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2022-03-11 17:17:05 3657




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朱惟精(1940.12—)别名允中,家麟,浙江东阳人。擅长雕塑、绘画。曾在青海省群众艺术馆、省美术创作领导小组工作。后历任长沙市广告公司惟精美术工作室设计师,湖南美协雕塑艺委会副主任、顾问,湖南科技大学美术考古组长和建筑系教授,长沙雕塑院院长,省文史研讨 馆馆员,长沙市文联委员、美术家协会副主席。系长沙市人民对外敌对 协会第三届理事,长沙市第六、七、八届政协委员。作品多次参加全国美展并获奖。作品有纪念碑《向警予》、《周立波》、《雷锋》、《芙蓉女》和《毛泽东》等。出版有《朱惟精雕塑集》等。

Introduction to the artist

Essence of bright red alone (1940.12, ) in alias allow, domestic Lin, zhejiang Dong Yang's person. Be good at sculpture, brushwork. Creative work of art of house of art of masses of province of Ceng Zaiqing sea, province leads a group to work. Stylist of atelier of art of essence of alone of firm of ad of the Changsha City is had successively held the posts of after, hunan is beautiful assist sculpture art appoint vice director, can advisory, group leader of archaeology of art of university of Hunan science and technology and building fasten a professor, dean of Changsha sculpture courtyard, the member that save literary history to study house house, vice-chairman of association of committee member of couplet of article of the Changsha City, artist. People of department the Changsha City external friendship association the 3rd director, the Changsha City the 6th, 7, committee member of 8 the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conferences. Work attends countrywide beauty to exhibit for many times and bear the palm. Work has monument " to alarm grant " , " Zhou Libo " , " Lei Feng " , " lotus daughter " and " Mao Zedong " etc. Publish have " collect of sculpture of Zhu Wei essence " etc.

