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为人民大会堂作鹦鹉玉兰果盘和脱胎玉兰花瓶收入《中国工艺美术丛书》,《梅桩笔筒》、《太空盘》、《继承》、《星球盘》收入《中国古代 美术全集》漆器卷,漆画《丰收画》获全国漆画展工艺奖,出版有《漆艺髹饰学》等。
1961年,何豪亮参加文明 部高等美术院校教材编写小组《漆艺史》编写工作,数十年来把全部精力贡献给漆工艺的研讨 ,制造 和教学。创作的漆器漆画多次参加全国性和国际性展览,为人民大会堂作《鹦鹉玉兰果盘》《脱胎玉兰花瓶》收入《中国工艺美术丛书中国漆器篇`四川漆器》。《梅桩笔筒》《太空盘》《藏族荣具》收入《中国古代 美术全集》(漆器卷),漆画《继承》收入《中国古代 美术全集》;论文《国漆现状之思考》获世界华人文明 研讨 中心“国际优秀创新学术成果”金奖。与夫人陶世智合作《漆艺髹饰学》详细阐述漆艺理论及技法,记录了全国各地漆工厂的工艺特色,上征古代文献,旁稽邻近国家,是1 部重要的漆艺理论总结。《彝族漆器古代 餐具探索》、《凉山彝族漆艺溯源》对地方少数民族漆器研讨 和发展起到了重要作用。

Introduction to the artist

He Haoliang (1928.2, ) alias why bother, person of Sichuan battalion hill. Be good at lacquer, lacquer painting. Sichuan academy of fine arts graduates. Participate in " Chinese Qi Yi art history " write the work. Having successively held the posts of craft of Sichuan beautiful courtyard is director of staff room of vice director, lacquer art, associate professor.
Make income of compote of parrot yulan magnolia and vase of yulan magnolia of be born out of for people congress hall " a series of books of Chinese arts and crafts " , " plum picket pen container " , " aerospace dish " , " successive " , " heavenly body dish " income " complete works of Chinese modern art " lacquer coils, lacquer painting " the bumper harvest is drawn " win award of craft of countrywide lacquer art exhibition, publish have " Qi Yi Xiu is acted the role of learn " etc.
1961, he Haoliang joins culture department teaching material of advanced art school writes a group " Qi Yi history " write the work, tens of year the research that will devote total energy to lacquer craft, make and education. The lacquer lacquer painting of creation attends for many times national and exhibit internationally, make for people congress hall " compote of parrot yulan magnolia " " vase of yulan magnolia of be born out of " income " lacquer of China of a series of books of Chinese arts and crafts piece ` Sichuan lacquer " . " plum picket pen container " " aerospace dish " " Tibetian flourish is provided " income " complete works of Chinese modern art " (lacquer coils) , lacquer painting " accede " income " complete works of Chinese modern art " ; Paper " country the reflection of lacquer current situation " win research center of world Chinese culture " international is outstanding innovation science gain " gold prize. Cooperate with madam Tao Shizhi " Qi Yi Xiu is acted the role of learn " elaborate Qi Yi to reach ability way theoretically in detail, recorded the craft characteristic of factory of lacquering of countrywide each district, archaic document is signed on, by check vicinity country, it is a summary of important Qi Yi theory. " contemporary tableware explores lacquer of the Yi nationality " , " Qi Yi of cool hill the Yi nationality traces to the source " study to local minority lacquer and main effect arrived since development.

