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 2006年    北京融科新锐艺术展,北京

2005年    法国国际艺术城画廊展,巴黎

2003年    应桂林愚自乐园国际艺术园约请 长时间 创作近4年,创作了系列大型木雕《入梦》、石雕《嬗夜》、铜雕、《本源》等大量作品

2001年    法国秋季沙龙展,巴黎

2000年    中国当代雕塑展,广东美术馆

1999年    法国LA BIENNALE D‘ISSY双年展, 巴黎

1997年    中国艺术大展, 中国美术馆

1994年    当代青年雕塑家约请 展, 杭州

1980年    全国第二届青年美展, 中国美术馆 


 2006年    北京融科新锐艺术展,北京

2005年    法国国际艺术城画廊展,巴黎

2003年    应桂林愚自乐园国际艺术园约请 长时间 创作近4年,创作了系列大型木雕《入梦》、


2001年    法国秋季沙龙展,巴黎

2000年    中国当代雕塑展,广东美术馆

1999年    法国LA BIENNALE D‘ISSY双年展, 巴黎

1997年    中国艺术大展, 中国美术馆

1994年    当代青年雕塑家约请 展, 杭州

1980年    全国第二届青年美展, 中国美术馆



《文明 映象:大陆雕塑家访谈》,台湾慈济大爱电视台

《美术研讨 》1998年第三期,作品选登及创作札记


《美术研讨 》1989年第三期,获奖先生 创作谈




台湾金宝山事业集团董事长曹日章先生 、电影投资人王中军先生


 绘画《农夫和牛》获得第二届全国青年美展三等奖,地方 美术学院优秀作品评比1 等奖

2005年应中国慈善总会拜托 嘉德拍卖行的约请 ,参加中国社会精英为东南亚海啸振灾义拍活动,捐资5 万元人民币

Introduction in English

 Born in January 1963, Beijing native. Graduated from secondary school attached to Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1983, worked in Xinhua News Agency in 1985, and graduated from Sculpture Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1990 with a bachelor's degree. In 1994, he graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts and worked in the Institute of Sculpture Creation of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He was a co-artist of the Art Review Network.


Art Resume


2006 Beijing Rongke New Art Exhibition, Beijing


Gallery Exhibition of International Art City, France, 2005, Paris


In 2003, at the invitation of Guilin Yuzi Paradise International Art Park, he created a series of large-scale wood carvings "Dreaming", stone carvings "Evolution Night", bronze carvings, and "Origin" for nearly four years.


French Autumn Salon 2001, Paris


2000 China Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art


1999 LA BIENNALE D'ISSY Biennale, Paris


1997 China Art Exhibition, China Art Museum


1994 Contemporary Young Sculptors Invitation Exhibition, Hangzhou


1980 Second National Youth Art Exhibition, China Museum of Art


Excellent Exhibition:


2006 Beijing Rongke New Art Exhibition, Beijing


Gallery Exhibition of International Art City, France, 2005, Paris


In 2003, at the invitation of Guilin Yuzi Paradise International Art Park, he created a series of large-scale woodcarving "Dream" for nearly four years.


A large number of stone carvings such as "Evolution Night", "Bronze Carvings", "Origin" and so on


French Autumn Salon 2001, Paris


2000 China Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art


1999 LA BIENNALE D'ISSY Biennale, Paris


1997 China Art Exhibition, China Art Museum


1994 Contemporary Young Sculptors Invitation Exhibition, Hangzhou


1980 Second National Youth Art Exhibition, China Museum of Art


Public Collections:


The Government of Obari City, Toulouse Province, France, North China Hotel, 1990, Nanshan Sculpture Institute, Shenzhen, 1997, Personal Collection,


Mr. Cao Rizhang, Chairman of Taiwan Jinbaoshan Enterprise Group and Mr. Wang Zhongjun, Film Investor

