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谢绍春,1941年生,广东普宁人,1959年入伍,海军某部设计室主任,著名军旅书画家,中国美术家协会会员,中国楹联会会员,中国舞台拳术家协会会员,中华名人协会会员,中国书画家协会高级研讨 员、理事,澳门中国画院名誉院长,东方艺术研讨 院名誉院长,北京潮人海外联谊会会员,泰中艺术家联合会顾问。
1964年参加中国革命史诗《东方红》和《椰林怒火》的舞美制造 、表演 和电影的拍摄工作;全军文艺汇演中《泉水》和《万山红遍》获舞美设计奖、全国第六届文艺汇演中获舞美设计二等奖。海军政治部歌舞团高级舞美设计师。作品两幅入选全国第八届群星奖画展。
几十年来,谢绍春辛苦 耕耘,渔古猎今、自探蹊路,奉献了许多书画佳作。他多次参加国内外书画展并获奖。在中国文明 部举办的“中华世纪之光”中国书画大赛获金奖。在北京“中国军事博物馆”举办个人书画展,陆海空三军、公安、武警的领导和广大官兵、海内外著名书画家、各界朋友均给予高度评价。地方 电视台多个频道、广播电台、人民日报、中国青年报等十几家报纸进行报导。后又在广东广州、台山、普宁、梅州、揭阳、河南洛阳等地举办个人书画展。泰皇72岁华诞应邀赴泰国曼谷参展,并呈泰皇巨幅牡丹图,泰国亚洲日报、中华日报、世界日报等进行了专访报导。澳门回归祖国1 周年应邀赴澳举办大型个人书画展,被各界人士赞誉为国色天香的传播使者。后又在韩国参展。为纪念建党80周年书法作品入选全国书法篆刻展。美术作品“牡丹魂”入选“伟大丰碑”全国书画艺术展作品集。地方 电视台拍摄的“1 个水兵的希望 ”专题片进行了多次播放。地方电视台、广州日报、羊城晚报、解放军画报及国内外报刊、杂志相继发表作品和评论文章、名人专访。不少佳作尤以充满新意的牡丹作品得到国家领导人和国际知名人士的爱好 ,并被多家艺术馆和书画院收藏。

Introduction to the artist

Xie Shaochun, unripe 1941, guangdong general peaceful person, 1959 enrollment, naval director of some drawing office, famous home of army brigade painting and calligraphy, chinese artist academician, chinese couplet hung on the columns of a hall is met member, home of Chinese arena Chinese boxing academician, china celebrity academician, association of home of Chinese painting and calligraphy is advanced researcher, director, macao China draws courtyard reputation dean, dean of reputation of Oriental and artistic academy, member of the party outside Beijing wet sea of faces, federation of the artist in peaceful is advisory.
Attended Chinese revolution 1964 epic " east is red " and " coconut forest fury " dance beauty is made, of show and film film the job; Horse and foot is literary in joint performance " spring " and " 10 thousand Shan Gong is alled over " dance beauty is obtained to design second-class award in the 6th literary joint performance of award of design of the beauty that obtain dance, whole nation. Chorus of naval politics ministry is advanced dance beautiful stylist. Work art exhibition of award of the 8th galaxy of two selected whole nations.
Come a few years, xie Shaochun is arduous and cultivated, fishing ancient hunt today, from explore footpath road, dedicated an excellent work of a lot of painting and calligraphy. He enters art exhibition of domestic and international book for many times and bear the palm. Hold in Chinese culture ministry " the light of China century " contest of Chinese painting and calligraphy wins a gold prize. In Beijing " museum of Chinese military affairs " hold individual book art exhibition, friend of home of the leader of land sea empty three armed services, public security, armed police and wide old officers and soldiers, global famous painting and calligraphy, all circles all gives height the opinion. Ten newspaper such as newspaper of youth of broadcasting station of many channel, broadcast, People's Daily, China undertake the CCTV report. Guangdong is in again after and other places of Luoyang of hill of Guangzhou, stage, Pu Ning, Meizhou, Jie Yang, Henan holds individual painting and calligraphy to exhibit. Peaceful emperor 72 years old China absurd go to Thailand Bangkok ginseng to exhibit on invitation, show peaceful emperor gigantic a peony graph, thailand Asia daily, China daily, world daily undertook the special interview covers. Macao regression motherland is gone to one year on invitation bay hold art exhibition of large individual book, by the transmission emissary that recognition of all circles personage is very beautiful. Exhibit in Korea ginseng again after. For commemorative found a party seal cutting of calligraphy of selected whole nation exhibits work of 80 years of calligraphy. Art work " peony fetch " selected " great monumental work " art of countrywide painting and calligraphy extends work market. The CCTV films " the wish of a bluejacket " special subject piece undertook for many times broadcasting. Pictorial of evening paper of wall of daily of local TV station, Guangzhou, sheep, liberation army and domestic and international the press, magazine publishs special report of work and comment article, celebrity in succession. Many an excellent work get with filling the peony work of new idea national leader and international know a personage especially love, be collected by many artistic house and courtyard of painting and calligraphy.

