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庄征,别名 庄真,原名庄贞富,1941年出生于广东省潮安县江东镇,1965年毕业于广州美术学院雕塑系,同年分配到天津工作。现为国家1 级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,天津市政协公共艺术和城雕委员会主任,天津画院国家1 级美术师、雕塑家,中国致公画院副院长,天津市致公画院院长。他的作品多次参加全国性美展和赴法、美、日、新加坡等国展览,荣获过天津市美展1 等奖,国际雕刻大赛创造奖和佳作奖。
作品有《高山仰止》(周恩来邓颖超石雕像)、《万象更新》大型石雕。雕塑作品《亲人》、《探海姑娘》、《青春旋律》、《冰上之舞》、《摇篮》等前后 入选全国美展。城市雕塑《渴望和平》、《吹箫引风》被评为全国优秀城市雕塑并入选全国城雕艺术展。叠层石雕刻作品《酣》、《奔》、《驰》等十5 件于1992年在美国洛杉矶展出并被收藏。十多年来有《更快更高更强》、《抗日殉难烈士纪念碑》等十几座大型城雕在天津、河北省、河南省、山西省等地建成。雕塑《较量》、《搏》、《摇篮》等前后 获天津市美展1 、二等奖。国画作品多次赴日本、美国、韩国、台湾、澳门、瑞士等地展出并被收藏。作品被编入《世界雕塑全集》和《世界当代书画名家作品集》等。传略收入《中国美术年鉴》、《中国文艺传集》等。1995年出版《庄征作品集》。

Introduction to the artist

Zhuang Zheng, renown Zhuang Zhen, chastity of original name banker is rich, was born in Guangdong to save the wet Jiang Dong that install a county to press down 1941, was graduated from department of sculpture of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1965, allocation of of the same age works to Tianjin. It is a country now division of one class art, chinese artist academician, tianjin city the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is communal art and chairman of city carve committee, country of Tianjin imperial art academy division of one class art, sculptor, china sends assistant dean of fair imperial art academy, tianjin city sends dean of fair imperial art academy. His work attends to national beauty is exhibited and go to the country such as law, beautiful, day, Singapore to exhibit for many times, had had the honor to win Tianjin city beauty to exhibit first prize, international carves a contest to create award and award of an excellent work.
Work has " the high mountain is admired stop " (Zhou En comes Deng Ying exceeds stone carving resemble) , " every phenomenon is updated " large stone carving. Sculpture work " family member " , " explore sea girl " , " green air " , " ice dance " , " cradle " etc early or late beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited. Urban sculpture " desirous peace " , " blow xiao to bring wind " be judged to be sculpture of countrywide outstanding city art of carve of city of selected whole nation is exhibited. The stone carving that fold a layer cuts work " to one's heart's content " , " run quickly " , " gallop " wait to was in the United States 15 times to los angeles exhibits and be collected 1992. Will more than 10 years have " faster more Gao Gengjiang " , " monument to revolutionary martyrs of the die that fight day " wait for carve of ten large cities to be in Tianjin, Heibei and other places of province, Henan province, Shanxi province builds. Sculpture " argue " , " wrestle " , " cradle " wait to obtain Tianjin city beauty to exhibit early or late one, second-class award. Work of traditional Chinese painting goes to Japan, United States, Korea, Taiwan, Macao, Switzerland to and other places exhibits and be collected for many times. Work is enrolled " world sculpture complete works " and " collect of work of a person of academic or artistic distinction of world contemporary painting and calligraphy " etc. Biography brief income " Chinese art almanac " , " China is literary send market " etc. Published 1995 " collect of Zhuang Zheng work " .

