1 九三六年生。河北满城人。擅舞台美术。甘肃省歌舞团。1956年在地方 美术学院学习,曾师从蒋兆和。
历任兰州电影制片厂美工,东南 民族学院艺术科教师,甘肃省歌舞团美术设计、舞美队队长,甘肃省敦煌艺术剧院1 级美术师。曾为《丝路花雨》、《箜篌引》、《敦煌古乐》等十余部大型民族舞剧、戏剧、歌舞担任舞美设计。连环画《丝路花雨》获第二届全国连环画评奖绘画二等奖,中国画《跳绳》入选中国体育美展。出版有《李明强中国画选》。擅长以中国画手法体现出西洋画画风,曾于澳门举办个人画展。
Unripe 1936. Person of Heibei full city. Art of arena of arrogate to oneself. Chorus of the Gansu Province. Centrally academy of fine arts learned 1956, million of Ceng Shicong Jiang and.
Have successively held the posts of art design of Lanzhou film studio, division of science and education of skill of northwest nation institute, team leader of beautiful group of artistic design of chorus of the Gansu Province, dance, artistic theater of Dunhuang of the Gansu Province division of one class art. Ceng Wei " filar Lu Huayu " , " an ancient plucked stringed instrument is brought " , " Dunhuang Gu Le " wait for pantomime of more than 10 large nations, Thespian, singing and dancing to hold the position of dance beauty to design. Comic " filar Lu Huayu " win second-class award of brushwork of decide on awards through discussion of comic of the 2nd whole nation, china is drawn " skip " beauty of selected China sports is exhibited. Publish have " the traditional Chinese painting in Li Mingjiang is chosen " . Be good at drawing gimmick body to reveal West to draw picture wind with China, ever held individual art exhibition at Macao.