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连明生,男,1971年生于福建将乐县,别署大明。毕业于厦门大学美术系国画专业,并于2001年就读于厦门大学美术系洪惠镇教授研讨 生。2004年毕业获硕士学位。现为厦门大学美术系教师、系中国书法家协会会员、厦门市青年书法家协会副主席。
入展由中国书协主办的全国第四、第六、第七、第八届中青年书法篆刻展、第二届中国书坛新人展、全国第六届书法篆刻展、全国第1 届、第二届全国行草书法大展、全国第三、四届正书大展、全国第1 届扇面艺术大展、首届中国书法兰亭奖作品展(中国文联、中国书协主办)、全国首届青年书法展、获全国纪念邓小平诞辰100周年书画展三等奖,作品被地方 文献室以明信片情势 在全国正式发行(人民日报社、中共地方 文献室)、入选第1 届国际绘画书法艺术大展(中国书协、中国美协共同主办)、“世界华人书画展”(文明 部艺术局、中国书协、中国美协合办)获福建省第二届艺术节银奖(省文明 厅主办)、1994年获厦门市临书大赛优秀奖(第一位 )(厦门市书法家协会主办)、1995年获全国“三龙杯”书画大赛成年组独一 特等奖,浙江卫视有报道(全国书画段位评定委员会与浙江省政府主办)、1995年获厦门市青年书法奖(厦门市书协)、1996年获厦门市政府“姚嘉熙文艺奖”(厦门市政府文艺奖)、1996年获全国“蓥源杯”书法大赛1 等奖(文明 部社文司、省文明 厅主办)、1999年入选福建省第三届书画展铜奖(省文明 厅主办)、2003年入展第二届流行书风、印风大展(今日美术馆主办)、2003年获福建省人民政府颁发的福建省第四届百花文艺奖(福建省政府)、2006年入展全国中国画展(中国美协主办)、2007年入展第三届全国中国画展(中国美协主办)。
作品曾多次发表于《中国书画报》、《书法报》、《书法导报》等权威刊物,其个人事迹在福建电视台、《福建日报》等旧事 媒体作过专题报道。

Introduction to the artist

Lian Mingsheng, male, was born at Fujian general happy county 1971, fasten arrange big bright. Be graduated from Xiamen university art is major of traditional Chinese painting, read 2001 at Xiamen university art Ji Honghui presses down professor graduate student. Graduation obtained master's degree 2004. Fasten vice-chairman of association of calligrapher of youth of city of academician of calligrapher of China of teacher, department, Xiamen for Xiamen university art now.
Work is selected circumstance of bear the palm:
Enter exhibit by Chinese book assist sponsorred whole nation the 4th, the 6th, the 7th, the 8th medium young calligraphy seal cutting is exhibited, new personality of world of book of the 2nd China is exhibited, seal cutting of the 6th calligraphy of countrywide is exhibited, the whole nation the first, work is issued formally in the whole nation with postcard form by central document room (room of document of People's Daily company, Central Committee of Communist Party of China) , selected the first international draws calligraphy art is exhibited greatly (Chinese book assist, Chinese beauty assist sponsor jointly) , " world Chinese painting and calligraphy is exhibited, zhejiang is defended inspect have a story (complete credential draws an assess committee and paragraph of Zhejiang province government to sponsor) , won award of calligraphy of youth of mansion retail sales 1995 (Xiamen city book assist) , captured Xiamen municipal government 1996 " Yao.
Work ever was published at for many times " Chinese book pictorial " , " calligraphy signs up for " , " calligraphy gazette " wait for authoritative publication, its individual achievement is in Fujian TV station, " Fujian daily " wait for news media to had made special subject report.

