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窦申清(绅清),1966年1月生,黑龙江肇东人,本籍 山东。师承贾平西李魁正先生。肇东市文联青年国画研讨 会创作员。1995年加入中国美术家协会,深造于地方 美院中国画系。作品参加中国美协举办的27次画展,获金奖1 次、银奖1 次、优秀奖三次,特邀作品四次;参加首届工笔山水画展获金奖,参加[牡丹杯]国际书画大奖赛获金奖,参加首届中国青年国画家作品大展获金奖,参加1999年首届中原艺术博览会获金奖。《春天里的云》入编《1900-1997中国工笔画》,《乡情》,《春天里的云》入编《中国花鸟画全集》,《又话丰年》、《云路八千》、《游春》、《吟秋》、《乡音照旧 》等十1 幅作品入编《中国当代美术全集.工笔花鸟卷》。数十幅作品被中国美术馆、中国艺术研讨 院,中国展览交流中心、黑龙江美术馆等单位收藏。曾在黑龙江美术馆、曹州书画院、洛阳博物馆、厦门美术馆等举办个人画展21次,出版个人画集11种。现为中国美术家协会会员,北京工笔重彩画会会员。 


  《故乡的雪》入选第三届中国当代工笔画大展,《沉月》、《秋会》等5 件入选第八届全国新人新作展;《晨》获中国当代工笔山水画展金叉奖 ;《荒野情》获第二届中国花鸟画展优秀奖。作品《乡音照旧 话盈秋》入选2004年首届中国美术家协会会员中国画精品展。

次要 作品

 《春天里的云》入编《1900-1997中国工笔画》,《乡情》,《春天里的云》入编《中国花鸟画全集》,《又话丰年》、《云路八千》、《游春》、《吟秋》、《乡音照旧 》等十1 幅作品入编《中国当代美术全集.工笔花鸟卷》。数十幅作品被中国美术馆、中国艺术研讨 院,中国展览交流中心、黑龙江美术馆等单位收藏。曾在黑龙江美术馆、曹州书画院、洛阳博物馆、厦门美术馆等举办个人画展21次,出版个人画集11种。现为中国美术家协会会员,北京工笔重彩画会会员。


《故乡的雪》入选第三届中国当代工笔画大展,《沉月》、《秋会》等5 件入选第八届全国新人新作展;《晨》获中国当代工笔山水画展金叉奖 ;《荒野情》获第二届中国花鸟画展优秀奖。作品《乡音照旧 话盈秋》入选2004年首届中国美术家协会会员中国画精品展。

English Introduction

 Dou Shenqing (Shen Qing), born in January 1966, Heilongjiang Zhaodong, Shandong province. Disciple Jia Pingxi, Mr. Li Kui Zheng. The creation of Zhaodong Federation of Youth Chinese painting research association. In 1995 to join the China Artists Association, studies in the Department of the Central Academy of fine arts painting China. The 27 Works in the exhibition organized by the association of Chinese, won three gold, one silver and one award for outstanding works of four, invited to participate in the first exhibition of Chinese landscape; won the gold medal, in &#91 ] Peony cup; International Calligraphy Grand Prix won the gold medal, in the first Chinese young artist works exhibition Gold Award in 1999. The first Chinese Art Expo Gold award. "In the spring" into the "cloud" 1900-1997 Chinese painting, "nostalgia", "spring" into the "cloud China painting" the complete, "harvest", "eight thousand words", "you", and "autumn", "accent still" eleven paintings "in contemporary China the complete works of art. The fine brushwork flower and bird volume". Dozens of works by the Chinese Art Museum, China Art Research Institute, China Exhibition Exchange Center, Heilongjiang Art Museum and other units. Once in the Heilongjiang Art Museum, Caozhou painting homes, Luoyang Museum, Xiamen Art Museum held a personal exhibition 21 times, his personal collections 11. Member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Beijing Chinese painting society.

"Hometown of snow" was selected for the third China contemporary painting exhibition, "Shen", "autumn month" five selected for the Eighth National Exhibition of new artists; "morning" by China contemporary Chinese landscape painting "wilderness" MACD Award; won the second award for outstanding Chinese flower exhibition. It still works "accent Ying autumn" was selected in 2004 first Chinese Artists Association Chinese boutique painting exhibition.

"In the spring" into the "cloud" 1900-1997 Chinese painting, "nostalgia", "spring" into the "cloud China painting" the complete, "harvest", "eight thousand words", "you", and "autumn", "accent still" eleven paintings "in contemporary China the complete works of art. The fine brushwork flower and bird volume". Dozens of works by the Chinese Art Museum, China Art Research Institute, China Exhibition Exchange Center, Heilongjiang Art Museum and other units. Once in the Heilongjiang Art Museum, Caozhou painting homes, Luoyang Museum, Xiamen Art Museum held a personal exhibition 21 times, his personal collections 11. Member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Beijing Chinese painting society.

"Hometown of snow" was selected for the third China contemporary painting exhibition, "Shen", "autumn month" five selected for the Eighth National Exhibition of new artists; "morning" by China contemporary Chinese landscape painting "wilderness" MACD Award; won the second award for outstanding Chinese flower exhibition. It still works "accent Ying autumn" was selected in 2004 first Chinese Artists Association Chinese boutique painting exhibition.

