蔡康非,1949年出生。上海科技出版社美术编辑,中国美协会员,中国科普作协理事、美术专业委员会副主任,上海美协会员,上海科普作协副秘书长、美术专业委员会主任。作品曾获全国科普美展1 等奖,国家图书奖,精神文明建设“5 个1 工程”入选作品奖,新民晚报“和平杯”国际漫画大赛优秀奖和全国科学漫画连环画插图大展银奖,并曾入选汉城国际漫画展。1999年获上海市大众科学奖提名。
Cai Kang is not, was born 1949. Art of press of Shanghai science and technology edits, chinese beautiful association member, chinese popular science makes vice director of council of major of assistant manager thing, art, shanghai beautiful association member, shanghai popular science is made assist chairman of committee of major of deputy secretary-general, art. Work ever obtained beauty of countrywide popular science to exhibit first prize, national books award, cultural and ideological progress " 5 one project " selected work reward, new civilian evening paper " peaceful cup " outstanding award and illustration of comic of countrywide scientific caricature exhibit international caricature contest greatly silver-colored award, and ever selected Seoul international overflows art exhibition. Won nomination of award of Shanghai masses science 1999.