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 张谔1928年就读于杭州西湖国立艺术院雕塑系,1931年毕业於私立上海美术专科学校西画系 。前后 在上海新新公司、大中华百货公司画广告,在南国社、春秋剧社从事舞台美术设计 。

1932年参加中国美术家联盟,任履行 委员 。1933年至1935年任《中华月报》画刊美术编辑,同时主编《编画生活》,并为《世界知识》、《申报周刊》创作漫画 。

1937年在广州参加筹备《星粤日报》出版工作,任美术编辑,同时兼任广东省漫画界抗敌协会主办的《漫画阵线 》主编 。

1938年到武汉,任《新华日报》美术科主任 。

1940年赴延安,先後在地方 出版发行部、《解放日报》编辑部工作 。

1946年起被派遗到鲁南、香港、天津等地从事经济工作 。

1952年调建筑工程部材料局任计划统计科副科长 。

1954年以来,历任中国美术家协会展览部副主任、会员工作部主任、副秘书长,中国美术馆副馆长 。


中国美协第二、三届理事会理事 。

次要 作品


作品有连续漫画《旧诡计 、新花样》、《老子天下第5 》等 。

出版有《漫画自全集 》。

Introduction in English

 Zhang Jie (1910.5-1995.5), a native of Suqian, Jiangsu Province, is good at cartoons. He joined the Sculpture Department of Hangzhou Art College in 1928 and then transferred to the Western Painting Department of Shanghai Art College. He graduated in 1931. In 1932, he joined the Chinese Artists Union as an executive member. He was the art editor of Comic and Life, China Monthly, the editor-in-chief of Comic Position, and the publisher of National Life. After 1938, he worked in Wuhan and Chongqing Xinhua Daily and published a large number of cartoons. He was appointed Director of Fine Arts Department of Yan'an Liberation Daily in 1941. A three-person satirical painting exhibition was held. Since 1954, he has been the director, Deputy Secretary-General and deputy curator of the Chinese Art Museum.


Zhang Ge studied in the Department of Sculpture of the West Lake National Academy of Art in Hangzhou in 1928 and graduated from the Department of Western Painting of the Private Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in 1931. He painted advertisements in Shanghai Xinxin Company and Greater China Department Store Company, and engaged in stage art design in Nanguo Society and Spring and Autumn Opera Society.


In 1932, he joined the Chinese Artists'Union as an executive member. From 1933 to 1935, he was the art editor of the Chinese Monthly Picture Magazine and the editor-in-chief of Painting Life. He also created cartoons for World Knowledge and Shenbao Weekly.


In 1937, he participated in the preparatory work for the publication of the Star Guangdong Daily in Guangzhou. He was an art editor and the editor-in-chief of the Cartoon Front sponsored by the Anti-Enemy Association of the Cartoon Industry of Guangdong Province.


In 1938, he came to Wuhan and became director of the Fine Arts Department of Xinhua Daily.


He went to Yan'an in 1940 and worked successively in the Central Publishing and Distribution Department and the Editorial Department of Jiefang Daily.


Since 1946, he has been sent to Lunan, Hong Kong, Tianjin and other places to engage in economic work.


In 1952, the Material Bureau of the Ministry of Construction and Engineering was appointed Deputy Chief of Planning and Statistics Section.


Since 1954, he has been deputy director of exhibition department, director of member work department, Deputy Secretary-General and deputy curator of China Art Museum.


He retired in 1986.


Member of the Second and Third Councils of the Chinese Association of Arts.


Zhang Jie is good at cartoons.


His works include "Old Conspiracy, New Pattern" and "Laozi Fifth under the World".


Published in the "Cartoon Selected Collection".

