冯博1 (1960.10—)擅长美术评论。独立策展人、美术评论家,并兼任何香凝美术馆、金鸡湖美术馆艺术总监。1984年毕业于首都师范大学历史系。1988-2008年在中国美术家协会任编辑工作。现生活工作于北京、深圳、苏州。
努力 于中国当代实验艺术的策划、评论、编辑等工作。撰写有几十万字的论文、评论文章。在国内外策划的重要展览有:“生存痕迹——98中国当代艺术内部观摩展”、“不合作方式”展、“重新解读——首届广州当代艺术三年展”、北京浮世绘、“左手与右手——中、德当代艺术展”、“进与出,或之间——空间位移的N种方式”、“东经116?与北纬40?的聚落”国际当代艺术展、“今日中国-中国当代艺术的转世魅影”展、成都双年展、“七零八落”艺术展、“透视的景观——第六届深圳国际当代雕塑艺术展”、“偷梁换柱 ——中国当代艺术的后古代 方式”展、“空间的多米诺计划”、“我的骨肉皮”、“两岸四地艺术交流计划”、1 种生存实在属性的叙事——中国当代艺术展展览等。是为中国目前最活跃的独立策展人和评论家之1 。
Feng Bo one (1960.1, ) be good at art commenting on. Independent scheme exhibits essayist of person, art, hold chief inspector of art of art gallery of He Xiangning art gallery, golden pheasant lake part-time. Was graduated from department of history of capital Normal University 1984. 1988-2008 year allow to edit the job in Chinese artist association. Show the life to work at Beijing, Shenzhen, Suzhou.
The plan that devotes oneself to art of Chinese contemporary experiment, comment, editor waits for the job. Compose has implied meaning of the paper of hundred thousands of word, comment. Have in the important exhibition of domestic and international plan: "Live trace -- artistic now in-house inspect and learn each other's work exhibits 98 China " , " uncooperative means " exhibit, " unscramble afresh -- first Guangzhou contemporary art is exhibited 3 years " , draw of Beijing float world, " left hand and right hand -- contemporary art exhibits medium, heart " , " into with piece, or between -- is the N of dimensional displacement planted means " , " the east longitude 116? With north latitude 40? get together fall " contemporary art exhibits international, " now China - shadow of China's artistic now reincarnation evil spirit " exhibit, Chengdu pair year exhibit, " scattered here and there " art is exhibited, " clairvoyant landscape -- contemporary sculptural exhibits international of the 6th Shenzhen " , . It is at present for China the most active independent scheme exhibits person and one of essayist.