final inspection and final decision. Others only do one job, and "amateur studio" has to do four. In 2000, he graduated from the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, and received his Ph.D. (Tutor: Lujiwei). He majored in urban design in architectural design and theory.

After obtaining a doctorate, he began to serve as the dean of the Academy of Architectural Arts, China Academy of Fine Arts.

In 2002, he published his monograph The Beginning of Design.

In 2011, Wang Shu became the first Chinese native architect to serve as "Three Visiting Professors of Danxia Jian" at Harvard Graduate School.

At the end of 2011, Wang Shu was appointed Honorary Professor Danxia Kenzo of Harvard Graduate School and gave a speech entitled "Narration and Geometry in Natural Form".

In 2012, he won the Pritzker Prize for Architecture, the Nobel Prize in Architecture.

In 2013, on April 18, 2013, American local time, Time magazine published a list of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2013. Wang Shu, Dean of the School of Architectural Arts of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, was selected. Xiangshan Campus of Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, Ningbo Museum, Royal Street of Southern Song Dynasty in Hangzhou, Tengtou Pavilion of Shanghai World Expo, Library of Wenzheng College of Suzhou University and Wusanfang are all his architectural works.

Wang Shu's "tiles and walls" are made of recycled old bricks and tiles. He frequently uses recycled materials in his works and has been protesting against the waste of building materials. Time magazine specifically mentioned Wang Shu's "Wayuan", which was created seven years ago with 66,000 pieces of green tiles from old houses demolished. At that time, it attracted the attention of the architectural community to the current urban problems in China and set off a Chinese upsurge on the international architectural stage. It was also mentioned that at the 12th Venice Biennale of Architecture, Wang Shu won a special honorary award for "Decay Dome", becoming the first Chinese architect to stand on the podium of the world's largest architectural exhibition in his personal name. Time magazine's annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world is selected once a year, covering influential people from all walks of life, from politics, business to sports and culture. By the end of 2013, Time magazine had selected 100 most influential people in the world for 10 consecutive years. In 2013, the 100 people were divided into five groups: Giant Group, Leader Group, Artist Group, Pioneer Group and Idol Group. Wang Shu is a member of the Artist Group.

