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黄维中(1930.8—2007.8)福建尤溪人。原中国美术家协会会员、中国漆画研讨 会副会长。擅长漆画、书籍装帧。曾任解放军某军文工团团员,1956年考入地方 工艺美术学院,1963年毕业到天津工艺美术技校任教,1973年天津任工艺美术研讨 所工艺美术师,1985年任天津画院专业画家,1 级美术师。长时间 从事专业美术创作研讨 ,艺术成就 深厚,特别是创作了铝板漆画的制法,为漆画的繁荣做出了出色 贡献。是新中国漆画10位代表人物之1 。
漆画《清流》获第六届全国美展优秀作品奖;《旭日 》获第七届全国美展铜奖;《山魂》获?第八届全国美展优秀作品奖;《山和水》、《翠谷》、《洱海渔归》、《小牛回家》、《桥》、《雨后》被中国美术馆收藏。作品选入《中国古代 美术全集·漆画卷》。
他的漆画《山和水》就是以铝板为底胎,在黑色的背景上,以艳丽的红、黄、绿等色彩,巧妙地利用山水的倒影,构成 新的图式。他的作品不留意 写实性,而是充分发挥漆画的材料美与工艺美,正如他本身 所言:“寻求 传统和当代认识 的和谐结合,在手工艺和纯绘画的夹缝中寻觅 本身 的世界。”

Introduction to the artist

In Huang Wei? (1930.8, 2007.8) ? Person of Fujian blame brook. Vice-chairman of seminar of lacquer painting of academician of former China artist, China. Be good at binding and layout of lacquer painting, book. Ever held the post of the liberation army some army member of song and dance ensemble, took an examination of institute of central arts and crafts 1956, graduation taught to school of ability of Tianjin arts and crafts 1963, tianjin held the post of division of arts and crafts of institute of arts and crafts 1973, held the post of painter of major of Tianjin imperial art academy 1985, division of one class art. ? Be engaged in professional art for a long time inventing research, artistic attainment is deep, created aluminium board lacquer painting especially make a way, made outstanding contribution for the prosperity of lacquer painting. It is new China lacquer painting represents one of people 10 times.
? ? ? ? Lacquer painting " Qing Dynasty flows " obtain beauty of the 6th whole nation to exhibit outstanding work reward; " the setting sun " obtain beauty of the 7th whole nation to exhibit cupreous award; " hill fetch " obtain? Beauty of the 8th whole nation exhibits outstanding work reward; " hill and water " , " emerald green cereal " , " does Er sea fishing return " , " does the calf come home " , " the bridge? " , " after rain " be collected by Chinese art gallery. Work is chosen " picture scroll of lacquer of · of complete works of Chinese modern art " .
? ? ? ? His lacquer painting " hill and water " namely with aluminium board is bottom embryo, on black setting, with gorgeous red, yellow, green wait for colour, use the inverted image of landscape ably, form new schematic. His work carelessly realistically quality, develop the material beauty of lacquer painting and craft beauty adequately however, no less than he himself place character: "The harmony that seeks tradition and contemporary consciousness is united in wedlock, oneself world is searched in the crack of handicraft and pure brushwork. Oneself world is searched in the crack of handicraft and pure brushwork..

