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陈道坦,字道难,1919年9月生于湖北武汉。1946年毕业于杭州国立艺专并留校从事雕塑创作和研讨 。1965年开始至今为上海油画雕塑院专职雕塑家。1989年被评为国家1 级美术师。现为国家美术家协会会员,中国雕塑学会会员。曾任上海美术家协会常务理事,上海城市雕塑艺术委员会副主任,第六届全国美展评委,首届全国城市雕塑优秀作品评委,上海市文艺界首届高级职称评委,上海工业大学文明 艺术指点 中心顾问、特聘教授。
雕塑《少女》1957年入选社会主义国家外型 艺术展。此雕塑前后 在莫斯科、东欧巡展,并在前苏联《艺术家》杂志上进行专版介绍。后雕塑《少女》、《大庆人》前后 被中国美术馆收藏。其余多件作品亦多次入选全国美展并获奖。
1977年参加《毛主席纪念堂大型群雕》创作,1979年作为中国雕塑专家被国务院文明 部派往朝鲜进行文明 交流。1981年在上海举办《道坦雕塑作品展》,1984年《道坦雕塑选》、《春天》专著出版,2008年《海上名家——陈道坦艺术专辑》由中国书画出版社出版。此外,陈道坦传略前后 入编《世界艺术家名人录》、《中国当代名人录》、《中国专家人名词典》等数部名人传略专集。

Introduction to the artist

Chen Daotan, word line is hard, ? Was born at Hubei Wuhan in September 1919. Was graduated from Hangzhou to state-maintained 1946 art stay only school be engaged in sculpture is created and studying. Began to be sculptor of full-time of courtyard of Shanghai canvas sculpture up to now 1965. Was judged to be a country 1989 division of one class art. It is national artist academician now, chinese sculpture academician. Association of artist of Ceng Ren Shanghai is standing director, vice director of council of Shanghai city sculptural, beauty of the 6th whole nation exhibits a commissioner, sculpture of city of first whole nation is outstanding work commissioner, shanghai is literary bound commissioner of first advanced title, adviser of center of art director of culture of Shanghai industry university, special hire a professor.
 Sculpture " girl " plastic arts of country of selected 1957 socialism is exhibited. This sculpture is exhibited in make one's rounds of Muscovite, hamster early or late, advanced Russia " artist " undertake on the magazine only edition introduction. Hind sculpture " girl " , " Daqing person " be collected by Chinese art gallery early or late. The others many work also for many times beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited and bear the palm.
 Attended 1977 " Chairman Mao memorial hall is large group of carve " creation, served as Chinese sculpture expert to be undertaken toward Korea by group of department of culture of the State Council culture communicates 1979. Held in Shanghai 1981 " work of path calm sculpture is exhibited " , 1984 " path calm sculpture is chosen " , " spring " monograph is published, 2008 " maritime a person of academic or artistic distinction -- special of Chen Daotan art " publish by press of Chinese painting and calligraphy. In addition, biography brief of old path calm is entered early or late make up " world artist blue book " , " Chinese contemporary blue book " , " noun of Chinese expert person is in charge of " biography brief of celebrity of ministry waiting for number only collect.

