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曾竹韶 - 大道沧桑——曾竹韶先生雕塑艺术研

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中国美术家协会会员,著名雕塑家、美术教育家、新中国雕塑事业奠基者之1 曾竹韶先生2012年3月12日在北京病逝,享年104岁。

曾竹韶先生1908年7月7日出生于福建省厦门市同安集美区的1 个华侨家庭。1919年,随父母离开家乡,举家移居到缅甸仰光。就读于缅甸仰光华侨中学。1922年从缅甸回国。1928年3月,考入杭州国立艺术专科学校,学习绘画和雕塑。成为国立杭州艺术专科学校首次开设雕塑专科的第1 批雕塑先生 。1929年9月赴法国留学。前后 在法国里昂国立美术学校,巴黎国立高等美术学院雕塑系学习,并师从著名雕塑家布夏(Bouchard),同时在巴黎西赛芳音乐学院学习小提琴,师从于著名小提琴家保罗.奥别多菲尔(PaulOberdoeffer)。留法期间与冼星海等5 人组织成立了“巴黎中国留法音乐学会”。与常书鸿刘开渠王临乙吕斯百等人发起成立了“中国留法先生 巴黎艺术学会”。与张悟真1 道加入在巴黎组织的“华侨抗日救国会”和“抗日统1 阵线 大同盟”。1939年底,在第二次世界大战法国沦陷前夕,从法国马赛起程回国。前后 受聘任教育部音乐教育委员会委员、四川华西大学石刻博物馆顾问、成都省立艺术专科学校教授,1944年回重庆任国立艺专雕塑系教授。1947年至1949年被重庆大学建筑系聘为教授。
解放当前 ,曾竹韶先生于1950年任职中国革命博物馆(现国家博物馆)筹建处。1952年调入地方 美术学院工作,同期,参与了人民英雄纪念碑的建设与浮雕创作。曾竹韶为中国雕塑事业的发展做出了开创性的贡献。他的作品坚持革命的理想 主义与革命的浪漫主义相交融,其纪念性作品及肖像创作达到了1 个难以企及的高峰,代表作品有:人民英雄纪念碑《虎门销烟》、中山公园《孙中山》、地质博物馆《李四光》、北京大学《蔡元培》、《陶铸》等。

曾竹韶先生是新中国古代 雕塑教育的开拓者,他为我国雕塑艺术教育做出了巨大贡献。

1987年,曾竹韶先生被文明 部授予优秀共产党员称号。1991年获国务院政府特殊津贴。由于曾竹韶先生在雕塑创作方面取得的突出成绩。2002年获得文明 部颁发的首届“外型 表演艺术创作研讨 成就奖”。2003年获中国文联、中国美协联合颁发的“中国美术金彩奖”,暨中国美术专业毕生 成就奖。

Introduction to the artist

Chinese artist academician, mr Ceng Zhushao was in one of person that career of sculpture of educationist of famous sculptor, art, new China lays a foundation on March 12, 2012 Beijing dies of illness, die at the age of is 104 years old.

Mr Ceng Zhushao was born in the family of an overseas Chinese of area of Jimei of Tongan of city of Fujian Province Xiamen on July 7, 1908. 1919, leave home town along with parents, lift the home to migrate Burmese Yang Guang. Read learn in the Burmese overseas Chinese that admire light. 1922 from Burmese go back to the motherland. In March 1928, check training school of Hangzhou state-maintaineding art, learn brushwork and sculpture. The first batch of sculptor that become training school of national Hangzhou art to open sculpture specialized subject first are unripe. Went to France to study abroad in September 1929. Be in school of French Lyons state-maintaineding art early or late, department of sculpture of national and advanced academy of fine arts learns Paris, and master from famous sculptor cloth summer (Bouchard) , in Paris at the same time institute of Xi Saifang music learns a violin, master from at famous violinist Paul. Abstruse Bieduofeier (PaulOberdoeffer) . 5 people organization waited to hold water with Xian star sea during remaining a way " Parisian China leaves law musicology to meet " . With Chang Shuhong, Liu Kaiqu, Wang Linyi, Lv Si 100 wait for a person to initiate held water " China leaves Templar Paris art to learn " . Join what organize in Paris together really with Zhang Wu " overseas Chinese refuses day of meeting saving the nation " and " alliance of Great Harmony of the united front that fight day " . By 1939, fall into enemy hands in France of Second World War eve, go back to the motherland from French Marseilles leave. Suffer music of Ministry of Education of appoint to a position to teach committee committee member, Sichuan China early or late on the west provincial and artistic schools teachs adviser of museum of university carved stone, Chengdu, answered Chongqing to allow to state-maintained 1944 art only sculpture is a professor. Came to was hired to be a professor by department of Chongqing university building 1949 1947.
After liberating, mr Ceng Zhushao held a post 1950 Chinese revolution museum (show national museum) prepare to construct place. Transferred into central academy of fine arts works 1952, the corresponding period, shared the construction of people hero monument and anaglyph creative work. Ceng Zhushao was the development of Chinese sculpture career to make the contribution that initiates a gender. What his work holds to revolution is realistic blend with romanticism photograph of revolution, its commemorate sexual work and effigies creation achieved hard the peak that look forward to reachs, represent work to have: People hero is monumental " tiger door sells cigarette " , Zhongshan park " Sun Zhongshan " , geological museum " Li Siguang " , Beijing University " Cai Yuanpei " , " Tao Zhu " etc.

Mr Ceng Zhushao is the trailblazer that new China contemporary sculpture teachs, he made enormous contribution for education of our country sculptural.

1987, mr Ceng Zhushao is granted outstanding communist title by culture ministry. Captured government of the State Council 1991 special allowance. Because Mr Ceng Zhushao is in,sculpture produces the outstanding result that the respect obtains. First when obtained culture ministry to issue 2002 " modelling performance art creates research to make award " . Obtained beauty of Chinese article couplet, China 2003 assist issue jointly " award of Chinese art Jin Cai " , and Chinese art major is lifelong achievement award.

